The Case Against Monarchy (Debating UsefulCharts)

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HASHTAGS: #monarchy #royalty #debate
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"We created both our scrips having read each others"
*creates a paradox


JJ being against monarchies is the most French thing I've seen him do, and I'm here for it lol.


Anti-monarchy conservative vs pro-monarchy progressive. Interesting.


Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.


Whether or not a country is a monarchy isn't something that affects people's daily lives, and so most people will just passively support the status quo, whatever that happens to be. If you were to walk around the streets of London and ask people if we should abolish the monarchy, most people would say words to the effect of "No, what would be the point in that?", walk around the streets of Seoul asking if Korea should _restore_ its monarchy, and you'd probably get the same answer.

That's why monarchies pretty much only get abolished in times of political turmoil, and usually aren't ever restored after that, and therefore the number of them has been going down. Not really because they're intrinsically immoral or something, but because monarchy is, as you have said JJ, a fairly inconsequential, incidental institution.


I feel like the way monarchists treat their royals is the same way longtime JJ fans treat the moustache.


Coming from Africa, the notion of a parliamentary democracy with a monarchical head of state who stabilizes the country as politicians gain and lose power is not so bad. I mean we have way too many un-elected and brutal king-presidents. So if the price of an otherwise democratic rule is to have a queen, then why not ?


The shirt. the mustache. The hair. The necklace. The Canadian swag here is too powerful.


I think the reason of why today's constitutional monarchies exist is the modern man's underlying desire to not tear off completely from its past. Even if the royals are just the mascots of the country, for some people, they still provide a connection to the "glorious" history and are some sort of a source of confidence. Because the stray modernity is terrifying for our societies's historical memory.


Mate, with the hair and mustache, you are the spitting image of his most glorious majesty, King Charles II.


I really love how a lot of monarchies (especially the British one) went from the most powerful rulers of the most expansive empire on earth to “yeah we keep them around because tabloids like them”


"Actually" Norways first king was Harald Fairhair in 872... Medieval Norway ceased to exist in 1397 when it was annexed by Denmark (forming the Kalmar Union).


Me a French Canadian: I dislike monarchy because it's an outdated system of government.

Also me: Napoleon Bonaparte was a pretty rad dude.


Thanks for bringing Thailand's situation up. Multiple pro-democracy activists are still detained for alleged lese majeste offences and are given sentences behing closed doors. It has also been 1 year to the day of the forced disappearance of a prominent human rights activist after seeking asylum in Cambodia and was acused with anti-monarchy movement.


Whenever I see JJ’s polls I wonder which are going to become videos, and this happened to be one of them! I’m hoping a “what do americans think of quebec” video comes out soon.


I think, ostensibly, UsefulCharts had the better arguments in the grand scheme. I feel as though he presented a great case for why the monarchy is not a threat and is sometimes a positive addition to a country. However, to the point "Should monarchies still exist", I side really heavily toward J.J.'s case of monarchy being an anachronism of our current progress in society toward more democratic institutions in addition to the really uncomfortable point of having a family that is almost like dolls at the top of the toy shelf.

The way I understood Matt's side was that the reason for monarchies to exist was more of a "why not, they're not hurting anyone and are sometimes positive", which I agree with on its face, but extending it to "should we preserve monarchies or rather work to dissolve them", I think his video gave good support for the former while beyond simple pragmatism, didn't discourage the latter. I feel as though J.J.'s did extend out and answer both sides firmly and I feel as though that question is tangential but related closely enough that it's a question worth answering.

Honestly though, J.J.'s video came off as more feely and philosophical than Matt's factual and pragmatic take, and I'm also invested more into J.J.'s channel because I like that style of commentary so I think that may have had more to do with why I found J.J.'s arguments more influential.


As an American this debate over having a monarchy is interesting to watch from a far. Especially since it is the same monarchy we broke a way from (through violent means) in 1776.


>old mustache is back
>he is arguing against monarchy
We've come full circle
Edit: thanks for the likes redditors but can we get J.J. to give a heart to this one
Edit2: OK boys we tried but didn't get a heart, we'll get it next time


He looks to much like Freddie Mercury for someone whose criticizing the monarchy


JJ, you're among the only political commentators who doesn't seem like an overly zealous jackass. You really are a breath of fresh air on here Youtube.
