OUR TRIUNE GOD IN THREE PERSONS--The Best Explanation of The Trinity In The Old Testament

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It’s such a blessing to me to see the brethren active in the comments section. Asking, responding and explaining! We are the body of Christ and soon will be together forever. Thank you brothers and sisters for your patience with me, it being obvious that I’m not as intelligent as many of you! God bless and protect you all and your families! Amen!


Many, many years ago (1980) I served as a summer intern with the church I was affiliated with at that time. While visiting homes in one neighborhood I came across a couple of Mormon missionaries who were visiting in the same neighborhood and we entered into a discussion. For them one of the biggest stumbling blocks they said was the trinity of God, how was this possible? At that time I was still relatively new in my relationship with the Lord and had never given any consideration to that idea, I just accepted it so I had no answer to their question but I prayed and before I had finished I was given this analogy. God, who created everything also created our human brains and in so doing give us a perfect example of the trinity. Our brains are essentially 3 parts functioning as one. There is the part that is the conscious part, with that part we are aware of our surroundings and function while awake. There is the part that is our unconscious thought processes, always working in the background, always there and more active while we sleep giving us our dreams etc. And last but not least there is the automatic functions of our brain that controls things like breathing, blinking, heartbeat, and all of the thousands of other automatic functions our body performs that we are almost totally unaware of. So our brain, or mind is made up of three parts, separate and distinct, yet it is one mind that cannot function without all three parts.


Father has given me all the power and the authority of the heaven to rule this earth.


When he says that in order to understand God, we must understand the Trinity then he has to postulate that all the post apostolic writers did not really understand God, and also the early church did not understand God, because the doctrine of the Trinity wasn’t even completely formulated until the council of Nicaea in 381CE


Apologies, the trinity might be simple to you but after reading the comments in this thread, i'm more confused then ever. :-) And apparently, testing messages or people on this particular point is the way to tell if their message is "demon doctrine" so obviously i want to get this right. I hope you have already made a longer video on this subject, or would consider making one? Please and thank you, and sorry I'm so ignorant :-)


There is only ONE God and the Man Christ Jesus. Only ONE Throne in Heaven, only ONE voice, ONLY one!!!


"and God said *let us* make man in *our* image" Gen 1v26


I'm glad you explained this very well. I went to a Oneness Pentecostal Church. I'm not going back.


That I may succeed in persuading them to abandon such error, and to cease from blaspheming their creator, Who is both God alone, and the father of our Lord Jesus Christ, amen!


so when you go to heaven will you meet 3 separate persons or will you meet 1 person as god


i can't believe i didn't catch this.... You showing this proves, We are a Body in MESSIAH functioning with the need for each-other. HALLELU-YAH, thank You, Dr. John


That diagram saying NOT - but how to reconcile when Jesus says I and my Father are one…”? He is in me, I am in Him? God is ONE, the LORD He is One Lord; God is ONE INFINITE SPIRIT, and the three ARE One… We THINK we get understanding, but it’s barely a glimpse through a mirror darkly.


And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28: 18-20


The reason (no offense) that NOBODY can accurately explain the Trinity is because God, in His Word, never explains it!
The relationship between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit is a mystery !
It our pride that makes us want to explain what has not been revealed.
Understanding it is not a biblical requirement.
The central figure of the Bible is Jesus.
There are many saved people who are “present with The Lord “ that never even wondered about “the Trinity “.
Can we please stop?
There is no such thing as the doctrine of the trinity.
Only hints to the reality of it.


I personally want to thank you can make it so simple for me to understand it so easy for me to except God’s word you are truly a blessing on this earth and I think God for you


Can anyone please name a verse where the Holy Spirit was worshipped or prayed to in the entire Bible if he is seperate from Father and Son? I know some for them but not Spirit.


Still so far out there that I have to accept it by faith


Here is something I read: The new Encyclopaedia Britannica says, "Neither the word trinity nor the explicit doctrine as such, appears in the New Testament...The doctrine developed over many centuries and through many controversies....By the end of the 4th century ...the doctrine of the Trinity took substantially the form it has maintained ever since." "The Greek philosopher (Plato, 4th century B.C.E.) conception of the divine be found in all pagan religions."


If you start at Isaiah 48:12 to 17 and do cross references with verses 12&13 (verse 12 Revelation 1:17-18, John 8:58, Isaiah 44:6) (verse 13 Hebrews 1:10) you can actually prove it could be Christ speaking, because then when you move to 16 it makes more sense and is probably the best trinitarian verse in the Old Testament. And if you read to verse 17 it says the LORD is speaking.


When I took a look in some of this video's comments it was really sad to see how so many heresies grew strong nowadays. In the Apostle days all heresies that they knew of were vere well handled. But nowadays, these heresies grew so much and the internet just help these people to spread it even further. If we only know our bible better...
