Anal Fissure Treatment for Fast HEALING & PAIN RELIEF with Bowel Movements

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Anal Fissure Treatment Timestamps
1:00 Anal fissure picture
1:02 What is anal fissure
1:08 Anal fissure causes
1:18 Anal fissure symptoms
2:08 Bowel emptying position for fissure
2:55 Bowel emptying technique for anal fissure
6:05 Stool softeners for anal fissure
7:21 Diet for anal fissure
9:58 Summary anal fissure treatment

Anal fissure is a split in the soft skin inside the anus. Causes of anal fissure include overstretching anal skin during straining with constipation or diarrhoea. Muscle spasm can also develop with chronic anal fissure which slows the blood supply to the area that's essential for healing.

Anal fissure symptoms include intense anal pain with bowel movements and up to 2 hours after bowel emptying. Anal fissure symptoms include splitting, burning or tearing sensation during bowel emptying when the stool passes over the anal fissure.

The split anal skin re opens delaying fissure healing and causing anal pain, especially with hard lumpy stools and straining with constipation.

Bowel Emptying for Anal Fissure Healing and Pain Relief

*Avoid straining or pushing down through the anus with bowel emptying
*Go to the bathroom with the urge to empty the bowel
*Sit tall, feet wide apart and flat on the floor
*Lean forward keeping the normal curve in the lower back
*Take 5 deep belly breaths for pelvic floor relaxation
*Say 'MMM' to make the waist wide for pushing
*Say 'OOO' to bulge the belly and relax the anal sphincter
*Gently wash with water or use moist towelette
*Warm baths or sitz baths can relieve anal pain after bowel movements

Stool Softening for Anal Fissure Healing and Pain Relief

1. Stool Softener Medication

Anal fissure healing requires a soft, smooth stool Type 4 Bristol Stool Scale.

Stool softeners (mild laxatives) are available over the counter from the pharmacy. Check with the pharmacist prior to taking these medications. Stool softeners are often indicated until the anal fissure has fully healed and include:
*Coloxyl (Colace)
*Osmotic laxatives ie polyethylene glycol eg Movicol or Miralax

2. Diet for Anal Fissure

Diet for anal fissure aims to achieve a soft well-formed stool that is not bulky and avoid constipation.

Avoid increasing high insoluble fiber content foods which make the stool large and cause bloating e.g. skins, seeds, whole grains with constipation (2). Increase foods with high soluble (dissolvable) fibre for anal fissure healing e.g oatmeal, pear, apple (no skins).

Gradually introduce more insoluble fiber into the diet when the stool is moving well and constipation has ceased.

#analfissuretreatment #analfissurehealing #physiotherapy

Image anal fissure Bernardo Gui, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Video editing Jonah Bobongie
Music That Kid Goran licensed user

The information provided in this video is intended as general information and not a substitute for individual medical advice regarding your medical condition. To the extent permitted by law, neither Healthy Fit Solutions Pty Ltd, as trustee for the P & M Kenway Family Trust (“we”), nor any of our officers, employees, agents or related bodies corporate will be liable in any way (including for negligence) for any loss, damage, costs or expenses suffered by you or claims made against you through your use of, or in connection with, this video or information supplied or offered to be supplied on this video. Although we use our best efforts to provide accurate information and other materials on this video, the video is provided “as-is”. To the extent permitted by law, all warranties, conditions and representations provided about or by this video are excluded.
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I send my healing and love to those going through this health issue. Thanks for the video.


1 week without blood and pain now..
Tried so many things but those 4 were the key for me:
- bowel routine (1x a day at same time, more will interrupt the healing process and less will harden the stool)
- high fiber/healthy nutrition/+ lots of water
- self discipline/ + relaxing
- hygene (clean always after bowel only with warm water in the shower)
I wish you guys the best! Just never give up!


You have no idea how many people you are helping out there. Your videos tackle subjects that most people shy away from discussing and end up suffering alone. Thank you so much for the time and effort you put into these videos and keep up the good work.


I struggle with Anal Fissures from time to time. always acute and something I never used to worry about. Recently I developed one where it would not go away for more than 2 weeks, and was beginning to make me anxious because it was actually getting worse too. Following a few of these simple steps, especially the one about emptying your stool properly by leaning forward and deep breathing solved my issue instantly. Within 6/7 days I have no blood or pain anymore. The pain went from a 6/7 to a 1/2 instantly. I do feel like because I’ve thought about my sphincter muscles and got worried over the anal fissure that my butt is somewhat tense and the muscles around them are too. But generally speaking all the advice here is ace and has really helped me. Thank you.


This woman is a treasure defend her at all costs.


