Magnificent Century: Kosem Episode 13 (English Subtitle)

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Magnificent Century: Kosem Episode 13 (English Subtitle)

Sultan Ahmed Khan's great love, the three sultans valides, the lover of the people of Istanbul, the most powerful Ottoman women ever; the enormous Kösem Sultan…
That name; cihan state will successfully rule the Ottoman Empire for forty years, will be the sole protector of the dynasty, will win the love of the masses, will be counted with power and grandeur ... Kösem Sultan, as the most powerful woman the East has seen, the dizzying power will take everything from one hand to the other. Adamı He will sacrifice the man he loves, his family, friends and sons… But first; innocence ...

Sultan Ahmed Han'ın büyük aşkı, üç padişah validesi, İstanbul halkının sevgilisi, gelmiş geçmiş Osmanlı kadınlarının en kudretlisi; muazzam Kösem Sultan…
O isim ki; cihan devleti Osmanlı’yı kırk yıl boyunca başarıyla yönetecek, hanedanın yegâne koruyucusu olacak, kitlelerin sevgisini kazanacak, kudret ve ihtişamla bir sayılacak... Kösem Sultan, Doğu’nun gördüğü en güçlü kadın olarak adını yazdırırken baş döndürücü gücü her şeyini elinden teker teker alacak… Sevdiği adamı, ailesini, dostlarını ve oğullarını kurban verecek… Ama önce; masumiyetini…

El gran amor del sultán Ahmed Khan, la madre de tres sultanes, el amante del pueblo de Estambul, la más poderosa de las mujeres otomanas de la historia; el gran sultán Kösem…
Es un nombre que el estado de Jihan gobernará con éxito el Imperio Otomano durante cuarenta años, se convertirá en el único protector de la dinastía, ganará el amor de las masas y será considerado uno con poder y gloria... Mientras Kösem Sultan escribe su nombre como la mujer más poderosa que Oriente haya visto, su poder vertiginoso le quitará todo... ella sacrificará al hombre que ama, a su familia, a sus amigos y a sus hijos... pero primero; su inocencia…

الحب الكبير للسلطان أحمد خان ، والدة ثلاثة سلاطين ، عاشق شعب اسطنبول ، أقوى النساء العثمانيات على الإطلاق ؛ السلطان العظيم كوسم…
إنه اسم ستحكم فيه ولاية جيهان بنجاح الإمبراطورية العثمانية لمدة أربعين عاما ، وتصبح الحامي الوحيد للسلالة ، وتكسب حب الجماهير ، وتعتبر واحدة ذات قوة ومجد... كما كتبت كوسم سلطان اسمها كأقوى امرأة شهدها الشرق على الإطلاق ، فإن قوتها المذهلة ستأخذ كل شيء عنها... سوف تضحي بالرجل الذي تحبه وعائلتها وأصدقائها وأبنائها ... ولكن أولا ؛ براءتها…

#MagnificentCenturyKosem #MagnificentCentury #MuhteşemYüzyılKösem
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Golge the one and only different lady in this series so beautiful yet a true friend and protector of Kosem .


Sunbul Agha is much way better than bulbul 😫 Nigar Kalfa and Kosem looks like sisters 💃


actress portraying kosem is very beautiful but her acting skill are not as magnificent as meryem urzeli's...


So Kosem is like the Turkish Catherine the Great? Well except that Kosem was loved by her husband.


Dilruba seems to mucj with little mihrimah no filters 😅😅😅


Very impressed with Golge!! Her loyalty is unmatched.. Though I wish she was able to tell who did it before she died.. Imagine being stabbed like that and still keeping your strenght to kill the enemy so your friend will have one less enemy to worry about.. Then crawling back up and walking all the way to your friends to be with them when you die.. The actress who played the role of Golge is very talented!!!


kosem is honest straight forward and quick to act. hurrem was way more smart and cunning. and strategic you never know what's her next move


Handan's luck is miraculous! bc I can't find any other explanation for how could she survived in the palace while being so dumb


I really hate Dilruba.... I can already guess that she would be as cunning as her mother🙄


I can't believe mehmet giray turned out to be the biggest betrayer of them all. To think we believed he really loved her and would sacrifice anything for her but no, he turned out to be the worst kind of traitor, he traded farhiye's life for sahin's. Dervish never even loved her but still tried to save her and the guy she sacrificed everything for, poisoned her family for and put her life at risk was the one to take advantage of her feelings and give her to the butcher's knife. He is worse than sahin. Disgusting. And safiye and ahmed are to blame as well, they didn't care about fahriye's feelings, they set up the marriage for their gains, especially ahmed, he only cares about his own feelings and wrongfully wants fahriye to accept that, they are inhumane and cruel. Fahriye is the victim, she was led to her mistake and eventual death by mehmet, ahmed, sahin, safiye, all of them used her.


Golge's death was so painful😭. we gonna mis her somuch in the series ❤


I felt so bad for golge. She was a beautiful character with a beautiful soul. Kosem sultana was lucky to have good friends like golge, kemankesh, zulfiker and the girl who is always with her from the beginning even bulbul aga will be her friend . And Iskender was also a good friend of her and he Loved kosem compared to ahmet.


19:09 zulfikar is so fed up of palace's chaos, he likes battlefield more 😂


Dervish and Handan would make such a great couple!


Many days ago Kosëm said the same things than Hurrem to Mahfiruze "It's the most powerful Prince from the most powerful mother that ascend the throne"


I didnt really care for fahriye but her screams for her mom at the end 😭😭 chills such a good actress


Mehmet is so selfish. Just because Fariye doesn't love him anymore, he didn't even think twice about her life. Is this what his love was?


Between Hurrem and Kosem, Kosem has more of a heart than Hurrem..


So sad for Golge..🥺 very loyal to kosem.


As they are innocent, every woman at that time and in that Palace did what was necessary to survive. Is Safiye evil, Kosem good ? Either you kill or be killed. Honestly I have a lot of admiration for these women who fought tooth and nail for their lives.

Men made the rules. Remember that
