The Scariest Place in St. Louis - Abandoned LEMP Mansion Caves and OFF LIMIT Areas 4K

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The abandoned LEMP Mansion Caves are an underground cave system beneath the city of St. Louis that are off-limits to the public. Very few people have actually seen them...but generations of people growing up in St. Louis have heard of them. Join us as we take our camera down into the legendary LEMP Mansion Caves for an in-depth look and then join us as we climb a 100 year old spiral staircase inside the LEMP Brewery to see a greenhouse that overlooks the city of city of St. Louis.

#abandoned #urbex #stlouis

Watch our other St. Louis videos here.
The Real Exorcist Story in St. Louis
Visiting Blueberry Hill and Remembering Chuck Berry in St, Louis
CreepyWorld HALLOWEEN Haunt - FULL Walkthrough and Behind The Scenes Tour in St. Louis
The Darkness Haunted House in St. Louis - The ULTIMATE Horror Experience
The Darkness - HALLOWEEN Haunt Behind The Scenes Tour 2024 in St. Louis
Exploring Off-Limit Areas of the LEMP Brewery Haunted House in St. Louis


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My mom was born in 1921 and grew up near the Lemp, in Soulard. She swam in that underground pool as a small child. She said they would let the neighborhood kids in. There is also a story told by the mansion next door to the Lemp mansion, the Chatillon DeMenil, that they took a geologist down in the caves to see a rock formation. He stopped at a certain spot and would not go further. He said that there was something down there, and turned around and went back. I belonged to a paranormal group and got a great EVP at the Lemp. We also got an EVP in the DeMenil, as we looked at the bricked up tunnels in the cellar. One of our guys said, "I would love to go in those tunnels." The EVP said, "They're blocked, go back." I have never gone down in the caves, except for the spook house. Fascinating video!


This video puts into perspective of how much uncharted territory there is underneath the surface of it all. Amazing video!!


I think Ghost Adventures tried to get to those caves years and years ago but they told them they could not find the keys to the door, real cool you guys could get in there. Very interesting as always.


Thats my old neighborhood. I grew up three blocks from Lemp Mansion. My dad used to play and run around in the caves in the 50s and 60s. He also worked across the street at Cherokee candy company. Thanks for going down there. I have always wanted to go down there. I looked at the Lemp brewery every day i went school across the street. So awesome to see it. ❤🙏


This is one of the best videos of the Lemp Caves I've seen, from entrance through the pools to the stage to part of the Cherokee Caves. All shot well in HD so the details are crisp. Also awesome seeing high up in the silo. I can't help but feel a bit jealous, but I'm glad and thankful you two were able to film it and film it well. Keep up the good work!


I live in St.Louis & am a huge fan of the lemp brewery history & the family. (4 members committed suicide due to mental illness, business failures, madness etc) Thank you for going to the top of the tower where the grain silos are. I've always wondered what's in there. This episode is very well done.I Enjoy your channel. Loved the grain grinders.


That really is a beautiful building and thank goodness no one has knocked it down for “progress”. Can you imagine how it was built, brick by brick back then, and the people that worked there when it was active 😮 Amazing footage and I hope more individuals give you access to document history 🙌🏻


I’ve lived approximately 45 minutes from Saint Louis my whole life (51 years) and i have yet to visit the Lemp Brewery! Thank you so very much for this phenomenal video! I love watching you two, and I was so excited, and surprised, that you were in Saint Louis, I hope you enjoyed yourselves and got to meet some great people and see some fun places while visiting 😊 Looking forward to seeing your next adventure!


Another instance of Michael & Jessica going above (below in this case) and beyond to bring us the Grimmest of adventures. As always, thanks for dragging us along and Grimm for Life! 👻


Born and raised In stl love seeing and hearing about the old downtown history its the best!


Yours is one of a few channels that I go full screen on to watch and rightfully so. The lucky individuals that watch and appreciate the sometimes rarely seen beauty of behind closed doors and walls that you obtained through the camera lens for us. We appreciate you!
The knee knocking or weak in the knees sensation is difficult to explain or reproduce but it is exhilarating! I would have loved to have been where you were on top of the silos! I do envy your position!


This might be one of the coolest things I’ve seen on YouTube in a long time. Thank you for posting this.


I live in St.Louis, this is the BEST video and tour of the Lemp cave to date. Thanks guys


So glad you made reference to it because this looks exactly like "As Above, So Below".


Michael and Jessica, the most out of this world Grimm Adventure yet! What’s next? The Titanic?? Great work!


Been down there several times. Rappelled down the chute at the 17 min mark the first time. Then found access through another building. Gave many tours to locals. Wish I could go back. Even just the basements of the compound are amazing. Like out of a horror movie just like they say. Glad someone legit finally gets to document this awesome piece of St Louis history.


All I can say is WOW, thank you Michael and Jessica for the privilege of seeing the caves! I've been fascinated with the Lemp story since MTV's show Fear where they featured the brewery under another name. You guys are the BEST! ❤


Being able to see a place that hour after hour is in pitch black for so many years other than the rare occasion someone is down there with light just fascinated me! But to think those little shrimp and frogs have managed to find a way to live in that environment in total darkness and find a way to repopulate just blows my mind. Thank yall so much for this amazing video!


That was AMAZING! My grandmother was fron St. Louis and she told us stories about it. It is so awesome to SEE it!


I had to go read the history of these caves. Very interesting. At one time they excavated the clay in the caverns and found 3, 000 fossils for the natural history museum.

Other facts I found. The pool was heated. The trench in the floor was there to drain excess water from the caves. Those tall shafts you looked up were ice shafts. They would dump large quantities of ice into the caverns to bring the temp down for the brewing process.

Cool video. I always enjoy learning obscure history.
