Is the Universe CONSCIOUS? Philosophy of Idealism by Bernardo Kastrup

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This video is based on The Idea of the World by Bernardo Kastrup in. In this video, I outline the arguments for Idealism and why its ontology might be a good replacement for mainstream physicalism.
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Some Carl Jung quotes that speak to the ontological primacy of mind over matter: "We delude ourselves with the thought that we know much more about matter than about a metaphysical mind, and so we overestimate physical causation and believe that it alone affords us a true explanation of life."

"Without a doubt, psychic happenings constitute our only immediate experience. All that I experience is psychic, even physical pain is a psychic event which belongs to my experience... We are in all truth so enclosed by psychic images, that we cannot penetrate to the essence of things external to ourselves. All our knowledge is conditioned by the psyche which, because it alone is immediate, is superlatively real. Here there is a reality to which the psychologist can appeal, namely psychic reality."


Wow you explained Analytic Idealism really well. Thank you.


The Mandukya Upanishad told this truth thousands of years ago. Best example that walked the Earth recently that knew this was Ramana Maharshi. Alan Watts understood this also, but only conceptually.


Dude thank you so much for the visual representation, I've been asking Berado for years to make a visual model to experience the lesson he was preaching.


You just described Zen. much as it can be described. This isn't just philosophy, this is life-changing realizations if someone can really, deep-down grasp it in its entirety. Suffering arises with the notion that we're different from other things, in other words, it arises because we believe we're suffering when we're really not.


It’s like the difference between a script and a play. The script has stage directions and details known only to the actor. The only way the audience is able to perceive the actor’s script is by watching the play. In that sense, the performance is the physical manifestation of the script. Your inner mind is the script, and your physical being is the mechanism through which I’m able to perceive your inner mind. They’re perceived differently, but it’s the exact same thing either way.

In that sense, there is some sliver of an “inner state” to a table that allows me to perceive it as an object. It’s not that the table is conscious, but that there is a sense of “perspective” to it. Likewise, you could think of a single neuron as having the same kind of “perspective” as if it was a single sentence in the manuscript that is your consciousness.


Holy crap! You did a great job explaining this. I think and hope other people to whom Idealism is new (it's not to me, as you know) will also be able to understand this video as an introduction. I'm curious if that is the case, and I will send this to some of my family and friends to find out.


As above, so below. As within, so without.


The universe is dreaming us and our experiences


I came across Bernardo Kastrup's philosophy, and it's absolutely mind-blowing.

PS: 57:20. This worldly life is no more than a temporary illusion. (سورة الحديد)


Thank you for another great video. Jed McKenna's (pseudonym) books on spiritual enlightenment deal with exactly this subject, especially his book Theory of Everything. Everyone who is enlightened is perpetually in a state of awareness that consciousness is all there is. The vast majority of us who aren't, can access this realization through direct experience through non-dual meditation, DMT (ESPECIALLY 5-MeO-DMT), and high doses of other psychedelics - in tandem with deconditioning the mind. C-rex (consciousness above all) seems insane in a world in which everyone believes in U-rex (material universe above all), but if you take out the human bias and argument from the majority, you find that U-rex makes the most insane logical leap and is downright religious compared to the directly graspable C-rex.


I like podcaster. He explained Idealism clearly.


I love this video and watch it over and over. It really helps me re-set my perceptions:)


Only through the illusions of thought are forces and self different.

Through the model of materialism, what we refer to as fundamental forces is referring to the same thing as what we refer to as our self.


Always excited to see a new upload from you 😃


The one question Is when reassociation. What happens to fundamentally subjective frames of reference?


Im Catholic but your right being agnostic about it generates that PUSH


I did philosophy about the universe and us, like we're mirrors so the universe can see itself?


Please make a video on the child archetype


Paradox=brain is matter, but we only use our brain to see matter.
