Coding Challenge #109: Visualizing 500,000 Subscribers

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Live Stream Archive:
0:00 Introduce the coding challenge
1:07 Introduce the YouTube dataset
3:38 Preload YouTube data
5:30 Debug loading function
8:12 Parse .csv file
9:20 Extract data values
12:48 Mention Leaflet integration
13:55 Describe map types: static and tile
14:38 Create a tile map
15:25 Overlay the map on a canvas
17:38 Add map tiles
18:34 Refine initial map
19:06 Draw a circle with a fixed position
20:10 Draw a circle considering longitude and latitude
21:20 Reference a dataset with the coordinates for the world's countries
22:48 Load country data
23:48 Associate YouTube data by country ID
24:26 Extract longitude and latitude
25:20 Draw a circle with the coordinates
27:27 Show subscriber map
28:15 Update the diameter of the circles
31:12 Examine map update
32:30 Consider the zoom level
34:25 Pre-process YouTube data
36:22 Find the minimum and maximum number of subscribers
37:10 Update drawing logic
39:20 Map diameter considering the minimum and maximum values
40:35 Debug diameter value
42:22 Convert subscriber count to number
43:58 Update scale according to the zoom value
46:28 Load a different dataset
47:24 Highlight the number of views
48:05 Highlight watch times
48:25 Conclude the coding challenge
Editing by Mathieu Blanchette
Animations by Jason Heglund
Music from Epidemic Sound
#datavisualization #worldmap #javascript #p5js