The Most Strange Interrogation You’ve Ever Seen

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The Most Strange Interrogation You’ve Ever Seen

Welcome to Real Crime Psychology. Today, we present the story of a delusional killer who stabbed his roommate because “the voices” drove him to do so. Watch along as we walk deeper into the psyche of Brent Carvajal and explain what or who convinced him to take the life of Bradley Harshman. 

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The Most Strange Interrogation You’ve Ever Seen
Note for YouTube's review team, here is the context of the video: this is an educational documentary and authoritative news piece based on actual police documents and case files. Our goal is to educate the public, inform our audience, and raise awareness..

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“What happened”
“Idk I just found him like this”
“Okay but what happened”
“Idk he’s not talking, please hurry”
“Okay someone is coming but I need you to tell me exactly what happened”


I don’t think he’s capable of understanding his rights or waiving them…he shouldn’t have been questioned without council.


I can't believe they sent him to a regular prison. He needs to be in a mental facility really bad. My son was on the same meds at 15. A few years stopped taking them and there was nothing I could do because by then he was 18. He's the major problem in the family. He uses meth and is always trying to convince me that he doesn't. But he lies about pretty much everything he can't be at my house but showed up the other day. I have custody of his 9 yo daughter and she was scared to death. I got her calmed down and called the police to get him out of here. He kept saying he wanted to see his daughter and told me in front of the cops that he didn't know she was here. I said she lives here and you are lying now about knowing she's here. Its a never ending drama. I hate he's 39 and the older he gets the worse he gets. He's not been here in 2 yrs and just showed up that day. He was definitely smoking m**h. But he was being so nice but it was all an act in front of the cops. It breaks my heart and I've done everything I can to help him and to get him help but if a person doesn't want to get out of a situation then its pointless. He's a really nice looking guy he doesn't look his age and has been through some shite. He has a great personality and is hilarious but he would rather stay high and do crazy shit. I've accepted that I've lost my son and he'll never be his old self again. His brother is 36 and completely opposite. He's so good to me and is always doing something for me. I've basically got one son left because of the friggin m**h. He doesn't know how to be sober and hes has the opportunity to go to several places that will help him. But he cant get by with his drugs and staying high he really believes this too. This guy needs to be somewhere for people like him. Maybe he's different without m**h and taking his meds on a regular basis but he definitely doesn't need regular prison. And no one cares is the sad part. And they don't care who knows that they are just there for a paycheck. Nothing more.


This is so sad. My parents divorced when I was three because my Mom had a similar illness. Unfortunately for me. I remained with Mom and most of my childhood was spent in fear because she constantly believed there was a group of people after us. I began to believe it myself because I didn't know any better. At some point my Mother stopped eating because she thought her food was poisoned. I was no longer in school because she didn't trust anyone. We ended up homeless a couple of times and finally my Dad stepped in and I moved in with him. Later on my mother was put on medication and it made her completely lucid


I have been in a full-blown state of psychosis. I have alcohol use disorder, and though I don't go through long periods of binge drinking, when I have lapsed, I intensely abuse 3 or 4 litres of spirits per day until I physically can't get to the shop to buy more. When going cold turkey after a period of less than a week drinking to these levels, delerium tremens starts. Withdrawl begins quickly, even though you still have alcohol in your body. You can't eat because it will come straight back up. You can't sleep. After 48 to 72 hours of heaving, as your body tries to eject the contents of your stomach every 5 minutes, your tremor and vomiting will begin to die down, and you'll start to have distortions in your vision. Often, you'll start to see bugs, flies, spiders, etc. After maybe 12 hours of this, you can rapidly descend in to full blown hallucinations and delusions. These hallucinations are indistinguishable from reality. Every single one of your senses can be affected in a way that you will only reach the conclusion that it is absolutely real. You will see things, hear them, touch and feel things, smell things. These things are so detailed, intricate, and complex that there it is absolutely incomprehensible to you in the moment that it is not real.

You may see things and people that you have never seen before, hear voices and other things that you can not identify. I sat in a taxi after leaving hospital while the taxi driver sang along to a new song on the radio which about me, and how I was a terrible person...I was a thing of legend in the song, but the taxi driver didn't know the person in the song was actually me. It was a song I had never heard before, and it was actually composed really, really well. I later came to realise that the radio wasn't even on to begin with.

