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Behold, a MH animation featuring the 6 Kings of “Throwing hands with the Elder Dragons in Turf wars”

Though some are better at that than others.


Copy-pasta for deh Youtube gods:
Dis Monster Hunter animation is brought to you by "SFM", a software in beta since 2012
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I would just like to casually remind you all to read the descriptions of videos you watch. Especially in Tea's case, you are missing out on some valuable context and even a few jokes.


Such a crime that Bagel doesn't have a turf war with an Elder... MH6 needs to do him justice... if he comes back...


Odogaron caught me off guard at first

then i remembered the fact that he really DOES kick the shit out of vaal till he gets efluviumed


A reminder that Deviljho is a bigger threat than half of Elder Dragons simply because he eats too much and picks fights with everything to the point of dark comedy.


These guys would make one hell of an evil team for a super hero cartoon.

Rajang : The basic brute who never cares about the mission. He just wants to break stuff and throw hands with the heroes. Stealth is never an option with him.

Deviljho : The dimwitted one with herculean strength. All he thinks about is food and he gets easily distracted. His clumsiness is often cause for failure.

Odogaron : The elusive tracker, acting alone in the back alleys. Theft, kidnapping, blackmail, he can do anything. Although he rarely confronts the heroes, he’s arguably one of the most threatening villain.

Lunagaron : The bloodthirsty psychopath who likes to talk about all the ways he can kill you, but most of the time he just sounds edgy. His ice powers are useful for capturing and imprisoning people, but the heroes always find their way out of it.

Magnamalo : The serious leader of the bunch with a tragic backstory. He wants to take control over the world and has imagined a thousand different schemes to do so, most of which have failed because of the heroes.

Espinas : The laid-back jokester who hardly takes anything seriously. He’s the kind of guy who could just share a beer with the heroes if he feels like it. However, when enraged he becomes a fearsome force of destruction.

But as bad as they may be, they are nothing but pawns in the machinations of an unseen, even worst menace.

Great Jaggi : The true mastermind, the nefarious puppet master behind everything. He seats in his lair while his jaggis wander around the city, reporting everything they see and hear to their king. What he lacks in strength, he compensates in wits, patience and numbers. For too long have his people by treated like vermin, and the storming drums of revolt are slowly getting louder and louder with each passing days.


I still love that Odo is in on the list of "Willing and ready to throw hands with Elder Dragons", even if he does lose because of Vaal using the effluvium. Rajang and Deviljho are well known to be Elder tier (or at least close to it) threats, Magnamalo is ready to throw down with just about anyone and comes out on top quite a lot, Lunagaron is just a strong monster in general so he certainly doesn't make it easy, and Espinas is so tough that it actively wins fights against Kushala (which I attribute some of that to its venom due to Kushala's weakness to Poison, but Espinas is also tough as nails anyway). And then Odo is just there, he has no element or special powers, he's just ready to fuck you up at the speed of light with aggression and speed and Bleed. Odo is still one of my favorite monsters, if only for that


I really like that the game doesn't treat Elder Dragons as untouchable gods and that some non-elder monsters can match their power. Sure, the lore definitely hypes them up but, look, at the end of the day it doesn't matter how strong you are. A T. rex that shoots lasers will fuck you up.


Rajang being the smallest is just the funny part. Bro spanks up elder dragons for trespassing in his mojo dojo casa house.


Odogaron is the most impressive out of all of them considering the fact it literally tussle with anything bigger than it despite being a mid tier monster. Also PLEASE CAPCOM, bring back Demon Dog!!!!


Who would wins?

- Lord and ruler of the tundra, capable of generating temperatures close to absolute zero, the harshest winter incarnate


3 out of the six passed the test, even if barely, and the other 3 tried their best.
All of them get full marks for audacity though.


One detail that I see that few are noticing is that the order in which the 6 are presented is the same in which they came out:
first rajang
second deviljho
then espinas


I like how they dance in their own Little ways

Magnamalo dancing very subtle while Lunagaron looks like he is enjoying himself. Espinas has that very Janky and “I Just Woke Up” kind of vibe to it since it’s Espinas, Rajang is just kinda chill abt it while Odogaron is getting jiggy with it and Deviljho hitting that “Everybody walk the Dinosaur”


I never realized how big Espinas was until I saw him next too Deviljho


The moment when half of the crew are Fanged Wyverns.
Zinogre must have been so pissed at Amatsu for stealing his home, that he told his Homies to attack Elder Dragons.


Out of everyone in the bunch, Odogaron is the one i respect the most. He's a chew toy for Deviljho bust still throws hands with an elder


Never really realized the sheer size and bulk of Espinas, especially for an flying wyvern, until seeing it next to Deviljho. But then it makes sense since it needs that physicality to go against Elders


I think the funniest part of this is that even in the intro Espinas does what he does best...sleeping


Rajang, Deviljho, etc.: "I've expected more from your type.. "
Elder Dragon(s): "I still have a power beyond your comprehension!"
Them: "oh yeah?"
Elder Dragon(s): *places down pitfall/shock trap*


Nergi should’ve just crashed in at the end but still another TeaCommonShark masterpiece
