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Every country can be a little annoying! There are usually things we wish were a little different about our home countries and countries that we've visited. Deciding where to live always comes with compromises, and we are still deciding. Here are 5 annoying things about Germany!

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Do you agree? What else is annoying in or about Germany?


Cash is king. My bank doesn't need to know where I'm spending my money.


The reason why I actually LOVE that shops are closed on Sundays: The silence. I live right next to a busy street all kinds of vehicles will make a lot of noise and pollute, you can literally feel that everyone is busy. You could wake up and not know what day it is until you listen, it's quiet everywhere? You can hear the birds sing? You can open the windows without turning up the volume of your TV in order to understand anything? It is definitely Sunday! You will sleep much better and feel much calmer. The only bad thing about it is that most shops are closed, as mentioned in the video but not all of them are and you got 6 other days to buy your things. Delivery services, restaurants, bars, bakeries and fuel stations are still open regularly on Sunday.


By the way, until the late '80s, "closed on Sundays" was far more common across the US. In biggest cities (NYC, some areas in LA), stores were open. But not until 1990 were the so-called "Blue Laws" being written off. The great argument that Deanna makes is well-remembered: "Saturday is always sooo crowded and so rushed!"


I lived in germany back in the 70's. The staring was a big problem for me. I dealt with it in an immature way, because I was young. A man stopped and stared at me, I stuck out my tongue and made a face at him lol. He came over and said that I should take his staring as a compliment, because I was very pretty and that it was common practice for men to do so. I told him, in my country it was considered rude. He said, you are not in your country. Told me! Lol


Btw: Bakeries, fuel station shops, ice cream salons, restaurants and cafés, book stores and snack selling places at major railway stations etc., such places are allowed to be open on Sundays.


I don't know what restaurants you've been to but I usually order still water and I've literally never been to a restaurant that didn't have still water.


I like the feel of cash my hand.
I have the tendency to spend money more easily, when I use a credit/debit card.
So it's mainly for saving money, why I keep cash.
One other reason though are the transaction fees outside of Germany. For example when I'm in italy, every transaction has a fee of 5 or 6 € because I used my German card in italy....


They used to be closed in the UK on Sundays until bigger supermarkets worked out they would make more money than the fines they would get for opening, so they just opened and took the fine. After that happened for a while, they changed the law so that people could open for a set amount of time on a Sunday - otherwise the bigger supermarkets would choke out smaller businesses.


The Sundays are also to gurantee workers a healthy working schedule at least having one day a week completly off.


Leitungswasser ist besser und stärker überwacht als das in Flaschen abgefüllte. Bezogen auf Deutschland, dass Wasser in den USA ist... naja


When I was a kid, groceries were open monday-friday only until 18:00 and saturdays until 16:00.
Until 1989 when the "long thursday" was established, were they can stay open until 20:30.
And they were closed from 12:00-14:00 for lunch break.


Personally, I wish that Sundays were off days here in the US. That way everyone can have one assured day off. It's difficult to make time to hang out with family or friends when you don't have a set schedule (like myself). This country is too consumer focused for my taste. It wouldn't be hard to simply buy ahead of time to ensure you have food and drinks to last through one day of no shops being open.


Well for people who just go to the groceries - once a week - there are 6 days for doing that..just saying.


Regarding creditcards: big brother is watchting you. Everything you buy will be saved. You will be a "gläserner Mensch".


They do have numbers at many german fasst food restaurants. McDonald's has them if they have the new oder terminals


I live in a small village in Germany consisting of 300 residence and I can get still water anywhere I go. It is the natuerlich Wasser. It comes in a glass bottle. We also pay for groceries and other things using a credit card or debit card. For public toilets I make sure I have a few Euro coins with me in the car. You have to have a Euro or 50 cents with you when shopping. This is not a problem. I too am an American married to my German husband and have lived here for 7 years.


Oh my gosh I completely agree to the staring thing! I live in Lübeck, and i was doing my spazieren gehen. And people were staring at me (mostly the elderly) i though maybe my pants wripped, my makeups smudged or something? But i felt so uncomfortable, that I decided to go home.


I don't get the need for credit cards. Why do you need them when you can pay with your girocard instead, which is accepted almost everywhere and a lot more secure.


At McDonald’s places that were recently built/opened in Germany, you actually do get numbers on your receipts. I had to get used to that first 😂
And regarding the cash culture, I actually prefer that, but that might just be because I have a critical view of the bank being in total control of all of my money if cash wouldn’t exist anymore at some point 😳 I do understand the struggles of foreigners who are used to pay with their card though.

Really enjoyed this video 😇
Keep up the great content 💃🏻

Cheers 🍻
