💸 my PAYDAY routine 💸 how I BUDGET my trainee lawyer salary

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In this video I show you my easy and simple payday routine, and how I budget and save money as a trainee lawyer living in London.

I used to hate the thought of budgeting - confronting my finances head on filled me with dread - I preferred to just wing it and hope for the best. As I have been educating myself on personal finance over the past few years I have come to realise that budgeting is fundamentally important and anyone who is taking their financial goals seriously should be budgeting to ensure that each pound is being put to good use and that we don't blow all of our cash in Gucci (easily done).

I have found an easy and simple budgeting method that works for me which I am sharing with you in this video.

1. Intro: 00:00 - 02:14
2. My Payday Routine: 02:15 - 04:06
3. The 50/30/20 Rule: 04:07 - 05:50
4. How I Budget my Paycheck/Salary: 05:51 - 13:29
5. My Saving Goals: 13:29 - 16:45

I hope you find it helpful - please do leave me a comment and share your budgeting/payday routine tips with me as I love to see how other people manage their money 💸

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Personal finance books I have read lately:

This book explains why we spend money like we do - personality based/emotional influencers and how we can control these.

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ahhh the hard work is always worth it and it always pays off :) for sure camilla :)


Hi, Have you got a link to the budgeting sheet you use? Thanks


How much do trainees get paid at a firm like yours?
