How do you handle a support that keeps trying to feed? | SkillCapped

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Video Description:
In this game, we break down a vod from FNC Rekkles where he perfectly executes pieces of Tristana's kit to massively outplay his opponents.

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Skill-Capped is a hyper improvement learning platform for League of Legends. Partnering with players such as Nightblue3, Imaqtpie, Voyboy, and hundreds of Challenger Tier players, all our videos are validated by the top 0.02% of players in the world. We constantly release content, and you can count on multiple videos per week for your roles. Every time there is a patch to League of Legends, we are on the spot with the most up-to-date information from the cutting edge of the meta game. Because of this, our subscribers improve achieve their goals significantly faster than their peers.

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That title is kinda misleading. I was expecting a video teaching me about how to deal with a completely useless support and playing from behind as Tristana. On top of that the Janna played pretty well overall.
Nontheless a great video, i just felt this to be worth pointing out.


I didn't see a support trying to feed...


"As Janna tries to kill herself"


Please do a video on what to do when your support ACTUALLY feeds


That’s not dealing with a support that keeps trying to feed. Good video but yeah that’s not feeding at all she didn’t even die


Title is really misleading. The video isn't about dealing with having a bad support at all, it's basically just a how to lane well as Tristana video. Also, while this video is good for learning Tristana specifically, unlike a lot of your other videos it's pretty useless for everyone else because of how Tristana specific most the information is, and so I'd like to see videos like this both be properly titled instead of just being click bait, and preferably have a bit more that can be taken away from it if you don't play the one specific champion involved.


Support never fed? Maybe do a vid with this title with a support that actually fed?


Wow, what a clickbait title. I mean seriously. "We over-analyse a very ordinary game and praise some one for pressing their buttons at the right time" is more like it. Janna stepped up once and took a little bit of harass. Come on.


1:55 "as janna tries to kill herself" lol


what if the other lanes didnt win? can you do a video how to snowball a lane when the others are losing?


Good informative vid but pls dont mislead us with you title.


Hey i love your video’s very very informative, I was wondering if you plan on making any for support role?


He was actually playing against Sertuss. He is the EUW Rank6 Midlane. This guy isn't a ADC main so it was obviously a free lane for Rekkles.


Your chanel is one of the best especially in Botlane related videos. Dispite being main jungle i watch almost every video from other lanes. The problem is i feel you have much better knowladge for other lanes like bot for example making super insightful videos, but can't say the same for the jungle. There are better and worse videos out of the 6 you have published but i've to say that most of them feel like highlights more than lessons. No way near the educational level your other videos have. I hope you get some high elo jungler that can help you with this and make more interesting videos for that role.

Thanks for all and keep up the good work.
(Sorry if i have some english mistakes)


While this video was very good i find this title to be clickbait.
If i have a morgana support who is actively feeding, doesn't land binds, doesn't black shield and spams her e on the wave to prevent me from wave managing and last hitting how i still carry.
My reaction when my sup starts feeding is usually to try and freeze under tower to farm safely for late and only take trades when the enemy tries to last hit, so when the sup is also actively pushing


The tip about warding deeper in that situation at 4:50 is actually incorrect because rekkles definitely would have lost a minion, this is considered optimal play to ward the brush when pinched on time.


So how do you handle a support that keeps trying to feed? Since i saw none of the two supports being remotely close to ' feeding '.


The Support was in no way " feeding". I've seen supports flash chase under tower. How do you fix those kinds of lanes. Like 2/19 bot lanes as a jungler. How can i keep them from feeding like that?


talking about range and footwork like it's a boxing match i like that


We need more videos about team fights rather than the laning phase.
