LEARNING WITH MOOCS 2015 | Eric Foner, Stephanie McCurry, Alice Kessler-Harris | IN CONVERSATION

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MOOCs and the Classroom |Eric Foner, Columbia University and Stephanie McCurry, Columbia University; moderated by Alice Kessler-Harris, Columbia University

LEARNING WITH MOOCS II - 2015 was held in New York City at Teachers College, on the campus of Columbia University, October 2 and 3, 2015. Sponsored by the Columbia University Center for Teaching and Learning, and supported by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the conference brought together educators, technologists, researchers, learning scientists, entrepreneurs, and funders of MOOCs to share their innovations, discuss their impact on education, and look at the future of online learning.

Questions that conference participants addressed included:

How can we best support students to learn in an online environment?
How can we integrate MOOCs with the traditional classroom experience?
For which students and in what contexts are these courses most effective?
What can we learn from the rich data streams generated by these platforms?
How do we structure the learning activities to produce data streams that better support research?

Keynote speakers included (in order of appearance) George Siemens, Mike Sharples, Eric Foner, Stephanie McCurry, Alice Kessler-Harris, Fiona Hollands, Anant Agarwal, Ajay Kapur, Andreina Parisi-Amon, Greg Bybee, Shigeru Miyagawa, and Al Filreis.

For additional information on LEARNING WITH MOOCS II, please visit:

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