How Big was the Clone Army?

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Content in video is expressed using PG-13 rated movies and Teen + rated comics, TV shows, video games, and books; and is not intended for children. How big was the Clone Army and how many clones did it contain?

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Those numbers seem awfully small for a galaxy-spanning army. The German army fielded a total of about 13 million soldiers during WWII, and that's only for one single planet.


Billions upon billions of troop. The number of like 5 Millions is ridcilously low! You can't tell me that less people fought a galaxy-wide war then there were soldiers in WW1 or WW2 on our little planet. That's just stupid.


I'll go with the 691 million number.


I'm digging these shorter straight to the point fact videos dude.


I don't see how 8 million clones could fight the war across the Galaxy


The 600 million thing is probably the right one.


Whenever star wars states the number of something, I usually multiply that number by 10, 100, or even 1000 depending on the situation to make it more realistic for a galaxy sized empire.


Honestly its very annoying to see dislikes on your videos. The vids are perfectly edited with quality clips, along with clear narration and it succeeds to tell what your subject/point is.
Just wanted to say I love your videos and without them I would not be as informed with the Starwars universe as I am. Thanks and keep up the good work c:


200, 000 is nothing in starwars they should recanonize that number.


Considering Coruscant alone has more than 1 trillion inhabitants an army of 200, 000 clone troopers, or even a billion troopers, is utterly pathetic.


obi wan had an army big enough to conquer 3 star systems


I think there should have been 9, 000, 000, 000, 000


Gets promoted to Jedi Master
Order 66


Hundreds of trillions (perhaps even quadrillions) pf soldiers would be necessary to fight a galactic war. Just look at the Battle of Berlin in WW2, where the Soviets had more than 2 million soldiers. As such, invading Geonosis with just 200, 000 clones is laughable, you can't just invade a planet with hundreds of thousands, you would need billions. It looks like the writers didn't have much of a notion of scale.

And yes, I know the clones didn't have to fight every single living being on every planet, but let's face it: both the Republic and the CIS were galactic powers, each controlling several planets. As such, if say, the CIS deploys too few droids (some 500, 000) to defend a planet, the Republic would just mass conscript their populace and create an unimaginably large army, using numerical superiority to win. This way, if trillions of soldiers can be recruited for a war (or built, in the case of droids), they will be, ecouraging the existance of huge armies. You wouldn't just field small armed forces when you can afford a large one.


I always supported the 1 unit = 1 battalion idea because its not possible for just 8 million clones and 10.000 jedi to fight hundreds of millions if not billions of battle droids all across an entire galaxy. It doesnt matter how well equipped/trained those clones and jedi are they would eventually be overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of droids.


Legends makes more sense. You're both working miracles making daily videos!!


Lets remember that that number does not contain:
-Police forces
-Droids, even republic had them, but numbers are unknown. In Clone Wars we only saw Police-droids for Republic
-Any automated defenses
-local military forces
-non-clone Republic soldiers. Admiral Yularen and Tarkin were were just few examples of non-clones in military
-Bodyguards, senate guards and any other paramilitary forces
-Something else?
And lets not forget that Star Wars universe is filled with gigantic urban ares. Urban terrain is relatively easy to defend even with smaller numbers and badly trained troops. And that does not include any automated defenses. Chokepoints further reduce number of troops needed. And you can´t just go to hyperspace anywhere you want, you need to use one of already existing routes that need to be made by manually flying trough that route. otherwise you might fly trough a star - and that is not healthy. So hyperspace lanes create another chokepoint that can be heavily mined and defended with smaller numbers and automated defense systems and local militias and police forces and paramilitary forces and non-clone soldiers and droids and local militaries.
Most planets also had lot of resistance when they were occuppied, which meant that you had to deploy large numbers of droids for garrison duties.
Considering Republic did not have proper army before clones, there must have been some kind of defenses. Otherwise people like Hutts could just walk in and take over entire Republic. They are not enough to fight war by themselves, but certainly they must have been numerous anyway. You would need millions of Police troopers for Coruscant alone.


realistically probably at the least a few billion you know just sayin


also, considering 5 percent of humanity is 350 Million, we could realisticly mobilize most of that clone army ourselves. for a galaxy of hundreds of trillions of people likely 1 unit of clones should mean like an army core of somewhere around 100k individual clones

120 billion clones is probably what a galactic army consists of


Yeah, the whole 'unit is equivalent to one battalion' thing makes a lot more sense. By the way, where's the image from 1:29 from?
