Pattern 17 | Module : Basics of Programming | In Hindi | Python | Video_17

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NADOS also enables doubt support, career opportunities and contests besides free of charge content for learning. Description:
The given shape resembles an arrow. It consists of n/2 spaces in each row except the special row (the middle row) where instead of those spaces, we print stars.
Focusing on the arrowhead, the stars first increase till middle row and then decrease. Increment and decrement take place by difference of 1.

Question Name:
Pattern 17

Question Statement:
1. You are given a number n.
2. You've to write code to print the pattern given in output format below

Topic: #Pattern

Used #DataStructure: #Iteration


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1. Pattern 18:

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Happy Programming !!! Pep it up


#Pattern #Iteration #Patternusingloop
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