Is Vitamin A TOXIC?! (Even Beta Carotene?)

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There is a theory going around that vitamin A is not a vitamin, it's a toxin. There's a lot of research to back it up by Grant Genereux. Nutrition Detective on youtube is using this information to heal people. This means that high vitamin A foods like liver, eggs, salmon, dairy etc. Are bad. As well as the beta carotene rich fruits like cantaloupes, papaya, and other foods like carrots, beets, dark leafy greens, almost everything lol.

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I was diagnosed with vitamin A toxicity by my endocrinologist. I was eating an autoimmune diet (AIP) that was very high in vitamin A. I have been working with Dr. Garrett Smith for 2 years. I eat very low Vitamin A foods now and follow his recommendations for supplementing minerals. My serum vitamin A has dropped and many of my health issues are resolving.


When I switched from eating microwaved organic cardboard to gently steamed organic cardboard I began to feel so much better. Then someone told me the medical grade stainless steel pressure cooker steamer I was using to cook my organic cardboard was releasing neutralized metabolic ions that combined with the nonphysical celluloid fibers in the low carbon organic cardboard that recombined with self forming barrier friendly non-nucleus abating gel type retinoids which caused oxidative non-polyphenols to emulsify sporadically. I was so disappointed. I only wish I could go back to those days when my biggest food problem was where did I put the lid from the mayonnaise jar after making my ham and cheese sandwich.


I throw out my juicer maker and I bought a new beer maker and now I feel good, relaxed and happy. The much I drink the much better I feel. No complains at all.


Eat foods as if you had to farm them yourself. Each animal has lots of meat but only one liver - so your body will find it weird if you eat liver every day. Chickens stop laying in the winter. - so there is a season where egg yolks are hard to come by. How much butter can you be bothered to churn by hand after you have milked your cow - don't eat more than that amount. Fruits and veg are seasonal. Follow nature's rhythms and you will be fine


I joined the Lyl program a month ago. I was accutane damaged. If it weren't for this crazy theory, idk what I'd do, but it wouldn't be pretty. I'm finally getting somewhere in healing. I was already carnivore but had to remove dairy and eggs, and add charcoal.
Fruits want to be eaten by a certain animal in a certain range. Not just any old animal. Fruits from Michigan don't want to end up in Texas or Ecuador, they wouldn't do well.
Dr Smith is brilliant and i think he's really onto something big.


Nice! I asked you if you took Accutane like 4 years ago as I suspected vitamin A toxicity was at the root of your issues. I don't think you're thinking about this correctly. The fruit isn't toxic, it's just that we can only store so much vitamin A in our livers. When the liver gets full, then even small amounts of vitamin A are problematic. You should try a low A diet like for real (0 iu daily) and see what happens. It saved me from debilitating asthma, brain fog, eczema, etc. and my teeth got so strong I quit brushing them altogether 3 years ago. It's a good antidote to decades of pounding multivitamins, fortified foods, acne cream, sunscreen, and hardcore attempts to eat healthy (which usually means eating super high levels of vitamin A).


I think you have to leave the body in order to avoid all these problems.


YES! Finally! I have been posting this in the comments for like a year! Do it man. You should feel better and have better skin within a month if its an issue for you.


I have diagnosed chronic vitamin A toxicity after following the Root Cause Protocol. (diagnosed via blood test)

Dr. Garrett Smith‘s program has transformed my life!


Sweet potatoes seemed to work well for the Okinawans, they were eating loads of the things and had the longest lifespans on earth


Vitamin A being toxic is only part of the equation. The other is how our livers are now bombarded with so much crap that they're struggling to detoxify all the additional crap, PLUS the Vitamin A. Vitamin A is detoxed through the same pathways that alcohol is for example, and a lot of things can slow this pathway down (coffee, vitamin C, glyphosate as a few examples), so the liver ends up having to store or buffer the excess VitA. Glyphosate is an example, something people's bodies didn't have to deal with 100 years ago.


I heard about it for the first time, in a You tube video, of a Fruitarian community with member having some health problem and following Nutrion Detective health advise. Since, I read Grant Genereux 3 e-books (very interesting information) & watch many Nutrition Detective video & read many research on Vitamin A toxicity around the world. I have been on a low Vitamin A diet for the last month and I already see many improvement. It's not a quick fix, some people have build up too much Vitamin A toxicity over the last few decade using (acne medication, eczema cream, sun-cream, multi-vitamin, low-fat dairy and even almond milk (enriched in Vitamin A) + eating the rainbow to get healthy. It's worth looking deeper if you have try everything else... Maybe it's the missing key!


The program that allow VA detox is not just cutting out all the VA foods. It's also about consuming soluble fibre. The soluble fibre helps taking out the toxic stuffs your liver dump out through the bile. That part is as important as cutting out all VA. No point trying to detox anything without Soluble fibre. All the toxins just get reabsorbed in the collon without soluble fibre.


I had vitamin A toxicity.
I had very severe anxiety and even suicidal tendencies. It was pure hell!!
I was taking retinoic acid though. I dont think vegetables are gonna be damaging


Im literally so exhausted trying to eat "healthy" as theres "science" behind why I should and also should not eat literally everything and anything.


The orange carrots tho aren't natural they were bred tht way for a king fact's, . so the hight beta carotene colour isn't indicative of the true carrot family


There is some research on carotene utilization in rats(forming and storing essential vitamin-a) being dependent on vitamin b-12. So if you eat a lot of carotene, b12 supplementation might be an idea. There is an association between carotenemia and hypothroidism which would suggest that metabolic disfunction makes it difficult to convert beta-carotene.


Yes, yes it is, my thyroid antibodies have all steadily decreased since starting a low Vit A diet


Meanwhile scientists are trying to figure out the perfect diet, the vegetable police crew is on the cutting edge of the best diet. Meat and fruit we are almost there. The perfect diet Frutarian Carnivore Diet.


Vitamin A is not found in fruits and vegetables, but the precursor (beta-cartene) is. Your body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A. The only way to overdose on Vitamin A is to consume it from an animal product. Beta-carotene is a water soluble vitamin, so you pee out the excess (unlike vitamin A which is fat soluble).
