Blue Collar Workers Are Trash!!!

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Yup. You heard me!

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Reviews of clothing, boots, and accessories for men, along with style advice and life philosophy. I've been working with my hands for my entire life as a mechanic, tow truck driver, and eventually a licensed electrician. Being a blue collar guy, I look for certain elements in a product: is it durable? Is it high-quality? Will it perform well over its service life? Whether boots, pants, jackets, or tools I believe it's best to buy once and cry once by getting the best you can afford. With so many options these days, choosing the best product can become a difficult decision, but that's where I come in. Helping you stay stylish, rugged, and handsome.
I don't care where it's made as long as it's made well, and allows you to buy less and buy better.
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As a retired lineman, I prefer to be called trailer park deplorable trash. Which places me several notches above politicians. Just thought I`d clear that up. Thanks, TPDT


Engineer here. I learned pretty early to treat the janitor and the CEO with the same respect.


I've been doing plumbing for 10 years and I KNOW blue collar workers get no love. I can show up to a house at 10 at night and the customer will still give me attitude instead of being grateful.


I've worked as a carpenter since 84 when I got out of the Marines, I've never allowed any one do belittle me neither should any of you.


I'm a doctor and I do strongly respect blue-collar workers. The development of society was build on blue-collar.


Having worked in construction, I've had ppl give me disguisted looks while on line at stores. I usually don't care much, but I am aware of these simple minded folks.


Blue Collar work is highly masculine and seems to have the comradery that is often missing from the office environment. All the respect to the blue collar worker.


I worked at a factory in Vienna building trains and one time a suit guy on the Subway commented on my blue workwear, saying something Like:"Dont stand here with your dirty clothing" and then I remarked that if I werent dirty, he wouldnt have a train to get hin to his Job.


If someone looks down on you, just tell them " I may not look like a million bucks, but I bet you'd pay that if I disappeared and shit stopped getting done ".


Thanks to my blue collar job, I'm still employed and earning a living during the mass covid-19 shutdowns. Not sitting by the mailbox waiting for that stimulus check like a good portion of the USA.


After joining the construction industry… I can’t communicate enough how many gentlemen I’ve meet who have character, quiet strength, handle stressful situations with ease, live an honest life, and have plenty of hard learned lessons and wisdom to give back to the next generation.
Great video, Carl. 👍🏼


Being that I am Hispanic and my dad is considerably darker in skin tone than I am, we regularly encounter people at fairs that tell me what a great job we are doing at maintaining the porta potties only to speak Spanish to my dad as a testament to their understanding of world culture. It is hilarious to me considering that he is a retired teacher who has owned the business for over twenty years.

Perceptions of those with limited points of reference are the best entertainment in life.


Blue collar workers keep this country going. I normally let them go in front of me when on line at Dunkin’.


I have been working with my hands for 24 years. For the past 10 1/2 years I have owned my own business installing and serving commercial doors. We work on hospitals, schools, military installations..etc. I have men that work for me but often I go out to the job site myself and work along side these guys. I have often thought that it is the way you present yourself, dress and grooming. Just because we work on job sites does not mean that we have to look trashy. I have been told on numerous occasions that I was probably the best dressed guy on the job site. I invested in good boots, Red Wing or Thorogood. Clean jeans or work pants and a polo or a button down work shirt. I am a bald brown guy with a lot of tattoos, but you will not hear me raise my voice or use profanity. I am a professional and I have always conducted myself as such. Carl your video just hit me like a ton of bricks. I am happy to see you call people out and make blue collar workers accountable. Thank you for the great video, and videos. Keep it up Carl and best wishes on your continued success!


I used to manage a convenience store and I have to say the construction workers were my favorite customers. Always respectful and knew what they wanted.


Im an IBEW Electrician. Been in the trade for less than 5 years and I would like to share two of my experiences of second class citizenship.

A- I was doing non union electric for an office building that allowed us to us their restrooms. One day the GC approached us during our daily morning safety talk and told us we could still us the restrooms to take a leak but could no longer us the facility to take a dump. No reason was ever given. All men on the site were clean & never dirtied the restrooms.

B- this past year in July alot of people were not working due to Covid. Luckily for me, I am on a hospital job and considered an essential worker. I was checking out a fire alarm panel to silence notifications. The FA panel was located one the main floor of the hospital near the entrance. A father and his young son were proceeding to leave the building until the father saw me & pointed at me while saying to his son "See son, isnt that what you wanna be? Pushing a button all day & making $60/hr. While daddys out of work." I smiled, nodded, & waved to his son.


I think the States put far too much emphasis on going to college and getting a degree. That’s mostly the problem.


I’ve sailed in the Merchant Marine for over 25 years. In that time I’ve met/worked with some of the dirtiest, craziest, sketchiest bunch of dirtbags in the world. That being said, in that group are also some of the most people I’ve ever come across.


I work for a 69 year old roofer. The only reason he hired me was because I was well spoken and presentable. He said that things were very different when he started working in the 60s. I try to meet his standard every time. Being a roofer changed my life, and I have a new respect for blue collar workers.


I don’t work in the trades anymore because I do taxes and work in insurance now, but I was a cable technician, an electrical apprentice, and I loved working with those men. I love my people, that is my tribe. I am well rounded because of my blue collar lifestyle.
