How Muslims Are Being DECEIVED About Jesus (Important 'End Times' Expectations!)

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In this video, we look at the claim that Muslims and Christians worship the same Jesus & use eschatological expectations to draw out the differences.
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It is EXTREMELY important that Christians can recognize and point in scripture that Jesus did die and pay the penalty for our sins, and Jesus is in fact the Creator of the universe.


In Islam, they call Jesus the Messiah and yet according to them, Jesus saved nobody. Kinda makes the meaning of Messiah meaningless.


I have met Arab Christian’s who were once Muslims and converted to Christianity because of a vision they had. Amazing! Praise God!


What’s crazy is how Islam literally comes hundreds of years after the Bible to claim all this stuff


I've often wondered, if I was the devil and wanted to corrupt Jesus's teachings how would I do it? I'd tell a half-truth. To me, this is exactly what Islam is.


I am American and was Muslim for over 30 yrs. Wudu before morning prayer. Prayed in Arabic, yes I learned Arabic. 5 times a day, fasted during Ramadan. And practiced all the other nonsensical tasks of Islam, and hadiths of the prophet, muhammed. These Hadiths were ridiculous. No talking in the bathroom, no peeing outside in the shade, must sleep on your right side. These rules go on and on. I found Jesus. I am now born again and am blessed by the grace, and filled with the of Jesus Christ! Thank God for showing me the true way to Him. The only way through Jesus! The Bible and quran are very similar in content. The Quran is a watered down version of the Bible. In the name and blood of Jesus I pray that all Muslims find Jesus. The son of God. The Lord of Lords.


Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. God bless everyone!


"if you want to send a ship astray, just adjust it 1 degree to the left or right. By the time people find out about it, it's too late" - Chuck Missler.


Hi Everybody I'm A Muslim, grow In a Muslim Parent, I Accept Our Lord And Saviour Jesus Christ Thru Dreams.From that Time I left Islam,

Praise God Hallelujah And God Bless You 😇


I was saved last year and read the Bible the beginning of this year. This was something I recognized immediately as an ex-atheist who looked into Islam. I thank God for bringing this in front of everyone.


I can confirm Jesus appearing in a dream. It happened to me. I was raised in a muslim family but my intuition always made me feel that something wasn't right. At some point I started questioning everything. I started reading the Old Testament and got to Leviticus. I read nothing about Jesus himself, only the beginning of the OT, and still he appeared to me in a dream:
I saw an old camera roll, where you can see the individual pictures, flying by my face and on those pictures I saw a golden city with golden people walking around. It was kinda in a cartoon-ish style, difficult to explain. Then Jesus appeared on those pictures and came out of those in human form. He was very tall and floated towards me. In that moment I felt such a pure and unconditional love covering me from head to toe, I could never put that feeling into words properly, it was absolutely amazing. I was breathing so heavily and felt so loved. Then I reached out my right hand to Him and He held my hand with the both of His, covering my hand. I could even feel his incredibly strong hands, solid and strong like rocks. Then I woke up and still had this wonderful feeling for a couple of seconds until it faded away. Although He didn't say anything to me, He said enough. He welcomed me into Him and showed me His pure love, and maybe even parts of His kingdom. I will forever keep this experience in my heart.
I wanted to share this with whoever is gonna read it and hope that it gives you hope. Jesus is Lord and King, praise Him. Amen


God knows all humans are sinners past, present, and future.
But He gave us a way to salvation, only one way; Jesus Christ.


Please pray for my Muslim in-laws. Lord Jesus show them the truth of who You are. Soften their hearts and lead them to repentance. In Jesus’ mighty, holy name, amen.


Jesus death was not just a tragic end, but the pivotal moment in the history of creation. When Jesus rose again, He did more than defy death—He shattered its power over us.

His resurrection is a powerful declaration that, while our flesh may be destined to die, the Spirit, by the power of God, brings life even to the driest bones. This isn't just a metaphor or a distant hope; it is a promise fulfilled and a reality we can live in.

Jesus is not merely a prophet, though He fulfilled all that the prophets foretold. He is the God of all prophets, the Creator of all things, and the sustainer of life. The reason He didn't proclaim Himself as God in a way that was easily understood by everyone at the time is deeply significant. His mission was not to overwhelm or coerce belief through sheer power, but to invite people into a relationship with Him, to allow them to discover His divine identity through His words, His works, and ultimately, through the love He demonstrated on the cross.

If He had directly declared Himself as God in a manner that forced recognition, it would have risked undermining the free will and faith that He so valued in humanity. Instead, He revealed Himself in a way that required a response from the heart—a response of faith, trust, and love. He knew that true understanding and acceptance of His divine nature could not be imposed but must be embraced willingly.

Jesus' life, death, and resurrection are not just historical events or religious teachings; they are the very essence of the Gospel, the Good News that God Himself has made a way for us to be reconciled to Him. This truth transcends time, culture, and circumstance. It is the bedrock of our faith and the source of our eternal hope. Through Jesus, we are not just restored; we are made new, with the promise that by the power of the Spirit, we too will rise, just as He did.


We all should Pray for all LOST people in this world!


Muslims, Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses all use familiar Christian words but pour in their own meaning to the words. Same vocabulary different dictionary.


JESUS IS ALIVE!!! He took me out of a terrible sexual abuse and prostitution. I am a TOTALY NEW PERSON BECAUSE OF HIM. I LOVE YOU JESUS ❤❤❤


It's important to point out the Quran was written 700 plus years after the New Testament.


For me as a scholar, I’ll never understand how Muslims can make the argument that their document on Jesus are historically reliable. The ONE characteristic scholars agree on, when discussing the history of Jesus, is that he was crucified. How can an Arabic document 600 years later which contains conflicting information be the “accurate account” on the historical Jesus.


Muslims, JW, and Mormons are all in the same boat. They use the Bible and some of the same words, but they mean completely different things. As if I called a rock a dog and then told all dog owners that they don't actually own real dogs, only I do.

Jesus lives! ♥️ and is God 🙏🏻 Christ ✝️ and King 👑
