The Truth About Stroke Recovery After One Year

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One of the questions I hear most often from survivors and their family/caregivers is, "Does stroke recovery stop after one year?" In this video, I definitively answer that question so you know the truth! While stroke recovery is different for everyone, the answer to this question applies to ALL stroke survivors!

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Time Stamps:
00:00 Intro
00:16 Answer
1:05 Understand Why: Acute Phase of Recovery
2:18 Understand Why: Crucial Subacute Phase of Recovery
6:56 Understand Why: Chronic Phase of Recovery
8:31 Outro

Medical Disclaimer: All content on this channel is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to serve as a substitute for medical advice or treatment from a physician or qualified healthcare provider. Talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise or therapy regimen.
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You are 100% correct. I am now 11 years out from my ischemic then TPA induced hemorrhagic stroke a week later at 41. I was given my last right in ICU. I spent a month in diapers on morphine just to sleep. My entire left side was completely paralyzed. After a month in the hospital I I was discharged to out patient therapy. I spent 2-1/2 years there going 5 days a week. While it was beneficial in some ways they kind of ran out of things they could do with me. I still remember my OT telling me I’d probably never use my left arm or hand for anything ever. To make issues worse my now ex-wife decided she couldn’t handle the stress so she moved to her parents taking my. 3 year old son with her. She proceeded to file for divorce and of course the judge granted her rights to keep our son with her. Anyway, I just wanted to let you guys know don’t believe the therapist’s because they’re just regurgitating things they learned from textbooks. Just remember everything is possible though our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Through his blessings I’ve been able to get well enough to rebuild a motocross bike for my son from the ground up. It literally took 7 years for me to raise my left hand over my head. I now steer my car exclusively left handed as well. I have been super blessed in the way I’ve regained everything I lost except my former college level athleticism or being able to run. Just yesterday me and my son threw the football together. He ran routes and I tried to drop dimes for him . He wants to play high school football next season and for now I’m coaching him. Don’t believe the hype of 6 months or a year. I’m even training at the gym with him three times a week for football. I was super physical before my head injury and keep making progress through the grace of God to get back as much normalcy as possible. Keep soldiering forward💪 hope my true story motivates and helps anyone else facing similar circumstances. Good luck on your recovery to all🍀


Yes- I was told in the HOSPITAL at 39 that I would never walk again or live outside of a skilled nursing facility. I am going on my 11th Strokeversary in December and I walk, talk & live independently as a 50 year old adult should.


I'm 15 months post stroke and finally able to walk without falling over and finally left the house on my own. It hasn't been easy but I'm getting "there". I have a goal and I will achieve it.


I’m an ex
Was told the same thing…my
Also left
Me…nobody wants a gimp.
Well 6 months later after after thousands of hours at
A gym….! They can all kiss my butt..! I’m moving on.. thanks to my brother who was right by my side I love him dearly…!


I just knock your door one watching..
ischimic stroke survivor 3 year' i can walk on 3rd gear still fighting..from Philippines..
thank you :)


Yeah they say 6 months is the best time to recover but I made alot of progress after 2 years, still going strong 💪


Dear Elyse,
I'm eight months post stroke. Many threatened me after 6 months your life will be the same for ever and I was afraid and tensed. Your video is encouraging me . But I feel slow recovery even now.. man can not judge the end. God blesses all our efforts. And there are so many who recovered fully even after two'years. Dear stroke friends try try every day one day we will be okay


I had a very severe stroke. Hemorrhagic stroke. July 2019. I was not expected to survive. As such has been an uphill battle to get therapy and ongoing therapy. I am all here mentally. Physically the stroke took out my right side. I have never seen quick recoveries. Just recently I got a return of partial sensation & control over my entire leg. But the doctors seem almost angry that I haven't...well died. But I keep working on myself. I refuse to give up. Thank you for these videos.