Oh my God, I am typing this comment while I'm at the toilet, I just did your technique and somehow two things were great ; my stool was soft, and it didn't really gave me pain. I have been fearing to poop as I researched a lot about this, so I really want to thank you with that ma'am! And yes I think I got the type 4 stool. Taking a 20 minute warm bath yesterday is definitely worth doing! Again, much love to you.


This posture helped me with relieving my bowels within a matter of minutes, struggling from fissure from a month especially initial part of bowel caused immense pain. This technique is excellent. Thanks a lot for this video. god bless you all suffering from this and hope you find relief and joy soon 😊


This video has delivered me from 11 years of excruciating pain, thanks a million Mum.🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


No doctor could help me the way this video has. I didn't know and wasn't ready to accept that I needed to learn this. Thanks a ton Michelle! Hope everyone finds this video. It is a life changer!


Here’s my personal method for fissure recovery:
I made sure to pass stool once every two days (because if you go everyday you’ll not give it time to heal.)
On my “non bowel day”: no fiber, did water fast, eat only fruits and liquid foods to break the fast, and take one pill of stool softener (example is Colace)
On my “bowel day”:
Eat fiber food and take 1/2 pills of stool softener. Eat Apple. Do cardio to aid digestion of food you eat.
Every day, I also applied a fissure healing cream (research and buy one.) Don’t directly touch the sore while applying else it will get irritated.) I hope this comment is able to help at least one person going through this terrible ordeal.


Not sure if this will help anyone but I found lubrication has been a complete life changer for me. I tried everything. The only thing that helped was taking a glove and using… in my case coconut oil and olive oil mixed together. It’s extreme oiliness has helped stool pass easily. Take a glove and carefully lubricate as best as you can..very generously. Hope this helps. Coconut oil helps with healing as well as olive oil. Within a couple days I was feeling completely better. It helped the fissure heal.. I’d say do this for a while whenever you’re going to poop and/or 2x a day everyday until fully feeling comfortable. This changed my life. I was in excruciating pain for 3 months!


I been going through this for over a month and it’s getting worse. It’s really been affecting my life in a horrible way. Just wish me the best. I just want this to be over with.💯


I watched this video yesterday, and I just want to say thank you. I’ve been struggling with this problem for 6 months . I followed the instructions on this video and went from a 10 to a 2 in pain. I wish I would have found this video sooner. Thank you again


I'd suffered from anal fissure severely for nearly a month but now I'm completely healed. Just wanna share some tips that I did to overcome this journey.
(1) Don't be afraid of bowel movement. I know it's scary for us whenever we have to go to the toilet. But we have to do this even if it's painful otherwise constipation can happen.
(2) Drink lots of water and eat plenty of fruits to add fiber to your diet. If you can't, use stool softener to make the stool softer and easier to pass. Also, stool softeners are safe to take everyday. And again, don't forget to poop everyday. That is the most important.
(3) Sit in a bathtub filled with warm water after you've pooped to reduce the pain.
If you do these three things, you'll be completely healed in a matter of time. Believe me. You just have to be patient and trust the process.
Wish everyone good luck.


After all these years, I just realized my sitting position was wrong the whole time 😦 THANK YOU FOR THIS .


I tried the technique just now and it was a beautiful experience 😍. Thanks 😊


Thanks for information. This is the most uncomfortable feeling ever, surpassing my sciatica pain and discomfort by far.
Just want it to heal so I can feel normal again rather then hiding the agony with a fake smile.


Thank you… I have seen a lot of fissure video tips and none have worked before I found this video! It really helped me a lot… 😊 i tried the bowel technique it works for me it completely healed


Just want you to know that I’ve been in excruciating pain the past couple days, too embarrassed to talk about it even to a doctor and I genuinely was dreading going to the toilet and this problem was impacting my progress in my weight loss journey as it’s not nice to hold stool and then be doing high intensity work outs

Today I was thinking about throwing in the towel, just so I can deal with this embarrassing problem and after watching your video today, I’m genuinely laughing at the pain from this morning and the past couple days

Been emptying my bowels without fear and with a more mild painful sensation that got easier to manage the more I understood your advice, and even finished my work out at the gym at full intensity without constantly fearing the worse 🤫

You have to know that of all YouTube videos this genuinely gave me instant help, relief and very useful information so I genuinely thank you for this video as it genuinely made a difference to my day and my mood ✌🏾

Respect and much love ❤❤


I had a fissure years ago and nothing stopped the pain, i was in agony for 6 weeks waiting to get into surgery, as it occured just before Christmas. I was taking drugs by the bucket load to just ease the pain. Listening to this video, makes it sound like a miracle remedy, as i tried everything, even NOT going
