Neural Network learns sine function in NumPy/Python with backprop from scratch
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00:00 Intro
02:00 The dataset
02:25 MLP architecture with sigmoid activation function
03:26 Forward/Primal pass
06:40 Xavier Glorot weight initialization
08:06 Backward/Reverse pass
14:15 "Learning": approximately solving an optimization problem
15:10 More details on the backward pass and pullback operations
16:52 Imports
17:07 Setting random seed
17:24 Constants/Hyperparameters
18:08 Toy dataset generation
19:56 Defining nonlinear activation functions
20:39 Implementing Parameter initialization
24:45 Implementing Forward pass
27:20 Implementing loss function
29:06 backward function of the loss
30:36 Backward pass of the network
45:29 Training loop
48:15 Plot loss history
48:36 Plot trained network prediction
49:20 Summary
50:59 Outro
Neural Network learns the sine function
Neural Network learns sine function in NumPy/Python with backprop from scratch
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