How to Prevent & Treat Colds & Flu

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In this episode, I explain the biology of the common cold and flu (influenza) and how the immune system combats these infections.

I describe behavior, nutrition and supplementation-based tools supported by peer-reviewed research to enhance immune system function and better combat colds and flu. I also dispel common myths about how the cold and flu are transmitted and when you and those around you are contagious.

I explain if common preventatives and treatments such as vitamin C, zinc, vitamin D and echinacea work. I also highlight other compounds known to reduce contracting and duration of colds and flu.

I discuss how to use exercise and sauna to bolster the immune response.

This episode will help listeners understand how to reduce the chances of catching a cold or flu and help people recover more quickly from and prevent the spread of colds and flu.

Correction: I misspoke in the episode. A micron is 1/10,000 of a centimeter, not 1,000. Additionally, 1 millimeter equals 1/10 of a centimeter, not 1/100.

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Huberman Lab Episodes Mentioned

00:00:00 Avoid Colds & Flu
00:01:58 Sponsors: Joovv, Helix Sleep & ROKA
00:06:00 Common Cold: Source & Transmission; Cold Temperature Myth
00:13:48 Spreading a Cold; Symptoms & Contagious Myths
00:17:43 Flu Virus & Transmission; Flu Shots
00:23:56 Tools: Injections & Safety; Charting Health Trends & Sickness
00:27:16 Sponsor: AG1
00:28:44 Spreading Cold & Flu, Symptoms
00:30:43 Immune System, Physical Barriers
00:39:33 Tool: Social Connection & Touch, Avoiding Flu & Cold
00:45:14 Innate Immune System
00:53:13 Sponsor: InsideTracker
00:54:15 Adaptive Immune System; Lymphatic System
01:00:19 Tools: Enhance Innate Immune System
01:06:19 Tool: Microbiome & Nasal Breathing
01:10:58 Tools: Enhance Gut Microbiome: Foods & Water Protocol
01:16:13 Exercise When Feeling Sick?, Sleep
01:21:39 Tool: Exercise & Preventing Sickness
01:28:13 Exercise When Sleep Deprived?
01:32:24 Tool: Exercise Recovery & Carbohydrates
01:34:52 Tool: Sauna & Enhance Immune System
01:42:20 Supplements: Vitamin C, Vitamin D
01:50:58 Echinacea, Zinc
01:55:08 N-acetylcysteine (NAC), Decongestants
02:03:42 Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Sponsors, Momentous, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter


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Note: Note: I misspoke at one point in the episode and said that a micron is 1, 000 of a centimeter, but I meant to say 1/10, 000 of a centimeter. That said, when I mentioned that a credit card is about 200 µm thick, that is correct. We will do our best to fix this in the audio version ASAP.