5 years. 6 strokes. HMO ended my therapy a year ago. I now go to the gym and use what I can from my wheelchair, I just keep trying, and hoping. I still make progress very slowly. Just try, try, try.


Nailed it I’m still seeing recovery after 13 years, thank you for posting this video 💕


I’m 17 years post stroke and still making a lot of gains thank you so much for the information you’re putting out there! You nailed it!❤️


Can I just say how much I appreciate this video. Nothing ruffles my feathers more than to hear medical professionals try to tell my husband of these time limitations when it comes to his recovery. I am not afraid to let them have it either, with respect of course. My husband is 3 years post next month. He didn't really have much physical progress until he was over the trauma @ about 5 months. It was a very severe ischemic stroke involving a craniotomy ect. Now in this second year he has made more progress on speech and finding his words and sentences (severe aphasia). We are still hopeful, even at the age of 71 that we will continue to see some physical improvements. He walks with a cane but I stand by assist in case of a fall. Thank you so much for being willing to offer people realistic hope instead of being afraid like the rest of giving false hope!!! ♥️♥️♥️


I'm 81/2 months post stroke and I too was told that I would never walk again. I still struggle with things including my speech but I'm here. Walking, driving and trying to talk. Just married in May 2022 and my stroke was Nov 2022. Not expected to be alive but I'm here trying to be as independent as possible.


My stroke was 11 months ago, and yes people even doctors told me that my recovery would stop after a year. At the same time I had other people like my in patient OT my at home PT tell me so long as I keep going the progress will keep happening. Since I had both of these in my mind I latched onto the one that said recovery never ends. I needed that for my own mental well-being. So the people that told me it would stop I just ignored them, because they didn’t have their facts straight. As always I love your videos I am so thankful and blessed that I have found you


I am over 2 years post and I still make progress all the time. Keep at it!


Thank you for this video. I’m 13 years post stroke and almost gave up on the idea that no further progress is possible and just believe my doctor. You have given me renewed hope and I’m so happy. Thank you, thank you ❤️


I am 1 year out, and improving daily. never give up. Your words offer great support.


Thank you for this. I am just shy of three months out from my ischemic stroke at 57. I have seen some recovery, but not as fast as I would like. (I have some movement in my arm, I graduated from a walker to a cane last week, and I went back to the gym yesterday, which is hugely important to me.) But I am confident that I will recover 100%.


Im so happy I found this video. I had a stroke while in the hospital for issues with my blood pressure back in 2020 during the height of the covid 19 pandemic and during lock down in NYC. Columbia Presbyterian diagnosed me immediately and I received treatment. I had some paralysis in my arm and leg as well as issues with speech and memory but by the next day it seemed like everything had come back online. I was fast track out of the hospital very quickly and even asked if i could stay but they said i had to go home due to the influx of covid 19 patients. I completely understood and went home not really knowing what i was supposed to do. I still has some weakness in my leg a week later but was able to manage. I had not heard from the doctor so I contacted the neurologists office who treated me. He sent me a heart monitor to wear for a month and we had a few video visits but nothing was being done for my leg. The leg seemed to get better then would get weak again. I exercised daily and used resistance bands. The doctor told me that after 6 months what ever paralysis i had was most likely permanent. Unfortunately things just kept going down hill for me and i had issues walking and would fall all the time as well as having issues with memory and confusion. Im now in a wheelchair and ive given up on rehabilitation. I think its time to try again.


Thank you.This makes so much more sense. I did countless laps around the nurse's station after my stroke. Trying not to walk into people and things due to left neglect. I was blessed to have my wife and daughter beside me... I walked them into things a few times unintentionally. Four years out and I'm still surprising people with my ongoing recovery. I like to challenge myself a bit each day.I'm still not were I was pre stroke, but I've come a long way.More energy, less emotional liability. I can easily ride a bike 47km that's 29 miles for those who think in imperial units.Bodies adapt, brains included I refuse to be sedentary.
