British nurses stage first ever strike in bitter pay dispute with government

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영국 간호사, 정부와 임금 갈등으로 사상 첫 파업

For a look at the news around the world, we turn to Lee Seung-jae standing by at the news center. Good morning.

Good morning to you.

Let's start off over in the UK, where British nurses have taken to the streets to stage a strike over a bitter pay dispute with the government.

That's right, National Health Service nurses in Britain went on strike on Thursday, marking the first time that the nurses have ever held a nationwide walkout.
Nurses walked out of hospitals and onto picket lines, disgruntled over years of cuts and falling pay.
An estimated 100-thousand nurses are taking part in the walkout, at 76 hospitals and health centers, cancelling an estimated 70,000 appointments, procedures and surgeries in Britain's state-funded NHS.
Amid inflation running at around 10-percent in the UK, nurses want a 19-percent pay rise, arguing they have suffered a decade of real-terms cuts, and that low pay means staff shortages and unsafe care for patients.

#UnitedKingdom #Nurse #Arirang_News

2022-12-16, 09:00 (KST)
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With apologies to Kipling!
You talk of better pay for us, and less overtime and all:
We’ll work for 80 hours a week if you treat us rational.
Don’t mess with 3% when 10% inflation sets the pace
The Nurse’s uniform shouldn’t be a national disgrace.
For it’s Nurse do this and Nurse do that, an’ don’t forget the soup!
But it’s “Saviour of his country” when Covid kills the troops;
Then it’s Nurse do this, and Nurse do that, and anything you please;
And Nurse ain’t such a blooming fool – you bet that Nursey sees!