I really learned a lot through this terrifying experience. I could talk for hours of what other things were happening. The reasons I'm posting this here are: 1) I'm hoping to deter people from abusing alcohol like I have, 2) describing, as a now sane person free of delusion, how realistic and convincing these things are, and 3) because in this man's mind, he was fighting for his life. For him it had reached the point of kill or be killed. I reached the state I did because doctors and nurses willfully neglected their duty of care to me as a patient, failing to medicate me during a very dangerous and sudden withdrawal, and knowingly doing so. And discharging me while I was a danger to myself, and potentially to others too. It's possible this man's delusions were related to drugs, or maybe worsened by drugs. This made him dangerous, but I suspect he is actually a decent person when of sane mind. I consider myself a decent person, but I know that for a period of around 3 days, I was dangerous, and I had no idea at the time.


The irony is - if he'd gotten judged 'not guilty, by reason of insanity', he'd be in a psyche ward for the criminally insane for the rest of his life. However, he got seven years prison for manslaughter. So he'll probably get released after four or so years - back on the streets, still completely psychotic and still "not to be messed with".


This is definitely psychosis. Maybe drug fueled, maybe not.


Why prison and not a psych ward? What the hell?


Dude this dispatcher…. They are insufferable sometimes


Are they allowed to interrogate an obviously mentally ill person without proper representation? Doesn't seem right to me.


Hi 911? Yes I found a body splattered all over the room....
Can you ask him how he got splattered??😂😂


They shouldn’t be able to interrogate someone who is like this


Whoever did the captions for what this kid was saying is not paying attention. Half of it was wrong. I know the kid mumbles but if you listen and pay attention you can tell he's not saying what has been typed. It's a sad shame no one paid attention to the warning signs in this kids life. Another one falls through the cracks in our failing society.


13:47 he is showing signs of schizophrenia. I knew this guy that got the same diagnosis after he tried to sacrifice his own niece to the Cat Rulers, his own father came in just in time to stop him, but he had managed to kill the family cat and saying crazy things about how he must sacrifice in the name of Alien Cats and a lot of other nonsense. His dad called the cops and an ambulance and they came and took him away. I’ve heard that he sometimes forgets to take his medication and then he’ll do really disturbing things. He once told me that the voices kept talking him out of taking his medication. Must be scary for his family.


Really sad, our state closed all the mental hospitals and most are in jails or dead now how they can do stuff like that is beyond me but it’s truly sad


I think in his mind he truly was scared of this guy and I wouldn't doubt they did not mess with him you can tell he's not all there


I spent a year in trauma ICU after a car wreck . For awhile - after a nurse really thumped me hard in the chest and threatened to put me back in restraints - I had hospital/drug induced delusions . I was sure a gang of nurses were wheeling the immobile patients out through an underground tunnel every night, into a house where they diverted our narcotics and made porn movies against our will. I believed they knew I’d figured it out and were emptying the house of all evidence and were going to wheel me over and burn the house down with me in it - every night . No one could convince me otherwise . Aside from that ( and a couple other lesser delusions ) I seemed relatively normal . I was trached so I couldn’t speak, and mostly immobilized and therefore completely helpless . Delusions are about the worst thing ever . I’d never been delusional pre-extended hospital stay, not since finally leaving . But that period of time I was delusional ? OMG - absolutely no way you could prove to me it wasn’t happening . Poor guy . At least I’m the UK he’d definitely be placed in Broadnoor and only ever released if the experts thought he wasn’t a danger to the community . He would, with improvement however be allowed monitored day trips outside the facility at some point . Not stuffed in a cage without therapy for life- which is the fate I fear may be handed out to him . Absolutely terrifying for everyone . We all have family : His must be so very sad and feel helpless . I’d love a follow up to see what’s going on with him in 5 years, 10 years, etc.


If you're someone who watches a lot of Crime channels? Contrast this interview with other interrogations where the suspect claims severe mental illness.
Hopefully this guy got help.
Terrible that you have to kill someone and go to jail to get treatment. 🇺🇸


How can you convict someone and put them in real prison when it's obvious this man house mental problems. It's obvious he didn't know what he was doing. This is crazy to me😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 it just blows my mind


This makes me sick that they put this man in jail! Every single person that allowed that to happen needs to be fired and sued to pay for his medical bills he's obviously going to need
