Why Germany ANNOYS American Tourists So Much

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Germany is a wonderful place to visit, the food, the people, the sights, but there are a few things that do annoy American tourists and other tourists about visiting Germany. Whether it is their service experiences or someone yelling HALLO at them, there are a few sillinesses that tourists should be ready for.
Filmed in Bamberg, Germany
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Copyright Mark Wolters 2024

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As to the shopping...When we first came to Germany, we came during Easter week and were shocked to see so many shops and restaurants closed. We were finally 'helped' by a helpful native as to what was going on, and they were fascinated that retail/restauranteurs in the US didn't have the entire Easter week off of work! The double bed didn't freak us out, it was the two folded duvets--we thought--are they sleeping bags? Obviously, once we got into bed we realized what was going on and were fine, but it was funny (I'm sure the jet lag didn't help). *I have to say though, the German people were SO helpful and courteous to my very disabled father! He suffered a stroke during our stay--they arranged a doctor who came to our hotel room, got us to the hospital and was there when Dad was released. The hotel organized a wheelchair, helped us locate medical supplies we needed (told me the German words--I speak some German, but I didn't know specialist medical vocabulary). When we took the train to Frankfurt (about a week later), while people do rush to get in, EVERYONE yielded for us--their courtesy and compassion was unbelievable! They helped my mom with tours, it was AMAZING, and my dad had the best time ever. He even said, he hadn't felt that comfortable in public for YEARS (people are very inconvenienced by the disabled here, so he always felt bad for holding people up here in the US)! YAY Germany!!


As an American tourist, what frustrates me about Germany is the loud American tourists 😂


As an American, I love that shops are closed on Sunday. It should be a day for rest and relaxation.


When you pay a deposit for mulled wine cups at the Christmas market, you either return the cup and get the deposit back, or you keep the cup as a souvenir and have only paid the deposit. Some people collect these mulled wine cups because they have a different design in different years even at the same stand. This way, the empty cups don't stand around and the stall operators don't suffer any financial losses. It's a fair deal I think.


Tip: If you want to order, everyone should have their menus closed, otherwise the waiter will think you are still choosing.


Warteschlangenvordrängler? Hallo? (Those waiting-line-cutters frustrate me as a German, too. But as a German I don't have a problem to educate them 😅).


The separate mattress thing sounds amazing. Especially if it means separate sheets. The wife can have her mattress, sheets, and blankets how she wants, and I can have the sheets how I want.


So let me get this straight, Americans get annoyed at having to pay the Pfand when they've only taken what they thought was the right amount to pay with?? OK, let's talk about US sales tax, shall we?! 🤔


Paying for toilets is a problem? You should remind the Americans that being forced to pay 15-20% tips because an establishment won’t pay its waiters enough, is a much bigger problem!


First you order your Drinks, when they come back and bring the Drinks, you Order your Food. Thats the german way 😅


The Sunday off is so amazing and great! I mean, I am used to it from my childhood on, first in Poland, then in Germany, but really, I would not live in a country where you have no general closing rules on Sundays. It is such a relaxed and quiet atmosphere, you can walk the streets without having to witness "business". That's the thing. It completely changes the general atmosphere, you just relax. In addition, I think it is a sign of respect towards the people who work in supermarkets and grocery shops, so they can enjoy their day off as well. Nobody NEEDS shopping on Sundays. As long as there are closed Sundays, I know that there's still hope for humanity 😅 It's far more than simply a day off. For me it is a symbol of freedom.


When you travel, you implicitely and explicitely agree to make new experiences and to be open for them. Otherwise you may remain at home 🤣😂🤣


Sounds like you need to the guy who "didn't know you were in line."


I really don't care what annoys Americans in Germany. When I visit an other country I educate myself in advance, don't expect everything to be the same way as at home and adapt!!! YOU are the visitor, you will have to roll with whatever you encounter!


😎🫵🏼🇺🇲💘🇩🇪 I'll always feel at home in Germany I worked for SMA in Kassel for many years helping that company turn things around I was always polite, smiled, and enjoyed getting the "inside scoop" from my coworkers. Germans are way more civil than most Americans there is a more laid back pace there. Enjoy yourself in Germany it AIN'T hard to do if you can't have a good time in Germany it is a YOU problem not THEM! Best wishes from Buckeye Arizona USA 🌵🐎🇺🇸


Well, you are right: Paying for using the toilets is annoying! But it's more annoying to have to tip 20+ % 😜


50 years visiting Germany. I still enjoy the cultural differences. It’s changed a bit over the years, with globalization through the internet, but Germany holds on to those long- ingrained traditions and that’s what I love about my G-Grandparents homeland.


I‘ve visited Germany as a solo traveler a couple of times recently, and people were almost always friendly and helpful, and also very tolerant of my attempts to speak the language. I think switching to English mostly happens when one’s attempts at German might be holding up other people. I can’t wait to visit again - I love Germany!


Let me be very German here: I don’t care at all. You are in a foreign country and things are done differently. The same I would say to Germans complaining that America does things differently. Just try to learn and adapt.


The whole premise of this is just bizarre. “Americans don’t like stuff/behaviour in a Germany because it’s German and not like America”? Eh? What? If you don’t like foreign things, don’t travel abroad. If you do travel abroad, don’t expect other countries to be like yours - part of the point, some would say MOST of the point, of visiting other countries is to experience other cultures and their way of doing things that is different from yours. I’m British, I go to France most years because it’s France - it’s different from the U.K. - they do French stuff in French ways that aren’t like the way we do them, and I like it. If I didn’t want that, I’d stay at home.
