How to treat Anal Fissures with pain and blood? - Dr. Rajasekhar M R

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Anal Fissures are nothing but a small wound repair in the anal canal caused by a hard stool passing against a very tight anal opening. So when harsh tool comes out it tears the anal opening and causes pain and bleeding, that can again cause a spasm of these muscles and daily when they pass motion again and again it reoccurs. This cycle persist causing persistent spasm or tightness of the lower end of the anal Canal that will not allow the fissure to heal. In the beginning stage of Anal fissure where the wound is fresh medical line of management is used where is we use softeners to make the stool soft so that it is not hard. We give pain killer so that they will not suffer from pain and it will not allow the muscles to go in per-spasm. There are some muscle relaxants we use locally to relax the inner sprinters and then antibiotics is required. So that sort of medical management is the first line of treatment for all anal fissures, most of them will respond to that come in early stage and if it is persisting or recurring then we use surgical procedures they are very minor and safe procedures. There are no wounds or stitches involved it hardly takes 15-20 minutes or day care procedure so one need not worry about operation, pain and all that. In fact they get the best result within a matter of day.
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I Didnt even feel any pain I just suddenly saw blood :, )


how long should one use stool softeners if they have been constipated for about 4 months?


It’s like a stinging pain in my anus like it hurts when I sit or wipe it


My butt really hurts and I'm pooping


I am suffered from the anal cannel when I am going to toilet bleeding from cannal what is the cause.?


Hi doctor i had daireah 2 mnths ago fr 4 weeks and after that i have burning in my passage now its fissure internaly its killing me plzhelp


I've had a anal fissure for about 10 years now, I can't seem to find a doctor that will recommend me for surgery.


I'm suffering from anal fissures since one month. it pains a lot I can't even sit. I'm using stool softener but still when I go for stool it pains. I'm so freaking irritated. what to do?? how to get instant relief from pain. somebody please suggest.
