MRE Review: South Korean Ham Fried Rice Menu #2

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Republic of Korea Ration, Immediate type, for Battle

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I spent 18 months in South Korea in the late 80s as an Army 11B. Whenever possible, we gave village kids our rations, and purchased food from the villagers. Ramen, Bulgogi, Kimchi, and top it off with a Moon Pie. I have to admit that I tried Kagogi more than once. When in Ie Tae Won, I had a favorite street vendor for Yaki Mandu.... Oh the memories.


What an awesome ration gd!!! First the bag that serves as a cozy, then the pull the cord heater, the crazy thick spork, and if it wasn't enough it also comes with a little foldable bow!!! This one really amazed me, it was like 40 surprises/minute!!! Thanks so much for the review man, take care!!!


The kimchi in the mre package is a type of stew and is meant to be eaten hot with the fried rice. Kimchi that is typically served cold is meant to be eaten within days once it has fermented and you won't find them in Korean mre's since cold kimchi cannot be stored for long term.


This sounds good. A pull string to start warming up the rice. Very clever.


Lol.. I'm watching this for the first time just as my Korean review is uploading. Thanks for the laughs buddy, and we definitely agree on a few things here! It's spooky.


Love the vid. Great to share it with us. Always like a good Korean meal, probably a couple times a month. The way they do meats makes your mouth water.

Right now a horse running at our racetrack (standardbred) is named Kim Chee. Came in seventh last night.

I wanted to ask if you have ever watched Albino Rhino's channel? He's only done one US MRE review, comparing it to a Canadian one, but it is fun to watch him and his buddies try it for the first time. He also does some of the best beer reviews, very in-depth. The guy knows beer.

Cheers, have a good one.


This is legit. I had these a lot when I was in the army.


Hey Gundog, I really enjoy your MRE reviews, especially when you add your humor! That spork looks like it could double as a weapon!
Thanks for sharing!


Props from Korea Gunddog! Great video as always XD


Another good review. Thank you for your service to our country.
We love Alligator.


Yo gundog, a big reason why the rice tasted so bland is probably cuz it's bimbimbap; roughly translated to mixed rice. Basically, all those other things you mix in with the rice, which is why the MRE only comes with one tray.


발열팩 안에 볶음 김치, 소세지 볶음, 콩 소고기 볶음을 넣고 데워야해요
그리고 조리가 다 되면 발열팩안에 남은 열기로 아몬드케이크와 초콜릿을 데우면 따뜻하게 먹을 수 있어요

아몬드 케이크는 조금 말라있기 때문에 아몬드케이크 봉지를 뜯은 뒤에 안에 물을 조금 넣고 발열팩 안에 넣어두면 촉촉하게 먹을 수 있어요

볶음밥과 소세지, 소고기 콩 요리를 섞어 먹으면 더 맛있어요
볶음 김치는 취향에 따라 먹으면 되요


When i was in Rok army. I use hotpack to melt chocoball and spread on the almond cake. It's the best way to eat almond cake. If you have another chance to eat S.korean MRE you must eat like that.


Beer o'clock in Australia starts whenever you awake and step outside on your verandah, grab a beer from the esky and sit down on the swing :P


Lol when I was served at ROK army, we believed Korean government decided execute us by eating this. Actually Middle of top one is sautéed kimchi.


I was stationed in the ROK 89-90 long before these obviously. The ROK troops were very adept at cooking awesome meals in the field. At that time they were issued a ration similar to the US 5 for 1 ration and prepped by section. I loved the sweet rice bread that came in those rations.


Alligator would seem to have opinions on kim chee. And mixing the rice and kim chee seems like a natural thing to do.

This ration looks pretty appealing, I have to say.


Rice and Kimchee is actually a "poor man's staple"

Korea for the longest time experienced post-invasion poverty - Russians, Japanese, and then the American Reconstruction era brought along new poverty foods like hotdog ramen.

In those days, pairing just one or two items with rice became a common meal or snack.

Soy cured eggs, beef, kimchee, nori, sea mustard (brown seaweed) broth, or on occasion a handful of nuts and beer with sweet rice.

So you're good to go!


I’ve had this before, and in my opinion, the best way to eat this is to mix all the things (of course except chocolate and cake). And also if you heat the chocolate so it is melted, and spread it across the almond cake, its good. You should try that if you get a chance to get another one. Thanks for the video


Seems like most of asia have the best heaters/frh especially japan if we had those in the us mres that wuld be the russian stove heater is quite aswome reveiw :) cheers
