The Technology of the Ancients (Stargate Atlantis SGA)

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The technology of the Ancients is much more advanced than anything that the Tau'ri, other humans, the Goa'uld, and the Wraith have yet produced, and will most likely remain so for at least several centuries. Through access to their knowledge and technology, the Tau'ri have gained considerable ground in keeping several galaxies safe from terrible oppressors and enemies.
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Why not any of Top/Best techs of Stargate video/videos?
Can make a series, like for what situation and so on would be what good and so on.
Also i might agree that the tech in the time pubble tech that Sam comes up with would be also included as they definetly are cannon and will come to be in future days in normal timestream too.
As she said, she just modified the braming tech and that was not that hard.

Overall if we presume humans find the data/location to make new ZPM's or a way to use the ultimate power genwrator (with the exotic matter, sorry forgot the project name).

With the exotic matter type power system(if it would be safe and kinks ironed out) they can craft a massive starbase/ship that will have all the power, secutiry, speed, supplies, liderally anything it/people on it wants with quite ease.
That base could grow expedentially and even become bigger than a solar system itself and living there would be like Eden/Utopic.
They even can use the Virtual reality systems for lesure, the memory tech for learning and even to make a backup copie of s themself so if they die new cloned fully grown body (also have the tech to do) your most up to date mind copy will be paste when you happen to die.
All the matter, items, tech, food can easly and fast created with the modified beaming system.
Unlimited energy means unlimited shields, supper powerful weapons and also unlimited travel thanks to the wormholedrive, normal subspace travel probably is out of the question in some point because of the shere size.
This Hyper sized base/object actually could travel bedween universes/realities and do more exploring, gather data and new tech (basing it on Rodneys experimenta and few episodes).
That actually can be supper good idea for a series.
I have few ideas how it can start, a way tobring new generation on board who ne er seen Stargate and also a good startup/backstory.
It can tie up some open parts of last series or continue leaving them (i prefere to use them not leave).

Basicly something is discovered that our human existance is soon removed, due to a treath we can not fight, like the godlike power in SGU after studing humans wants to get rid of all of them anf Eli while awake and fimds this out, sends info to earth with timeline calculations anf the danger before he dies.
Earth them brings together, Sam and Rodney and some other (actually useful) geniuses to the new Stargate program secret top research complex that even almoast anyone of Stargate personell did not know.
They have only on paper and indirect research done there that is the unthinkable and out of the box thinking of any tech and any idea any personell ever has thought that is related to any alien or tech by stargate research.
Basicly they even have made so call presidential and command "bunker" that will take the object out of our dimention but still can communicate to ours and command troops and run the coumtry and also has energy(1 earth type zpm), supplies for years (thanks to the modified beaming system that normal stargate research not jet knows about) and thanks to that has close to as big funding as the regular stargate command (but money trail hidden by proxy companies and cia tactics of papertrail to keep NID, aliens and any other threaths away).
They liderally have the base not on earth and have a secret location/bunker with subspace beaming ability(needs same device in both locations, similar to stargate but not utilizing wormholes and can beam a whole room in an instant, that's why people think they are still on earth) and even the workers do not know they are off planet somewhere 50miles under a surfuce of a random planet where that base is located.

Anyway they have built many techs i mentioned and more...
Also analize things and utilize the AI systems, especially the Asgard ones and habe created 1 supercomplex by axident and after that they have not been able yo chane any aspects of it(only can see the code aka thoughts) as it became sentient but thankfully it is kind of lile a grandmother type of caring about all humans and can get angry on bullies and help to make things right. It only helps along (mostly managing and calculations and systems and so on) rarely taking actions by itself, it let's humans to discover and evolve by themself (a desition it reatched in couple of milliseconds after it was created by axident that can not be replacated).
I have an idea to the axident and miniseries of the origin of the AI anf it's personality.

So basicly it runs the place but not commands it, it still is kind of like a normal person working in SGC, like Walter for example, a lojal to he's friends and does the job supper well.
The AI then is so far integrated to all the base aystems that she basicly is the base.

Anyway it analizes the data and calculations Eli sent and confirms that planet earth and every human and also any other related aliens will be terminated instantyl when that power reaches/arrives our galaxy inlike 1year and 2 months.
So the sectet center woth all he staff have prepared for a month and got ready to bring in the golden geniuses, the 2 main ones and couple of the others, also some of the old teams members, somr new tallents, the president and top USA leaders and the united alliance of Stargate ally coumtries on Earth and debreef them about the situation and the plans they came up with.

Than after that, the president gives them(allready on the base) 6 to 10 months vacation while the powers make their desitions.

Anyway i have mostly thought up about 2 seasonsh worth, and the deliveryeven what i told is actually similart to some other shows and Stargate episodes where the situation is allready somehat esta lished and some episodes or sections of episodes are shown as viewbacks.
It will both give all kinds of action starting from the first episode but also gives a overview of the start and reasons and why and so on.

NB Can not give you the plot of season 2 ending but it will be Huge !

Liderally it could be so cool, diverse experience (as different universes) and so many possibilities.


the Ori kept their entire galaxy in the stone ages for millions of years, but when they had an actual war to fight, it was suddenly time to build advanced space ships to fight in the war.

it's just too bad we never really got to see the inner workings of the Ori galaxy other than what we already know to be true from the show and the movie ark of truth.
