Top 6 Monthly Dividend ETFs to Earn Income

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Here are the top 6 monthly dividend ETFs to earn income every single month! While many investors try to overload their portfolios with the best dividend stocks 2024 or the dividend stocks to buy now as per their dividend investing strategy, it does not have to be so complicated. That is all it really takes is investing into high dividend etfs that pay monthly or the monthly dividend etfs 2024 that consist of all the top dividend stocks 2024 to drive more monthly dividend income. Yes, SCHD and VYM are safe, more income means loading up on a dividend etf that will reward you monthly while avoiding the red flags of TSLY. So, join me to discover how to shatter new passive income 2024 records after I just surpassed my passive income 2023 goals!

00:12 Let's Be HONEST
00:32 Why You Should LOVE Dividend Investing
00:59 A Dividend Investing Strategy Is Untouchable
01:09 The MAJOR RISK with Monthly Dividend ETFs
01:20 Dividend ETF #1
02:46 Comparison to Realty Income
03:08 Dividend ETF #2
04:43 Dividend ETF #3
06:21 Dividend ETF #4
07:43 Dividend ETF #5
09:05 Dividend ETF #6
10:34 Do THIS!

*Ari Gutman's videos are not meant to be construed as investment advice, each video is for ENTERTAINMENT purposes only. All investment strategies and investments involve risk of loss. Any reference to an investment's past or potential performance is not, and should not be construed as, a recommendation or as a guarantee of any specific outcome or profit. The video is accurate as of the posting date but may not be accurate in the future.

#dividend #dividendstocks #dividendos
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Thank you for tuning in. 2024 will be all about BREAKING Dividend Income records, let me know your thoughts on these Monthly Paying Dividend ETFs down in a comment below ⤵


Considering a young mid income, short term minded person with constant need for cash, are these still worth investing into? I am new to all of these and have incurred so much losses, I am beginning to think I am not doing what is good for me but just following people blindly.


Fantastic!!! Great dividend ETFs for 2024. Monthly dividend income is the best feeling!!! Just cracked $950k in my dividend portfolio this last week. Almost 2 years now I started investing with the help of a finance manager. It's best to work with a pro.


Happy New Year 2024🎉 great 👍🏿 video, much appreciation keep posting, new subscriber here... I was looking for a beginner strategy to move monthly dividends into quarterly dividends or vice versa.. I will look at your other video, thanks again from London


A good, clear, well presented video. I do use monthly div. ETF's. You have a very good voice & camera presence.


An idea for a video would be dividend payers where you analyze large maturing cash cow companies like Google and PayPal that seem to be in the position of starting to payout growing dividends soon. I’m new in investing and still doing my research.


I LOVE IT! Watched & Liked. Thank you


Yes, great video. How about a video on quarterly dividend ETFs.


Can you please do a similar list of the best quarterly dividend paying ETFs?


Great Video - My strategy in retirement in my ROTH is currently using my hub (3 ETFS - SPLG (S&P 500 ETF- SCHD & QQQM) and then add some REITS, BDCs and Bond ETFS for income. As a complement to my hub, specially SCHD, I am looking to add a solid Growth & Income ETF. I am looking at DGRW, DGRO or another, better ETF and would please value opinions from others commenting.


I think another great dividend etf that pays monthly is Divo, little higher ratio but overall good performance over last 10 years. Awesome stuff man!


Can you please do a video comparing QQQI vs JEPQ, these are relatively new and popular


Nice picks ari, and could we see SPHD outperform in 2024 as it's heaviest insome of the most exited sectors from higher interest rates and if/when those are cut the yield seekers start to flood back in?


Great dividend ETFs for 2024, there is nothing like the motivation of monthly dividend income!


Question: Do you coach people on growing a YouTube channel?


That is a surprise that AtT and VZ are largest holdings


I have a question for you, or anyone with regard to growing a Roth IRA. My understanding is that we're not concerned about stock price with dividends, we just want to know how much $$ per share it pays, i.e., the more shares I have, the higher the div payment, and the more my Roth can grow without me always being able to contribute the max to it. Does that make sense, or is my logic flawed? As an example, I have $22k in my Roth right now. Suppose I put my $22k into something that was $20 per share and paid $.50/ share dividend. I'd have 1100 shares x $.50 per share = $550 dividend, and that $550 could be used to either buy more shares of this high dividend payer, or some index fund or whatever, , point being it's money going into the Roth.. make sense? I ask this because I'm self employed, and income is up and down all the time. I can't always make contributions I want to be able to make, so I thought perhaps I could use a high dividend paying ETF to supplement whatever contributions I can make.. Thanks for your insight!


Awesome Video, I’ve to be part of this


I lost over $80k when everything started to tank. Not because I was in an exchange that went belly up. I was just stupid to hold and because that's what everyone said. I'm still responsible. It just taught me to be a better investor now that I understand more of what could go wrong. It took me over two years of being in the market, I'm really grateful I found one source to recover my money, at least $10k profits weekly. Thanks Charlotte Miller
