FIRST CLASSICAL CONCERT of 15-year-old Karolina Protsenko | Mendelssohn Violin Concerto

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15 year old Karolina Protsenko is playing Mendelssohn Violin Concerto In E Minor as soloist with Orchestra Nova LA for the first time. Karolina is playing on a Carl Becker violin Chicago 1937.

Big thanks to Karolina's violin teacher Sam Fischer for nourishing her musical talent and being a great classical violin mentor for her.

Condactor: Ivan Shulman
Videographer: Sam Liu
Soundman: Jeff Dollente

#karolinaprotsenko #classicalmusic #concerts #violin #performance
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It doesn't matter if it's a street, a stage, a hall, a theater or a concert hall, Karolina definitely should be on stage, she was born an artist and now, at just 15 years old, she is already an incredible musician.


In the realm of classical music, it is a rare occurrence when a young talent emerges with as much sophistication and mastery as Karolina Protsenko. Her rendition of Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto in E minor is remarkable not just for her youthful age but primarily for the maturity and depth of her musical interpretation.
What stands out immediately is Karolina's ability to play the entire piece from memory, a feat that demands exceptional musical intelligence and a deep understanding of the structure and emotion of the piece. This skill, often observed in the greatest virtuosos, allows her to form a direct and intimate connection with the music, unencumbered by the physical constraints of a score.
Karolina's technical proficiency is impressive; her violin playing is precise, her tone rich and expressive. However, it is her interpretative maturity that truly sets her apart. She approaches Mendelssohn's work with a sensitivity and insight typically associated with musicians of a much older generation.
Her performance of the cadenza, in particular, is noteworthy, demonstrating a remarkable balance between technical virtuosity and emotional expression. Her play is not just a rendition of notes, but a story told through music, with a clear narrative structure that takes the listener on a journey through Mendelssohn's musical landscape.
This concert marks a significant moment in the career of a young musician who will undoubtedly grow to be one of the key figures in the world of classical music. Karolina, with her exceptional talent and dedication, reminds us of the enduring ability of music to surprise, inspire, and enrich. It's a living testament that true art knows no age boundaries.


Only 15 years old? A talented young lady. Brilliant performance. A joy to listen.


That takes guts to get up there in front of skilled musicians and a knowledgeable audience and play that well. She's got it all. She's a musical savant and beautiful to boot.


Their pure excitement to have Karolina as a soloist was so heart warming. How intensely difficult. She handled it all with such grace. Well done! 👏🏻 👏🏻 bravos


Dear Karolina you literally make shivers run up my spine with beauty of your music. I'm 87 and have been around beautiful music most of my life and you have capped it all. Bless you Angel.


This is just the beginning Karolina. In my opinion, in addition to the covers that you play divinely on the streets, now not only of Santa Monica, but also in Europe, I am sure that a concert of this caliber with you as first violin will lead you to perform in the greatest theaters in the world. And I'm waiting for you. Heartfelt congratulations ❤ 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🔥🔥🔥


I saw Karolina as a street musician in the USA, it was wonderful. She will certainly become a violinist of world renown, like Anne Sophie Mutter from Germany today. I wish her much success.


I am a violinist from the UK, trained at the royal academy of music in London and I think she was brilliant.I like her sound and vibrato❤


Karolina is going to turn me into a fan of classical music.


Unbelievable world class performance, so proud of you Karolina. ❤️🥰💐


Karolina and the whole Orchestra great performance. Ohhh LORD, Speechless!!!


What can I say about Karolina that hasn't already been said? I was sitting in the front row next to her parents. It was a beautiful, very difficult piece and Karolina played it brilliantly. BRAVO!


Девочка большой молодец. И надо отдать должное ее папе и маме, за то что смогли взрастить такой талант.


This is an unbridled joy to watch. Karolina has no ego, gives herself entirely to the music. The relaxed yet controlled intonation at the 2:30 mark is hypnotic. Her enthusiasm is infectious. Bravo!! 👏👏


Wow, brilliant! A big round of applause to the orchestra and naturally, the young genius on the violin!


As an avid fan of heavy metal and rock along with the occasional blast of death metal, I could never have imagined myself listening to a piece of classical but I absolutely loved this. To have such a talented young lady leading the orchestra is an amazing achievement at the tender age of 15yrs old so hat's off to you Karoina, you are an absolute star!♥️♥️


How bursting with pride your parents must be! You have given us an absolutely stunning performance.
Thank you and congratulations Karolina.


Dear Karolina, congratulations on the wonderful concert and your great success at it. Your performance was perfect. The part you play at high speed is amazing. Your dress and posture are both wonderful. I have never seen a violin soloist as beautiful as you. Anyway, it's amazing. 👏👏👏👏💐💐💐


debut for Karolina's first concert. Beautiful and statuesque in elegant black outfit. She glows adorably, only 15 yrs young.She took it all in a graceful and charming way. Simply amazing and majestic performance. Found her way into our hearts and minds, giving us beautiful food for our souls..Anywhere, anytime, anyhow, always amazing. Does it all beautifully.
