7 Best Places To Live In Vermont

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Vermont is definitely one of the best states for families to live in the country; it is also touted to be among the safest states, according to recent data published by the FBI in 2021. These are the reasons why you should consider making a move to this place.

There are a lot of things that you can enjoy in Vermont. It has nice weather all year long and offers picturesque scenery, such as the marvelous landscapes in Montpelier and the extended summer attractions provided by Lake Champlain.

The economy in this state is doing great, as well. It offers a strong job market and has shown resilience against the financial downfalls brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. As of now, it is still among the states with the lowest unemployment rates. You and your family can certainly afford the living standards that you want to establish while you are residing in any of the towns and cities in Vermont.

In this video, I've listed all the best places to live in Vermont. If you want to plan to move here, you should watch this video first. In this way, you can get an address that suits your needs and preferences. Let's get started!


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I don't know who came up with this, but I wonder if they've even set foot in this state, let alone lived here. I'm a 9th gen Vermonter and I love it here, but I can tell you that the cost of living is high, housing is scarce and incredibly expensive, the wages aren't fantastic, you don't have broadband or cell service everywhere, and with our long, harsh winters, saying that the weather is "always nice" is blatantly false advertising. As others have said, you might want to do some fact checking before presenting this kind of video.


I live in Vermont in Essex and it is not distant it's right next to Jericho and Williston and S. Burlington and Shelburne. Almost all of these towns listed are in Chittenden County. I don't agree with much of the information shared here. Should get your facts straight. Don't get me wrong, Vermont is beautiful and safe. The schools are very good in Chittenden County especially for children with special needs, but outside of that I can't say as I haven't lived in other counties. It is, however, very expensive and has very long, cold, dark winters. If you want to move or are planning to move here please do your research. Don't just watch these videos and see how pretty and quaint it appears; research it, talk to people who live here, join social media groups, etc.


I grew up in Vermont, so here is my list: If you are looking for a small urban feel, Burlington is your best bet, but Winooski is growing rapidly if you are fine with living in a one-bedroom condo situated near a bunch of jobs. It also has a great restaurant scene, historic feel, and by FAR the most ethnic and racial diversity in the State. If you're looking for a small-town with a nice village, Middlebury/Vergennes area is great as is the Montpelier/Waterbury area. Looking for the Lake life? Colchester is a nice suburb along the lake, but is more pricey. The hidden gem in my opinion are the Lake Champlain Islands - flat, bikeable, tons of lake access, only has locally-owned businesses, and has a friendly neighborly environment. Manchester and Brattleboro are some nice towns in Southern Vermont with village feels and I agree that Norwich is nice as well. If you are looking for a quiet, secluded home in the woods away from everything, your best bet is what we call the Northeast Kingdom. It's eerily quiet and has some beautiful scenery. But it really is quite far from everything (so it's perfect if that's what you're looking for!)


As a vermonter I have to add that it's the 2nd most expensive state to live in. Property tax is one of the highest, food prices in the second behind Hawaii and youd think with it being so pricey that the minimum wage would be higher but it's not with limited job availability aswell. Vermont is a great place to retire or go to school but if you want to live somewhere affordable and start your life right vermont isnt the best option.


Nice weather all year long...hmm, I guess if 6 months of winter is your thing I guess so 🤔


I guess that “nice weather” is a matter of opinion🤗


Nice weather all year round? Lots of discrepancies in this video...


I grew up across the river from Norwich, in Hanover, NH. While I consider myself a proud Granite Stater, I have always loved Vermont and do feel a close connection to it since Hanover and Norwich are essentially one community, as they share the same school district, and Norwich kids attend Hanover schools starting in grade seven (so I had a ton of Vermont friends in school). Many Norwich residents are also employed by Dartmouth College, which is in Hanover. I have been living in Scandinavia for over a decade now, but not too long ago, my wife and I were discussing the possibility of moving to the States, and we decided that if we were to pull the trigger and make the move, we'd go to Vermont. One of the other cool things, especially in northern Vermont, is you are not far from Montreal. So you can get a very cool multicultural, and almost European feel, just a short drive from the Burlington area.


I lived in Vermont for 15 years while teaching at Middlebury College. I took many trips around the state, soaking up the scenery and diversity of living space. I didn’t quite qualify for the 251 Club, of people who have visited all 251 cities and towns in the state, but would have if I’d stayed there much longer. Yes, I did visit all seven towns listed here, but agree that too many are in the same area, near Burlington. That said, I must thank you for screening this. It revives many fond memories.


What about Southern Vermont? Manchester? Dorset? Brattleboro, etc.? Bristol? Chester? Pretty bad list.


I used to live in Montpelier, vt. Loved it but unfortunately, we moved to Florida.


Where'd they get this information??? We're looking at relocating to Vermont and South Burlington house prices are well over $700, 000! So many of these stats in this video are so far off not to mention the blaze attitude toward the true financial situation of so many struggling Americans who couldn't possibly afford a move to Vermont.


Does anyone know where the bluffs/mountains are in the video at 7:37?


at the 7:37 mark, can someone confirm where that video is taken from? Doesn't look like South Burlington to me...but I am in Australia.


As a longtime Vermonter: Mills Riverside Park is not in Essex (it's in Jericho and Underhill);, Essex is indistinguishable from any suburb anywhere. Same for Williston (home of big box stores and franchise restaurants) and South Burlington, the town without a center. Norwich, however, is excellent, which is why it costs a lot to buy a house there (it is to some extent a bedroom community for Dartmouth College faculty, including those from the medical school). Generally, this piece doesn't understand Vermont (no, the weather is not always nice, and the state gets about the fewest hours of sunshine of any state). On the other hand, the quiet and the wildlife make it worth it.


Montpelier: understand Culinary Institute has closed down.


I wonder why Woodstock wasn't included in this list.


I love all these towns but this video has so many discrepancies. Some of the video shots are of places not where she described.


0:24. “It has nice weather all year long.” 😅 You’ve obviously never been to Vermont (in the winter).


These Prices are Incredible! In Charleston, Sc most rentals are 1800-2400.00 plus! I would love to live in Vermont
