3 MISTAKES in Your English Listening And How To STOP Them (Best Tips)

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Today we are going to talk about 3 mistakes in your English listening and how to stop them. I’m sure you watch and listen to many materials in English. These 3 mistakes in your English listening are very common and many times will stop you from understanding native speakers and improving your listening. I will talk about these mistakes and give you some ideas on how to improve this, ok?
1. Translating
The first mistake many students make is to try to translate what they are listening to. You start to listen to a material in English and suddenly you are translating the phrases. What happens? You end up missing a lof of information, because translating in your head demands a lot from you, it requires a lot of concentration and effort and what happens to listening? Well, you don’t pay attention to many things, because you were too busy translating the previous sentences or the previous word or the previous verb. When the audio is over, we feel bad because we have a feeling that we couldn’t understand anything.
What’s my advice? This is a probably a habit you have been developing for a long time. So don’t think it will stop quickly. You will need some time to adjust and stop this habit, but it can be done. Before listening to an audio or to a podcast, try to think about the subject, what kind of information you will listen to. Try to imagine what kind of information you will listen to in this audio or podcast. Then play the audio. As you listen, try not to translate them, and if necessary, repeat the sentences, but don’t translate them. You will still miss other information and not understand everything. But let me tell you, this simple exercise will help you in real life situations, when you talk to a native speaker. The best way to prepare yourself for real life situations is to use these exercises to eliminate these bad habits
2. Expect to understand 100% - One common mistake students make is to have this internal obligation of understanding everything they listen to. The truth is, even native speakers don’t understand 100% of what they hear. It is natural, and sometimes our mind is focusing on something else and consequently, we don’t listen to a word or two. It is unrealistic to demand so much from yourself when even native speakers don’t do so. Now, we need to establish a more realistic understanding goal. You should be able to understand 60% to 80% of what you listen. By the end of a podcast or a video, you should feel comfortable that you understood at least the main ideas of the audio. That’s a good to start. On my blog, I just podcast where I talk about how many times you should repeat an audio. I think this post would give you some great insight on the importance of repetition and that even with repetition you won’t understand every word that was said. The most important goal must be a general comprehension. Now, when you are trying to listen to an audio to understand specific information, you need to develop techniques to be able to do that. When it comes to listening, you need to develop specific techniques to improve your general understanding and specific understanding.
3. This mistake is highly connected with feelings and how anxious we tend to be and consequently this will influence how much we understand. Sometimes you worry too much about what you can’t understand. This is a big problem because as I said in mistake number 2, you can’t understand everything. Now what happens here, because you are trying to understand everything, you end up feeling very worried about the words you missed, the words you couldn’t understand. Consequently, while you are listening to the audio or to the podcast, you pay so much attention to what you missed, that you start to miss what is playing at the moment. You get lost because you are thinking of what you lost and ignoring what is coming.
What should you do in this case? What is gone is gone. Let it go. You can always listen again if it is an audio or a podcast. If you are having a conversation, you can wait for the right moment and ask the person to explain something again. But at the end of the day, if you give too much attention to what you couldn’t hear, you will end up not understanding a lot of what is coming. In this situation, you need to develop your emotional intelligence, because sometimes it is all about controlling your emotions.

My final advice to you guys, if you are listening to materials in English.
Now, if you are practicing with an audio or podcast and you missed a word, one thing that I recommend you to stop doing is to pause and rewind all the time. What do I mean by that? If you play an audio. Let it play, until the end. Don’t pause every second of it. If you compare it to the real world, when you don’t understand a word or phrase you don’t pause the person who is speaking, so you shouldn’t pause the audio either. Listen until the end, then repeat, and repeat until you feel comfortable.
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I agree with you. unfortunely, I do this.


Thanks a lot Teacher Prix. Exactly, many people including me would translate when they are listening to. It really cost time between translating and listening in out brain. When I was watching this video, I stopped translating immediately after you said the No.1 common mistake. As a result, it was helpful. I totally focused on the live video, and I listened to the video like a real world in my native language.
There are a question that how can I study the online class well?In the detail, I will watch online class from MIT, but I can understand about 50%~70% depending on the teacher said. Most sentences I couldn't understand are either many word I don't know or the complicated construction of sentence.So what should I do? I really want to listen to lectures because there are so many excellent lecture spoke in English.


Teacher thank very much for your excellent advices I love your clear and smart speach god bless you


Hello good morning teacher how are you.... I am from East Timor it is one iland from Asia my name is Jose, I am very very interesting your inglesh because can teach me everdaya thank you very much and one day I belive can inprove morw my English proud of you teacher.


Good morning teacher prix .How are you? I am from India. Your video very very nice and your blog with audio poadtcast super.


hi teacher special video as usual, actually i translate when i speak but when i listen my brain goes with meaning and does not stop on the sentence structures have a great vacation


Thanks Prix. Is so interesting this video. Regards from Costa Rica. I hope that you enjoy your vacations. Bless you


Understand the postcats or films also depends on the subject, if you don't have enough vocabulary or especific expressions it's difficult to understand the main message


Hi teacher lm Sergio Marden from Cruzeiro!!!


Thank you so much for your tips teacher, i agree with you the best way to improve your listening is repeat repeat and repeat .


Teacher, I could't watch your live videos yet, but I will!


Very good technique. Never thougth. Its easy.


you seem the children on the xuxa's show!! smssmsmsms kisses for you, you, and you, ah, you also!! ueueue I love you girl!! Well I don't know why the reason but I can recognize word by word that you say. And in my listening exercises, I often miss many words, 'cause that I stop for thinking in portuguese and got lost at all!! ueue, thank you gata!


My biggest ever mistake is translation. I can't stop looking for the translation in the dictionary. I'll follow your tips. Feel free to correct me.


I m using dictionary English to Tamil..its best or bad....


hi mam I m Indian..I have very desired in speak English.. my mother tongue Tamil...will u help me???? mam...what a about it????


I m not a many vacabulary..how to get it


very sad news we used to watch and listen your live videos
