How to Prepare for an In Person Job Interview (4 Things You MUST Do)

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How to Prep for an In Person Interview - 4 Things You MUST Do for the Job Interview // In today’s video, we will teach you how to prep for an in person interview with these top interview preparation tips. These interview preparation tips for freshers all the way to seasoned professionals will help you to prepare for interview questions and know how to ace a job interview.

You’ll get 4 steps of how to pass a job interview with these interview tips and tricks. We’ll provide you with more tips to prepare for an interview for you to master the best way to prepare for a job interview and learn a lot more about job interview etiquette tips. Wifi Hi five!

WATCH: How to Write a 3 Step Easy Cover Letter

WATCH: How to Stand Out in an Onsite Interview (BAMF Binder/Portfolio Creation)

WATCH: FULL PLAYLIST - How to Answer Top Interview Questions

WATCH: How to Answer Behavioral Interview Questions

WATCH: How to Make a Story Toolbox - The Key to Interviews!

DOWNLOAD: "Tell me about yourself" free guide. This worksheet will walk you through the process of writing out a compelling & concise answer.

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Make sure to subscribe to Self Made Millennial, a new video comes out on Thursdays!

Get every job hunt email template you need, as simple as copy and paste. This ebook gets rapid results from everything from reaching out to companies, to following up, to negotiating the offer, and more. Own your copy of "Fill in the Blank Job Hunt: Essential Email Templates for the Job Search" here:

Work earnestly, speak kindly, act sincerely. :)

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Links from the video!
DOWNLOAD: "Tell me about yourself" free guide. This worksheet will walk you through the process of writing out a compelling & concise answer.

WATCH: How to Write a 3 Step Easy Cover Letter

WATCH: How to Stand Out in an Onsite Interview (BAMF Binder/Portfolio Creation)

WATCH: FULL PLAYLIST - How to Answer Top Interview Questions

WATCH: How to Answer Behavioral Interview Questions

WATCH: How to Make a Story Toolbox - The Key to Interviews!


Friends, I watched many of Madeline's videos to prep myself and I'm proud to say after three rounds of interviews. I GOT THE JOB!!! THANK YOU for posting such important information!


Quit my last job of 5 yrs on May 17th, I just had an interview today and was offered the job today! I start my new job on Monday! Thanks for the advice for reals !👏🏻👏🏻💪🏻


I listened to all of your interview videos for my first interview and it paid off I got another email requesting to do the 2nd interview and after a long gruesome 2 months wait I got offered the job I been trying to get for 6 year at my dream company. People please listen to her videos they are trully helpful. Most of the questions she talks about on her video I was asked and I would smile inside knowing I was prepared for those questions. Thank you again I start my new job in March, I am so happy.


"To get a job isn't a competition of who has the best memory."
Write these findings down,
Have a nice full notebook in the interview.

This was HUGE for me. It relieved me tremendously and I'm executing on it!


I'm executing on many of your tips, I pray I get hired. My values align, I have relevant experience, and the pay is great. I will be commenting on every video I used to help me that I did receive the job provided that occurs! And regardless, I'm forever grateful for your brand's mission and for just how well you deliver it.


I landed an amazing job!! Thank you so much for your videos, I watched as many as i could to get prepared and I was told I really impressed the hiring managers! They were especially wow'd by how much research I had done on the company.


I agree tremendously with the comments on your Energy. The Energy that you BRING to the table in these transmissions ... it's making us all set aside our silly social plans, buckle town, and work our TAILS off for these life changing, happiness altering moves that would mean way way more. I LOVE YOUR ENERGY ... so much.


Madeline, you don't know how motivating your videos are for me! Whenever I feel like I won't find a job after graduating, your videos lift me back up again! Anyways, I have my first interview next week for my dream internship and your tips are so useful!! Thank you!


Love your energy! Research is key. I find it helps to find out as much as you can about the company culture.


Very insightful information, especially coming straight from someone who works in HR. Preparation is key.


Thank uuu I landed a awesome job and negotiated 2, 000 more than the asking price.


I am taking your energy and going to apply it to my video tonight! Great video, new subscriber!


You're the best! :) Thank you. Keep the videos up.


I interviewed with one of my alma maters last week. I was the only one who could answer the questions in the time allotted (one of the panelists remarked on it, is why I know).

I researched the panelists, I researched the interim director who was leaving, and asked 3 key questions for the position that they hadn’t thought of asking me about (they were impressed with that, too).

I even asked if they had any questions about anything I had said, since we had 2 minutes left, and thanked them all for the wonderful discussion on moving the college forward.

Sent the follow up email, thanking everyone.

They called me 3 business days later and turned me down.

I mention this because it’s so easy you get your hopes up. I really could have made the difference they wanted.

As it was, I thanked the head of the interview panel (who called me) again, said I’d continue to look at other positions because—as I said in the interview—I really wanted to give to my school, because I wouldn’t have the Masters degrees I have today without the nurturing I received during my AA.

She ended up thanking me profusely for applying for the position, and said she couldn’t wait to see what else I applied for next. (In the meantime, I think they actually need to create another position to work with that director to accomplish their goals, but that’s a pitch to the board, not HR.)


What a great video Madeline! :) thanks for sharing!


Wow such great tips!!! I'm feeling fired up now!


I watched a ton of your channels videos in prep for an interview and just wanted to say thanks for the content! I got the offer!!!


Thank you Madeline ❤️ I got the job offer from the first and only company that I've been interviewed 🙆🏼‍♀️


that's a great point! it's not about who has the best memory; it's the fit, etc. etc. I will be taking notes into the interview and AT the interview
