Coding Challenge #109: Visualizing 500,000 Subscribers

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Live Stream Archive:

0:00 Introduce the coding challenge
1:07 Introduce the YouTube dataset
3:38 Preload YouTube data
5:30 Debug loading function
8:12 Parse .csv file
9:20 Extract data values
12:48 Mention Leaflet integration
13:55 Describe map types: static and tile
14:38 Create a tile map
15:25 Overlay the map on a canvas
17:38 Add map tiles
18:34 Refine initial map
19:06 Draw a circle with a fixed position
20:10 Draw a circle considering longitude and latitude
21:20 Reference a dataset with the coordinates for the world's countries
22:48 Load country data
23:48 Associate YouTube data by country ID
24:26 Extract longitude and latitude
25:20 Draw a circle with the coordinates
27:27 Show subscriber map
28:15 Update the diameter of the circles
31:12 Examine map update
32:30 Consider the zoom level
34:25 Pre-process YouTube data
36:22 Find the minimum and maximum number of subscribers
37:10 Update drawing logic
39:20 Map diameter considering the minimum and maximum values
40:35 Debug diameter value
42:22 Convert subscriber count to number
43:58 Update scale according to the zoom value
46:28 Load a different dataset
47:24 Highlight the number of views
48:05 Highlight watch times
48:25 Conclude the coding challenge

Editing by Mathieu Blanchette
Animations by Jason Heglund
Music from Epidemic Sound

#datavisualization #worldmap #javascript #p5js
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I love your spontaneity... some creators seems to avoid doing videos like this, and prefer doing tutorials where they look like wizards that know everything 😅 the hard truth about coding is: it always a discovery process. You always get lost, make mistakes, learn stuff. Kudos for all creators who expose this reality to everyone 💕


I subscribed to you about 2 years ago, you taught me most of what I know about coding. Thank you.


I want to thank you for leaving in your mistakes, and bringing humor to them. Honestly when I watch other coders on youtube I thought "Wow, i must suck at coding" cause they make it look like they type it in and it does it right first try every try. I've been wanting to learn js for a while and you have given me the confidence to start.


Can anyone imagine this man getting angry? I can't, really


I watch your videos just 4fun, you're amazing explaining difficult things that I have not learned in my college. Im android developer but your videos help alot. Thank you from Brazil!


I remember the times were this was a newborn channel and most of the content was still on Vimeo. I used to binge watch the funny genetic algorithm series made for the Nature of Code, while reading “Learning Processing” on my train trips to my 9-5 work as a 3d generalist. I remember installing Processing on my first laptop and doing daily sketches on those trips, studying arrays as they were something esoteric. But this summer I’ll be an assistant in teaching Processing at my uni and now this channel has 500k subscribers.. I don’t think a young me or a young Dan could have ever imagined this. Thanks for making my life a more playful and fun one, and congrats for this huge achievement! 😀


Don't blame me! I only watched 1 million minutes!


I'm from Italy and I never lost a video, believe me, in Italy all those who know the programming, love you. I started JavaScript thanks to you, I have to thank you!


Congratulations for the 500k.
I hope to see 1M very soon =)


I think am the only Nigerian in your subscriber list... And I love that


You are too humble. Your videos are amaaaazing and I love the fun bits of information I learn from them! Thank you so much for everything!


Honestly, I learn much more from your videos even when you make mistakes it slows the process down and lets me understand better what is exactly happening. In addition, I'm learning how to read the documents and it is one of the most important things that I'm learning from your videos. You're amazing. thanks


Hey love from India, very happy to see india on the list, but if india could have more access to internet, computer, coding awareness, we could have been 1st on every parameter, and 10 lakh people wouldn't have been giving Upsc, the work you are doing is really gold, Daniel hats off to u


I took a few programming courses (mostly intro level stuff) when I got my degree, and I program on a regular basis. Even then, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that your videos have helped me improve my programming more than any of my previous experiences. The way you walk through an idea from start to finish and visualize it in various ways really makes it interesting to watch while also helping to ignite some curiosity and get the ball rolling to do something else with the same concept (whatever it happens to be for that week). Anyway, just wanted to say thank you!


Thanks Daniel. Always enjoy your tutorials!! Congrats for the 1 million. Ups I am from the future!


You are so great because you just show what we all do! Making it humorous and laughing it off is so great! Truly, everyone has the bumps and bruises from coding.


I like how I'm always searching what to watch on YT and not finding any and now I found 1 hour long video about coding and watched all of it :D


You gotta love this guy. SO consistent and helpful


Hi Dan, this is one of your earliest subscribers. It has been a terrific journey. It's always so satisfying to watch you code. Keep rocking and I see a million subs already. Lots of love and respect!!!👍👍👍👌


You are very humble, but your channel is very educational and fun to watch. Congratulations on this milestone and please continue the great work.
