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We continue putting together the pieces with this next episode of Tartaria Explained.
Did the ancients use EMF Technologies in the past? What if these technologies existed far more recently than we previously imagined? Are some of the world's most curious towers and palaces actually ancient power stations?

Other Tartaria Explained Parts


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Imagine my surprise when I checked your channel and found several new videos that I never got any notice of....I am Native American and I have so many stories handed down that would certainly make your day. I think it's funny how weirdly enough my best friends all my life have mostly been Irish...so much so I started researching their history because we have many stories about our Irish brothers and sisters that visited us many times and were friends and allies. Of course they came WAY before the mainstream historical narrative says they did. I always love hearing what you've found because so much matches our stories about the Irish and our people. 💛 Great video!


I studied Architectural Technology and it was so depressing how the lectures program us to just build cheap and quick buildings, no personality or soul is added to the designing process in this “modern age” . They literally break all the creatives, coming up with sacred geometry based buildings is discouraged as they are “hard to build and difficult because of the angles” but meanwhile the ancients did it all the time! Thank you for theses videos really helping me out 🌀🦋💚


I was helping two clients recently. They were a retired couple. They told me what they called a funny story about their granddaughter. The couple said they were of Irish descent and recently in front of a group of people their granddaughter announced that she was Irish just like her grandmother. See, the granddaughter is adopted. I asked what ethnicity she was. The grandmother laughed and said they assumed she was Native American or Latina, with the common features of those ethnicities. So, for fun they did a mail in dna test for the granddaughter. They were shocked to find out the granddaughter was in fact mostly of Irish descent even more so than even the grandmother. And what’s even more interesting is that somehow the girl seemed to already know.

This is a true story and not sure how it relates here but I felt it was worth sharing.


You are closer to the truth than 95% of the world, you are rational and logical in your exploration of this subject.
Don't ever stop making videos, pay no mind to the trolls.
Keep connecting the dots because as you do it creates a picture that is even visible to some of the indoctrinated lemmings.


I wonder if the reason they are spraying with geoengineering is because the aether is building back up and people are waking up from it. Not only would they be able to block the sun but aether. Thank you for this, your channel is one of my favorites. The aether maybe a way for us to find or speak to God.


I have gone down every rabbit hole imaginable, to help Quench my Curiosity. There is nothing eles quite like this. This is special, you spread the wisdom of something truly Majestic.


My uncle lived in a grand cathedral and monastery in roman catholic church, it was very ancient and also had a submerged and whole church underneath it and the street was up above it. We were allowed to go into that basement where people do not go. It was huge also. The whole thing was unfathomable. The ancient statues in the basement were worn where people had touched them so many times he said, but I noticed also that there were water marks on all of them. This cathedral is in Boston and below the street under another giant cathedral, and below that is a burial vault. Id love to have gone down there


YouTube are legendary for knocking off of many things, yet this is still here.


The Aether is the rainbow in the sky. There’s more than one. They harness it with fiber optic cables and call it Ethernet. 2 rainbows give bandwith in between them. Our cable company is even named Spectrum.


One time my grandma was telling me about how she stayed in a castle in Slovenia with some extremely wealthy folks who owned the castle. She came back talking about Ethernet like it was the internet and all of us just assumed she was pronouncing internet wrong. Turns out the owners were talking about how their castle was connected to the Ethernet? I thought my grandma was a little looney when she was talking about this, if only I would have known all this then.


It's Krazy impressive the amount of information you pack into these videos, I can't begin to understand the amount of time and effort you put into these.


It feels like we are getting closer to Truth as we speed into the future, and it's exciting since we all know that
''Truth shall set you free''. Good work man, keep re-posting!


Saint Patrick was sent to wipe out the Irish Snakes aka the druids... the last remaining who had ancient technology and wisdom... Matt lacroix gets into the snake and eagle deception. Good work man! More people need to watch your work.


I think that many of the books from Alexandria were not really destroyed. They were carried away and looked up in the several basement floors below the Vatican.


I MUST say “ Mind Unveiled” has shown many paths to TRUE history, That all seem to go through the Celtic. Thanks guys. Sincerely, 8rice 7imothy 8usch Nov. 8th 2023


Never seen so much censorship in one video. They’re taking the “You” out of “YouTube.”


Interesting stuff. My ancestors on one side are Irish, and on the other were Sephardic Jews who interbred with the Abenaki and descendents of those who (supposedly) came on the Mayflower. My father talked about places where the veil is thinner, gateways, other dimensions, etc. My mother said not to think of things unless you wanted them to happen, contacting your spirit ancestors for guidance, saying things out loud gives them power, and so on.


I have never met a person I can listen to more than the two of you. Thank you so much for what you do.


Recently spent time in Detroit and Grand Rapids Michigain. So many tartarian structures some still with their copper tops and antiquetech. Most appear buried as well. Actually was in downtown grand rapids for a lighning storm and it looked like something out of a movie how the lightning rods were catching lightning it also seemed to create static in the atmosphere which created even more Lightning(electricity)


I can't begin to explain how much i appreciate your videos. I so appreciate your take on things... The knowledge you share. Its so well done. I feel like you are so rare in how you present the info. A lot of alternative narrative type presenters do so in an overzealous charged up way that is too shocking and creates discord in those who haven't been able to disconnect from what they hold as their worldview. You seem to understand the importance of tone and frequency as well in how you speak and the background music etc. Thank you so much for all you do.
