MASTER CAMERA SETTINGS: Aperture, Shutter Speed & ISO

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Over *50* sample images with settings--but more importantly--the process behind HOW to pick camera settings that give you SHARP, CREATIVE, CLEAN, and PROPERLY EXPOSED pictures EVERY TIME! I discuss when to use Aperture Priority, Shutter Priority, and Manual Mode.






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As a disabled man recently, from a stroke I now have limited movement in my hands. Plus I am wheelchair bound. Having said that I try hard to take the shots of the things I enjoy. This video has helped me to do what I do how I want to do it, while the able bodied scoff, as well as ignore
.thank you


It is very rare that I feel like I must comment on a video, but I have to say that this video was VERY helpful to me. I completely understand that one person's camera settings is irrelevant to another person's settings in various environments but being a newer photographer, It was important for me to hear that it is ok to use Auto-ISO as well as other camera settings (aperture priority vs manual mode only).  It was important for me to hear hat it is ok to use "full auto" occasionally when there is too much to think about and you don't have time to go through all the manual settings before taking the shot. Before watching this video, I was lead to believe that most, if not all enthusiast-pro photographers used only manual settings because they had the experience to quickly adjust the settings in any situation to get the photo. I have been working really hard to get to that point but it has been a frustrating journey to say the least. It's just good to hear that it is ok (not necessarily ideal, but ok) to use auto when the situation calls for it. Thanks for sharing!


This is why you're my favourite photography channel. You're full of insight and also you take on negative crticcism and you address it. Not hide behind it. Good job Tony as always. Double thumbs up.


My favorite alround settings: AV mode with shutterspeed treshhold and auto ISO with a range. This way your camera makes decisions within your own "comfort zone" specs wise. I set the aperture (to the lowest number), which i often find the most important setting, have the shutterspeed treshhold on 1/125th of a sec and auto ISO set between 100-3200. When my shutterspeed should fall under 1/125th it starts to compensate with ISO (else it's 100). When top treshhold of ISO is reached, it slows down your shutter more. With these settings you have an almost full range of light to dark which you can shoot with 1 set of settings, or only adjust your aperture. Works like a charm in almost any situation.


Really great discussion about the “settings” issue. Great points about modes to use, what to use “auto” mode with (like Auto ISO) with respect to TYPES is shooting - portraits, wildlife, sports. The key takeaway - pick a start point and take many test shots to understand the dynamics of the settings in a given situation and how the camera/lens combination you’re using behaves in those situations. You have to start somewhere. Thanks Tony.

Автор glad I found your videos. I've been a low rate hobby photog for many years but recently decided to develop my skills and actually learn the nuts and bolts of the camera and the craft. I've started this journey many times but became immediately confused and discouraged and gave up. Doesn't say much for me, huh? lol I recently broke down and upgraded equipment as a gift to myself and want to actually "know" what I seem to have a pretty good feel for naturally. All that babble to get to my point. After watching a few of your videos, for the first time in my life, it's starting to make sense...thank you Jesus! lol. You have the teaching gift and I thanks bunches for sharing your experience and knowledge with me. Heaven knows I needed it! Blessings¡


This is Tony streaming his stream of consciousness for photography. It was a cool experience for him to run on about his internal process because that’s how I think when I’m shooting. It was nice to have the confirmation that I’m thinking properly. It would be cool to have a video like this about the creative process. Creativity or overcoming those “bored moments” is another time when I start to think differently knowing what I know about photography.


So much more pleasant, kind & thought-provoking, gentle explanation than your previous video, "Stop asking what sre your camera settings!"


This is an informative, non-judgemental, and clear video. Thanks for making a follow up video to the previous, expanding on this topic. I appreciate the many examples and walkthrough of each photo, stressing the fact there isn't 'one rule' for each scenario. The beginning was especially helpful, I have experienced information overload when I was shooting my sister's engagement photos!


YES that info was very helpful to understand some of the problems you encounter and when you click the shutter you have a reasonable understanding of what the results could be.


I appreciate the way you explain the variables and settings/learning how to understand photography and what you do when you begin to run into specific obstacles. You have definitely helped me merge and understand all of the information that I've learned about photography so far. Thank you.


Really liked this video. Better than the specific settings.. you are teaching the thought process behind how you use your settings. Bravo!


What sucks is when you’re a beginner and you get an awesome shot and you don’t know how you got it.


Sorry about the trolls! A genuinely useful video -- I especially appreciated the explanation about moving down the shutter speed with birds. Keep up your excellent work in spite of the comments.


Thumbs Up! I think in this video and the last one you've done a really good job explaining to beginners that trying to memorize (or copy) specific settings is not a good plan... because it isn't going to work. That really is an important message.

Heck, for now I won't even bother to disagree with your ideas about full manual mode or suggest that instead of spending time chimping histograms or memorizing compensation values in a semi-auto or auto mode someone could just spend that exact same amount of time/energy in full manual mode (no auto iso) and reap the benefits of not having the camera taking the liberty of jerking around with your well-reasoned (manual) exposures.


Just like to say, the point 3mins 38sec in really, really helped me. I've been watching various videos and seen the settings of various shots, such as portraits, where there was a surprisingly high shutter speed with a surprisingly high ISO. I've been in turmoil trying to work out what benefit there was to not turning down the ISO and having a still fast, but more appropriate shutter speed! Many thanks


Perfect! Was just trying to learn manual mode for specific shots, like sports settings and portrait settings, and was clicking all over YouTube before I saw you uploaded this. So happy right now!


I really really enjoyed this video. More so because I just bought a real camera and finally getting into hands on photography. Bookmarked this video for reference too. Been a subscriber for at least a year and only owned my iPhone for photos. In that time I slowly learned more about photography and cameras from your videos, though a lot of it goes over my head, yet slowly learned each video. However, videos like this are a massive step up in fundamental learning and understanding for camera work which I truly appreciate more. Taking the time in the video to “show” what you mean with the various inserted photos and camera settings helps a lot for someone like me to understand things basic and fundamental to photography. Really enjoyed it.


Thanks for actually speaking in "stops". Some other YouTube channels say "let's stop it down to f/6.3" and for some reason the fact that they arbitrarily choose that as opposed to f/5.6 or f/8 bothers me to no end.


I really loved your humility in this and other videos. You obviously have great experience and a depth of understanding. But I love how you really understand that this is a lot of info for most people. And yet you don't let that inhibit your generosity - you share so much insight and information. Thirdly, I also like what a great team you and your wife are. Thank you for these great videos!
