Tip Tuesday: Some things to keep in mind

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Tip Tuesday with PD Athlete Anna Moxnes 😎

If your skydiving gear has been stored this winter season then it's time to check it out so that you can be ready for the start of the season. It's also a great time to remind ourselves of how to properly store our gear when we know we won't be jumping for awhile. Some things to keep in mind 👇

😃  If your gear has been sitting for awhile... repack your main!
🔍  Check out the quality of your rubber bands.
🤢  Moisture creates mould! Make sure you store your rig somewhere safe and dry.
☀️  At the end of the summer, think about leaving your canopy unpacked.
🗓️  Make sure your reserve is in date before you head to the DZ!

#whatwelove #tiptuesday #sharethesky #noonelikesmould
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