What is Space-Time Made from? | Erik Verlinde

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Nearly twenty years have passed since scientists first proposed a mysterious force, Dark Energy, pushing our universe apart. Yet there is no direct evidence for it or any idea what it might be. Might our theories of the universe be profoundly mistaken or is an explanation of Dark Energy around the corner?

#physics #darkenergy #iai #debate #spacetime #einstein


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I really appreciate Verlinde's soft way of speaking without making it uninteresting.
It makes him so easy to listen to.


It seems to me he's avoiding the question, if in fact the "what is space-time made from" question. He's talking about space-time addresses dark energy, etc, but this is not exactly this first time anyone has heard these things. Not to criticize him specifically, no one seems to want to attempt address the question directly. At the end he does seem to admit that there is something "that we still have to learn how to describe" but he almost brushes it off. I think probably because no one is going to ever actually be able to describe what spacetime is, only what it does. 'Dark Energy' is just a scientist's way of saying I don't know.


Sorry the discussion was so short! ;) A fascinating topic. Rikki Tikki.


I was always intrigued by the permeability and permeativity of space time found in Maxwell’s equations. That means there is a impedance to magnetic and electric fields. What is impeding it and as a result, what limits the speed of light? Something curves in general relativity… it more than likely is not just some tensor construct.


Most of the comments are gibberish.
Space-time is not energy, although it can store and convey energy. The Einstein stress-energy tensor describes how energy is stored by the curvature of space-time. An example of space-time conveying energy comes from the Voyager space probe's slingshot around Jupiter, where it gained energy from Jupiter's gravitation field (i.e., from the bending of space-time around Jupiter) and sped up. Jupiter in turn slowed down microscopically.
But we don't know what space-time is at the micro level, since John Wheeler pointed out that at the Planck length, space-time dissolves into a quantum foam. Since we have no quantum theory of gravity, we can't define space-time at the micro-level, so we don't really know what it is, other than a reference frame (Einstein's theory, a classical theory, and thus not complete).


The virtual photon is the hero here and has all of the properties, some hidden, needed for spacetime. The argument can be made that the photon can do everything necessary to fully implement the physics of this universe. Photons are a manifestation of e^I + 1 = 0. During the big bang, At extreme big bang temperatures, the photon would be converted into the spacetime continuum.


It's ironic that I need Dutch subtitles to understand this.


In a quantum level the universe might contain matter.
We just cant see it. Because we cant reach that quantum level atleast till now


Something is real and this something produces spacetime. The question is what this some-thing is.


Als Ans commentaar begint te geven staan de sterren meestal niet gunstig.


The recent discovery of the galaxy with little to zero dark matter puts alternatives to GR in jeopardy. Those theories that do not involve a dark matter particle to explain the motions of galaxies essentially change the laws of gravity that govern those motions. So every galaxy should show a dark matter signature, not because of dark matter, but because that signature of dark matter is something inherent in the laws of gravity. Not seeing that signature, even for a single object, is a big problem for those models. Consequently, Verlinde's emergent gravity and MOND theories are in trouble.


I think spacetime is a field like the electromagnetic field or a collection of fields affected by entropy


I think space is made up of sub microscopic particles in perpetual motion in all directions. Motion of particles makes Space an energy field. Free space has uniform energy density. Mass & charge change the balance of energy density. Imbalance in energy density induces force fields which cause the energy to flow from higher to lower energy density regions.


Erik Verlinde komt op mij niet erg overtuigend over. Misschien dat dit te maken heeft met snarentheorie waar hij en zijn beste vriend Robbert Dijkgraaf aanhanger van zijn.


Do any videos even actually exist where this guy actually explains some part of his theory?


So the fabric of space could be dark energy so what's dark energy made off


You are assuming space is made of nothing because you may not be able to detect it, If it's out of phase with your current time always a step ahead it would be completely undetectable beyond measurements.

Space may also be so small that it breaks the plank leangth rule being so small we can't detect it with current technology.


Great intelligence, but sorry, unconsciously at the end he sai “I’m not sure how much time i have left “ I thought that a Freudian slip given the topic . Haha


Another in a LONG standing line of scientists who dodge and dance around the matter of what space is made out of.
Geez Louise.


How does the discovery of a galaxy with no detectable dark matter, and on the other side, galaxies comprised almost exclusively of dark matter, factor into this? I’m not an expert, but these discoveries would seem to cast doubt on the emergent gravity hypothesis, since it basically says that dark matter isn’t another particle that we haven’t discovered yet, but something built into the way gravity operates. Therefore, if emergent gravity is correct, all galaxies should behave according to the same set of principles; i.e., the discovery of galaxies not behaving according thereto would seem to falsify this hypothesis.