Who’s listening to this while is dealing with a flu/cold?:)) I do


🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

00:00 🦠 *The common cold is caused by various serotypes of the rhinovirus, making it challenging to find a cure. There are over 160 different types of cold viruses.*
08:13 🤧 *Cold viruses are spread through breathing, sneezing, or touching contaminated surfaces. The cold virus can survive on surfaces for up to 24 hours.*
13:45 🌡️ *Different serotypes of cold virus can lead to varying symptoms, but people tend to be most contagious when experiencing severe symptoms. Contagion can last 5-6 days after peak symptoms.*
16:33 🚷 *Contrary to popular belief, individuals can still be contagious even if they've had a cold for a few days and are starting to feel better. Staying home when sick is crucial to prevent transmission.*
19:18 🦠 *The flu virus, including H1N1, can only survive on surfaces for about 2 hours. Human-to-human contact is a more common mode of transmission for the flu virus compared to surface contact.*
20:41 🦠 *Flu vaccines target specific strains of the virus present in a given year; effectiveness varies.*
21:37 📉 *Flu shots reduce the risk of contracting the prevalent flu strain by 40-60% but are ineffective against other strains or colds.*
22:34 💉 *Personal decision on getting a flu shot depends on factors like exposure, health, and individual considerations.*
25:22 📅 *Tracking lifestyle events before getting sick can provide insights to avoid serious colds or flu.*
29:30 🤒 *Flu viruses are most contagious during the peak of symptoms, especially when fever, coughing, and sneezing are intense.*
41:02 🤧 *Touching your face, especially eyes, nose, and mouth, shortly after touching someone else's skin increases the risk of transmitting cold and flu viruses.*
43:05 🦠 *Cold and flu viruses primarily enter the body through the eyes, nose, and mouth; being mindful of these entry points can reduce the risk of infection.*
45:25 ⚔️ *The innate immune system rapidly responds to viral infections, deploying white blood cells to combat the invading viruses and initiating various chemical processes.*
50:06 🧠 *The adaptive immune system creates antibodies specific to the invading virus, maintaining a memory of the battle for future encounters with the same virus.*
52:41 🛌 *Adequate sleep, specific exercise, and proper nutrition are crucial factors in maintaining a robust innate immune system, reducing susceptibility to colds and flu.*
01:02:10 🛌 *Quality sleep is crucial for a strong immune system. Aim for enough sleep to avoid daytime sleepiness, and consider short naps if needed.*
01:07:35 👃 *Nasal breathing is essential for a healthy nasal microbiome, promoting diversity and protecting against colds and flu viruses.*
01:11:57 🥗 *Consume 2-4 servings of low-sugar fermented foods daily to support a healthy gut microbiome, a crucial component of the immune system.*
01:13:49 💧 *Swishing water in your mouth before sleep or upon waking may support the oral and gut microbiome, potentially enhancing the immune system.*
01:17:00 🏋️‍♂️ *Exercise of moderate intensity for 60 minutes or less can boost the innate immune system, promoting the production of white blood cells and natural killer cells.*
01:22:24 🏋️ *Exercise intensity matters: A 60-minute or less exercise, whether resistance or cardiovascular, enhances the innate immune system for up to 24 hours, aiding in the defense against colds and flu.*
01:23:46 🚶‍♂️ *Moderate walking for about 60 minutes daily boosts T-cell function and natural killer cell activity, contributing to improved immune response without causing excessive inflammation.*
01:25:23 🏃‍♂️ *Marathon running may lead to immune compromise, with significant reductions in T-cell function and natural killer cell activity, highlighting the importance of moderation in exercise duration.*
01:26:33 ⏰ *Shorter exercise durations can still enhance the innate immune system; even 20 minutes per day can be effective. Higher-intensity training for shorter durations, like 12 minutes, may also yield benefits.*
01:28:26 😴 *Adequate sleep is crucial; insufficient sleep and pushing too hard in prolonged exercise are associated with increased susceptibility to colds and flu. Balancing exercise intensity and duration is key to maintaining a healthy immune system.*
01:43:35 🍊 *Vitamin C, in very high doses (6, 000 to 8, 000 mg per day), may potentially delay the onset or shorten the duration of a cold, but evidence is not robust. However, recent studies have raised questions about its effectiveness.*
01:47:47 ☀️ *Supplementing with 1, 000 to 2, 000 IU of vitamin D per day is generally safe and may support immune health. People with deficiencies might need higher doses, but excess intake should be avoided.*
01:50:45 🦠 *Supporting the gut microbiome with low-sugar fermented foods or supplements like Athletic Greens AG1 may enhance the innate immune system and help fend off colds and flu.*
01:52:09 💊 *Zinc supplementation (at least 100 mg per day, preferably with food) has shown promise in reducing the risk of colds and flu, with faster recovery rates observed in some studies.*
01:55:37 🤧 *N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a precursor to glutathione, demonstrated potential as a preventive measure against influenza in some studies. Dosages around 1, 200 mg per day may be considered, but more research is needed.*

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Great topic. As a clinical infectious disease physician in acute/critical care medicine, I took a deep dive in this topic in 2020 when I had to figure out how to stay safe and show up at work healthy. Since I’ve started my ritual, I've enjoyed staying healthy despite working in highly contagious conditions. In addition to the great suggestions that you have listed, there are other clinical trials on reducing the burden of infectious agents and immunomodulating our biology through behavior and nutrition. So here is a list of what I share with my community:
1. keep well hydrated to allow ciliary cells to efficiently expel particles and microbes and optimize production of mucus to trap microbes, 2. Eat nutritional yeast which can increase production of IgA antibodies which concentrate in mucus membranes (eyes, respiratory and digestive tract.) 3. optimize specific vitamins and minerals to allow rapid turnover of mucosa (ie vitamin B2, C, Zinc, etc) to maintain a healthy barrier 4. Gargle with green tea after being in public (studies in Japan in children and elderly). I trained myself to drink green tea because of its antiviral potential. 5. Postpone your vaccine if you don’t sleep for at least 7 hours or you may not see the appropriate antibody response 6. hold oral iron supplements (also in multivitamins etc) when sick temporarily since sometimes the contagion may be bacterial. (oral iron is known to directly have poor ID outcomes likely due to being a direct source of iron to microbes although the data is not clear in IV iron replacement and outcome.) 7. Get sunlight ( vitamin D and T cell activation of H202) 8. NAC is an underappreciated supplement that I personally take as well. 9. Consider properly prepared Elderberries which have been clinically tested to reduce cold severity and symptoms 10. Consider PEA (palmitoylethanolamide) used for neuropathic pain but was once marketed by pharma as an anti-influenza and common cold drug with 6 clinical trails. 11. Use HEPA filters/MERV 13 or higher grade filters and keep rooms well ventilated. However each of these behaviors and supplements can only go so far and the greatest benefit is when one builds a routine of healthy daily habits.


