Nietzsche's Moustache: Why did Nietzsche have such a Huge Moustache?

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In this video, I explore the ideas surrounding Nietzsche's moustache. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche has one of the most iconic moustaches in history. People, including myself, have often wondered, does Nietzsche's moustache, being as big as it is, mean anything? I sought out the answer to this question and during a philosophy course, the Nietzschean scholar Professor Robert C. Solomon, explained that for Nietzsche his moustache represents self-discipline and is linked to the idea of the military, and it offers for Nietzsche a 'mask' or 'persona' that he can hide behind. The following quote by Nietzsche breaks this down quite nicely:

"Knowing one's 'individuality'. - We are too prone to forget that in the eyes of people who are seeing us for the first time we are something quite different from what we consider ourselves to be: usually we are nothing more than a single individual trait which leaps to the eye and determines the whole impression we make. Thus the gentlest and most reasonable of men can, if he wears a large moustache, sit as it were in its shade and feel safe there - he will usually be seen as no more than the appurtenance of a large moustache, that is to say a military type, easily angered and occasionally violent - and as such he will be treated."
- Friedrich Nietzsche, Daybreak, Book IV - Aphorism # 381.

Wearing a moustache allows you to see how other people quickly make judgements of you, it also allows you to sink back behind this eye-capturing facial feature and know yourself - seeing the difference between how others see you and your own understanding of yourself. It is through this exercise that one can come to an understanding of their own persona. So as Nietzsche has done, why not try to grow a huge moustache and ponder the interesting reactions that come your way, you might learn more about yourself and others.

#Nietzsche #Moustache #Mustache
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I wear a beard related to philosophy as well, more of a Diogenes approach to things I assume, I wonder if you could point me to other philosophers with similar takes?

Since childhood I knew I was destined to be bald, eventually I started shaving my head to get used to it and did so for a majority of my life. About 4-5 years ago I began transitioning into new thinking after a couple radical life changes and decided I did not want to alter my hair that way and wanted to let it be in its natural form. This philosophy led me right into dreadlocks and a full beard. Alongside my wardrobe has become nothing more than fabric draped over me and a thin layer of sandal under my feet to protect them. All my life I intended on being covered in tattoos and piercings but I cannot find anything I value enough to cover my body in more than I value not altering my natural body. I am sure I will eventually evolve from this state I just wonder who else lives like this.


Hey man I really appreciate your channel. I want to get more into philosophy. I am also a very creative type and suffered from depression most my life. I'm glad that people like you are out there.


Well done!
Mark Twain's nose-whiskers are a similar style. I wonder how he considered his moustache.


This is extremely interesting! Thanks for sharing this!


Great quote, thanks for all the info. Interesting person for sure!


In terms of how you have to cut it for professional reasons, I think you should cut it shorter, but not shave it completely, as mustaches of short length add a dignified appearance


Very nice video ! finally know the reason why he grew it


Really interesting points you raise here. Very relatable. I have been grown if a beard for almost 5 years, this was prompted I now see by the full acceptance of a life changing event I survived, it’s resulting total change of circumstance and perspective shift. I couldn’t work anymore so didn’t have the restrictions of the professional I had before. On realising this and having lived a large part of my life as a people pleaser (and losing my identity) I decided I was going to live my best authentic life. Interesting the point you made about the reaction of many people suddenly feel a need to comment/advise on my appearance now 😂. I’m coming to think it’s more the idea of my authenticity rather than a beard that unnerves others as well as my more straightforward, and I guess outspoken, way of being. I’m more secure in my own skin now than I ever have been. Attitude and perspective are powerful things.


It's always funny when you remember that others judge you immediately, and yet, only from one or two traits as opposed to your entire face and clothes and whatnot lol let alone personality. Interesting stuff for sure, I like nietzsche and it always saddens me how his philosophy and writing is often warped


so weird to use the word 'wear' for keeping a mustache
