Coding Challenge #48: White House Social Media Data Visualization

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Related Coding Challenges:
0:00 Introduce the coding challenge
1:38 Describe the format of the data
2:05 Illustrate the JSON data
2:51 Let's code
3:28 Load the JSON data
5:05 Iterate through the tweets
6:20 Count tweets by month
7:01 Create a date object
8:03 Describe date properties
9:12 Create a key based on the year and month
9:28 Explain how to count instances with an identifier
9:54 Create an object to count tweets
11:14 Visualize data
11:50 Consider data chronologically
12:40 Draw a bar for each month
14:39 Use the count for the height of the bars
15:22 Consider the minimum and maximum values to normalize the data
16:40 Resize the height of the bars
18:05 Count words in each month
18:44 Create an object to count words
20:00 Consider the text of all tweet
20:21 Break the text into words
22:32 Iterate through the words
22:53 Count the frequency of the words
23:56 Explain the existing code
24:30 Examine object and word count
25:32 Filter words
26:37 Find the most frequent word in each month
26:47 Mention video 'Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency' for an alternative analysis.
27:14 Extract the words for each month.
28:04 Iterate through the words to consider the most frequent value
29:39 Clean up data to ignore a set of words
31:45 Draw data to the canvas
32:45 Summarize the coding challenge
32:55 Test with a different dataset
33:53 Conclude the coding challenge
Editing by Mathieu Blanchette
Animations by Jason Heglund
Music from Epidemic Sound
#datavisualization #wordcount #javascript #p5js