Only Andrew can do a TWO HOUR episode on the common cold😄…and worse, it’s actually interesting👍🏽


Woke up this morning in a groggy state with a rough throat, so this could not have been more perfectly timed. Thank you!


I have listened to thousands of podcasts and video content of this nature...I have NEVER made a comment on anyone's platform. It is not my nature to jump into the conversation, but I simply love to learn and grow as a person. I say that to make the point that this is a big deal for me to place a comment. I just feel I need to thank you for the type of content and manner in which you present your knowledge and share so generously with all of us. You seem humble and kind which is so refreshing. Thank you!!


Is it just me, or are you smiling a little more this morning? A little glimmer in your eye. Good morning, Dr. Huberman. Thank you so much for being here, and for sharing your wisdom and light. ✨


Whenever someone says "I've never had a day sick from work for x decades" my first thought is and for how days have other people been sick because of that. Good work ethic is great and protecting each other is part of that too :)


I am a 41 year old father of two boys; one is two years old and a daycare attendee. After hearing this episode I purchased a bottle of NAC. Ironically two days later a had sever sinus congestion in my left sinus. Typically my go to for relief would have been spray decongestant but I went for the NAC and water instead. I could not believe in one dose I was breathing again and on the second day my symptoms were gone. What a game changer. Thank you for the information and your passion for science. It has re-ignited my interest in science and benefitted my health by implementing protocols discussed in your podcasts.


I have two elementary aged kids at home-- they usually get sick 1-3 times a year. I started lifting weights consistently back in March of 2023. Ever since I've started lifting weights, I either do not get sick at all when my kids are sick, or I have very mild symptoms in comparison to my kids. Exercise definitely helps your immune system!


I did notice that all my cold or flu episodes do follow a bout of intense stress and sleeplessness. Now that i started to do HIIT exercises and the morning light therapy..i feel much better.. less stressed.. easier to fall asleep and stay healthy. Thank you.. being a teacher, I show your podcasts to my students to make them aware of the health of body and mind and science behind it. Thanks again for giving us free access to such huge knowledge.


I need a reminder or notes system just for Andrew Huberman. Every episode like a book. You can watch it once and learn a good deal. Watch again; learn more. Come back a year later and have an entirely new appreciation. Thank you, I love it.


I am a NP in urgent care and I was so lucky to come across this episode 2 days ago because today I came down with Covid... I have done all of your suggestions and I really think that I would be much sicker had I not watched this. The zinc, blueberries, baths, sleep, ...LOVE your video. Thanks for doing all you do! It saved me!


Hi Andrew, it would be extremely helpful if you could do an entire episode on Allergies as well.
Thanks :)


Hi Andrew! I would love to see a skincare episode sometime this year, including looking at sunscreen :) Thank you for this episode.


Perfectly timed episode, thank you as always Dr. Huberman.

Have you considered making an episode on Irritable Bowel Syndrome? It is a relatively common issue worldwide and there seems to be so much contradictory information about it, both online and from medical professionals themselves.

I suffer from it myself and, although your microbiome/gut episodes are extremely useful, I never quite know what I should implement as someone with IBS. Thank you.


Initially I wasn't that interested in the topic because I don't generally get colds and if I had COVID it was asymptomatic, but you are the only person on earth to make such a topic so interesting and enjoyable to listen, Andrew you are a genius 😊😊😊😊😊


Thank you for educating on this common but important topic. There were enough recommendations here to make a real impact - (including NAC 😄)


My favorite episode as it confirms why I stress people "staying home" during their sick days. Thank you for showing us the beauty of our bodies and how it is capable to fight off things that could make us sick.
