The Pokémon Iceberg Explained

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Pokémon Iceberg Explained. After a month of working on this, I finally finished my Pokémon Iceberg. Making this has been really fun, but very time consuming. I ended up combining 3 Pokémon Icebergs into one, along with adding my own ideas. Any bit of support is appreciated, so thank you. I hope you enjoy the video.

➤ Timestamps
Introduction (0:00)
Tip of the Iceberg (0:30)
Middle of the Iceberg (8:49)
Bottom of the Iceberg (19:15)
The Void (31:48)
Outro (35:06)

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➤ Music:
Pokémon Tower Red/Green
Driftveil City
Gladion's Theme
Castelia city
Pokémon Tower FRLG
Amity Square
Klara's Battle Theme
Sword and Shield Gym Theme
Driftveil City
Old Chateau
Virbank City
Catherine Diamond and Pearl Battle Theme
Pokémon Channel Outside
Pokémon Channel Shopping
Pokémon Colosseum Normal Battle
Outskirt Stand
Pyrite Town
Unown Broadcast
Battle Tower Battle Theme
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Comment what you think should be added to the iceberg. I'd love to hear what you all have to share!


the weird gap between parts at 29:03 was the creepiest part of this video


the "corrupted hand of god" sounds way too badass to be in pokemon canon


You forgot about the little ghost girl of Hammerlocke. She asks you to deliver a letter to her crush, Frank, in Ballonlea. Only when you get there, you find out Frank is actually an old man. When you deliver the letter to him, he reveals that she was a childhood friend of his that disappeared after they had a fight. He later found out she was sick after her disappearance and asks if she's okay (you can choose to be silent or say that she's fine, much to his relief). When you go back to where the girl was, she's gone.


26:36 Eric Stuart, voice of Brock and James, has explained why he said the “4Kids are the devil” line. When the 4Kids dub of the anime was occurring, anime dubbing was considered “non-union work”, which meant actors got paid much less than the union hourly minimum and it didn’t count towards them receiving benefits/insurance through the SAG union. The way most actors on the show made their salary and got their benefits was through commercial ties with Pokémon (i.e A Burger King Commercial featuring a few Ash lines and Pokémon cries).

However, as the show continued, 4Kids gave the advertising companies those voice lines for free, meaning the actors would not get paid for them anymore. Eric Stuart got really upset and decided to record the line, and the sound engineer flipped it and put it in show. He said he had to pay around 1000 dollars to re-record the master copy of the episode


I love how Lavender Town's back in the days was like the scariest shit ever and now it's just a meme.
I remember when I was a kid and my friends were like "dude no don't put lavender town or we'll feel sick and die"
great times.


29:05 why is that pause long i thought there will be a jumpscare


Say it with me folks:
"Main character is in a coma/is dead/nothing in the story is real" is NOT a real theory or conspiracy


imagine being the guy that invented the mew truck rumour, he touched the brains of like on billion people


You forgot one:

On 4chan there was a thread where someone asked people to draw their favorite Pokémon from memory. One person drew a Pokémon called “tentaquill” it quickly became a meme and everyone started making fun of it because it was dumb. Years later, the Pokémon gold beta was leaked. Guess what Pokémon was in it? That right. Tentaquill. It wasn’t called that but the art was almost identical. Either this guy was one of the few people that played the beat in Japan, or he posted from an alternate universe where tentaquill got put in the game.


Flareon, a fire dog which has fire abilities : *is trapped in a burning building*
Also Flareon : fricking dies

Vaporeon, a water dog which can infinitely shoot water, is strong to fire, can put out fire out with its water : *is trapped in a burning building*
Also vaporeon : fricking dies


Idk if yall ever heard about this one, but in when 5th grade, their was this rumor where if you released a jiggly puff in lavender town, the crying jiggly puff would appear and erase all of your saved data. Pretty scary for an 11 year old


7:37 FINALLY SOMEBODY AGREES WITH ME. Porygon had no reason to be removed


If Mewtwo is so good... why isnt there a Mewtwo 2


I don’t remember many details, but in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, there is this couple that you do a double battle with. One of them uses cloyster. The other uses onix. They are husband and wife. This was a meme about the, probably, naughty developers


My brain has a spot dedicated to pokemon?



The "Diamond and Pearl remakes confirmed" joke aged very well


wait can we talk about how ghastly is 5’ fucking 11”


Two inaccuracies with the Racist Gengar:
-The James cosplayer spoke up to confirm he did not distribute the Gengar. The eyewitness descriptions mentioned the culprit was dressed as a Team Rocket Grunt, but not specifically James.
-The posters were put up for a DIFFERENT fake event in which someone was distributing a non-racist Eevee.


“No one knows what’s underneath diglett”

That on scene with Brock holding a diglett: Am I a joke to you
