Young Vermonters Know that We Must Fix Our Broken Health Care System

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I am proud of these Vermont students — finalists in my State of the Union essay contest — who understand that our health care system is broken. They know we must address the high cost of prescription drugs, take on the power of health insurance corporations, and access to care for all people. Let’s listen to them and work to finally guarantee health care to all as a human right.
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1 in 3 Americans can't afford their prescriptions?! holy sh*t


Thank you soooo much Senator Sanders for your dedication to this issue!! 💗


"Promote the general welfare" is something that Republicans have never understood and have resisted administration after administration. Perhaps we now have an opportunity to get it right! !!!


I pledge allegiance to the flag of the Corporate states of America, and to the Republicans for which it stands, one nation under debt, easily divisible, with liberty and justice for *Oil.*
- An Ode; to all the foolishly obedient Trump Apologists, and their corrupt Handlers.


As a lifetime victim of the US Healthcare system I support making all hospitals NPO. I have been diagnosed with PTSD from it! My husband has nightmares from dealing with our insurance companies. I was declared "uninsurable" at the age of 12 when I survived TSS. It's criminal and cruel. They denied me PT because " it cost to much time to justify because I didn't get better from a broken neck fast enough. If you get hurt or a chronic illness in America you are left for dead. Period. It would take a year to tell you how horrible it has been for 40 yrs. It has affected my whole life. I DESERVE BETTER! Even with insurance, I have to fight for my meds and this year, with no warning, they dropped me off a medication I have taken for 30 yrs. No excuses, no substitute. I have panic attacks every time I have to see a Dr. or get my scripts. Many times, I have given up. I had to claim bankruptcy while paying uninsured rates (400/Dr Visit...800/month for 1 script) just to get 500/month in disability. That's after working 2 jobs (1 for medical, 1 for living) for almost 25 yrs to live at poverty level Except for when I was married but I had to stay in an abusive relationship to get the help I needed. Thank you Bernie, for HOPE!!


I stand with Bernie Sanders because BERNIE SANDERS STANDS FOR *US!*


Enjoy these Young Vermonters info videos. Really, really hope this generation doesn't get self-censored (after being drained by misinfo etc) by plutocratic neoliberalism like my gen have.


Thanks for these videos. I wish they could go as viral as your gloves did.


You need universal, single-payer, government-funded health care in the US. These young Vermonters know what they're talking about - they see how well it works up here in Canada. Keep fighting for your rights!


Sanders u got a great opinion in music


A right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Healthcare is the right to live, the flip side of the coin is to think that not everyone deserves to live.


How many times did Fred Hampton mention the word "fascism" in that new movie?
why do people *TODAY* deny it?


AmeriCare: expanded, improved #MedicareForAll: vision, mental, pharma, dental - not incidental! UN World Health Organization/WHO has 2030 goal of #UniversalHealthCoverage #UHC


I love the idea of Medicare for all but I think that Bernies plan goes to far. For example it includes drugs, dental, vision, and no cost sharing. In other countries like France, Germany, or Canada, they either don’t cover everything or they have some sort of cost sharing. I think a Medicare for all system using the current Medicare system that has supplemental plans to add coverage and help with cost sharing as well as the option to receive it through private insurance while still having the government at the helm is the best way to have healthcare. The Medicaid program would continue to help people afford the out of pocket costs if they can’t afford it. using the current Medicare system would not be as expensive, it would have a small and highly regulated spot for private insurance and competition, while still cutting costs, covering everyone, AND the Medicare system already exists.


"Health insurance premiums, high deductibles, co-pays, medical bankruptcy are a human right"… said no one ever. (:-( #MedicareForAll: free at point of care, will save you money but… "nah, socialism!" (:-( #M4A #UHC #UniversalHealthCoverage


This! This video right here is why I don’t live in America anymore...


How long will the wait times be for the brain tumor this comment section is giving me


Looking to children for policy looks bad for the policy. This is fucking idiocy.


Yeah!! That's wy we need to support Bernie Sanders good friend Joe Biden 😉to make sure we never get it


BS those kids are being manipulated and told what to think. So we let the Government run health care? Free market competition is best.
