Top 5 Tips To Improve Productivity Throughout The Year

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These are my top five tips to improve productivity and follow through with the goals you've set for the new year, throughout the year. I hope 2018 is off to a successful start for each and every one of you!

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This is such a great message. A three year old video that still rings true today. Thank you Dominique.


It’s been 4 years since you posted this but something you said about the greatest reward coming after the greatest struggle because it’s during the struggle (the valley) where we grow and where our character is shaped. Wow.
Yesterday, July 31, 2022, my pastor preached on this very thing! What a powerful service we had and God just moved in and took over! Such a great thing to hear confirmation of what he said through a small snippet that grabbed my attention here in your video from years ago.
Thanks much!


Omg I could listen to your voice for hours. You have such a calming nurturing voice. You would be perfect doing readings for audio books😌


I am 60 and I follow a great Miracle Morning routine. 10 mins each of meditation, affirmations, visualization, exercise, reading, and journaling. I didn’t invent it, but I follow it. My productivity has soared! Great video Dominique!! 💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝


I love this. This is what I talk about with my training clients. I'm 56 years old and been 'whole-wellness' online coaching for 25+ years and believe whole-heartedly in enjoying our lives. No dieting please! PURPOSEFUL eating. Letting it go when you enjoy some things that may not be as healthy, but enjoy your time with friends, the atmosphere/ambience, celebrations and please don't WORRY about how we eat every minute of our life! There are so many more important things to focus on. Be purposeful with everything. 80-90% eating correctly ... KUDOS!!


My word for 2018 is BETTER. I do not have any lofty goals but trying to be better at several things - like reading my Bible, exercising - starting with yoga for hip issues, organizing (not happening yet), etc.


I have been a yo-yo dieter all my life and it finally dawned on me how many social and family celebrations I had avoided or not enjoyed because i was "on a diet" ..then only to feel so aggrieved at missing out i would over indulge later and not just fall off the wagon but sell the horse that was pulling it!! I realised now I'm 50 that life is to be lived. I enjoy and as you say ..its one meal celebration...then get my stumpy arse back on that wagon. I think it's about being kinder to yourself ...think of how you would encourage a loved one to get back on track. Be kind to yourself. . You're a great inspiration. Intelligent, articulate and with an emotional intelligence and wisdom seldom seen these days. Many thanks for all you communicate to us all. Blessed be.


I listen to videos like this inspiring one early in the day which makes the whole rest of the day go better. Thanks for all your positive input into our lives.


Dominique, you just seem like the most wonderful human being! We all fall off our horse sometimes, but I genuinely admire your strength and tenacity. You seem to keep the best attitude and I always look forward to your videos because of your positivity.


Great tip about taking an action before jumping on social media! Your videos are always so useful and empowering! Thanks Dominique! 💗


Thank you! Such an inspiration! Earlier this month, I shared my goals with you. They are copied and pasted below.

I must say, you are one of my several inspirations!!
And just checking in, so far I’ve lost 16 pounds, just eating as outlined below. And I stayed SPOT ON TOO! Until last weekend at my sister’s BDay party. Thanks for the reminder. I’m ready to get back on!

So far: 16 pound weight loss, balanced check book every day (doing 1099s now), and spent 315 minutes decluttering! That storage unit being gone will be my mid summer birthday present to myself!!

Thanks for your inspiration! Below is my original commitment ~

okay, here goes. I'm going to lose 84 pounds, get my tax situation straightened out, and shut down that storage unit! Here I go! (no flour or sugar, 3 weighed and measured meals, nothing in between; create and adhere to weekly spending plan; declutter 15 minutes per day)


These tips are spot on. I have decided to spend some time every day to meet with my creator. I just can’t keep all this stuff in line by myself. I can’t do it. I need so much direction and I’m tired of trying to do it alone. I’ve started working out, taking baby steps, and to take care of my skin and hair. I needed your encouragement from tip number one too, with giving myself grace and staying on task. Thanks so much!!


I recently took notifications off of my phone. What a game changer. I can see if something is new when I look at a screen after I open my phone but to take a glance at it, I see nothing but a text that may come through. Game changer. I don’t glance at my phone near as much. Has helped me stay focused and in the moment. I have such a love hate relationship with devices. This action has given me more of he upper hand with them.


I cannot thank you enough for your wisdom - sometimes I forget how to stay the course and I experience the aftermath. I need to remember to write things down so that I can reference things which I often get lazy about. We make choices don't we? Again, thank you for this video as it very relevant to my life and I am sure to others.


I was scrolling and I bumped into this video. I guess the allmighty needed me to see this cause it was spot on. Having issues with diet and type 2 diabetes. Your encouragement helped me to reevaluate my thinking patterns. Thank you for all the advice and friendship that you share with us your viewers. You have such a generous and beautiful heart.


I feel so invigorated and vitalised when I spend a few calm minutes listening to you. I messaged you last week after your office de clutter to show you my CD albums. Over here in the UK it is dark and cold and I have some issues to deal with from someone who is harassing us but I will stay strong and try to be mindful to keep the stress of it all at bay. Thank you for your help!!


First of all Dominique, congratulations on 435k subscribers! I cant believe how your channel has grown by leaps and bounds so quickly. You are truly an inspiration!! I totally agree with you about doing something productive before sticking your nose in your phone or i-pad or computer. One check in can easily turn into a couple of hours. Hours that you can't ever get back. That's why I have no electronics in my room but for my reader. Life is all about balance and it's never been truer than now. Thank you so much for your wisdom and encouragement.


Thanks Dominique for the time you spend with us 😀


What can I said always is refreshing this time together.
This year for me had to be definitive productive.
I am very happy and convince that 2018 going to be awesome.
Thanks Dominique have a wonderful week.


Dominique - thank you for your candidness about having a night of sushi and then having a productive frame of mind afterward. My word of the year - discipline - hasn't been my mantra like I'd desired. You've helped encourage me to reset my mind and press on.
