How To Tell If A Guy Likes You But Is Hiding It 😳🥰

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This video covers how to tell if a guy likes you, but is hiding it.

So you want to know how to tell if a guy likes you, but you can't tell.

Does he like me?

There are signs he likes you that are obvious, but what if he's hiding it. Are there signs a guy likes you that are so strong you could classify them as undeniable signs that he likes you?

If you want to know how to tell if a man is attracted to you but hiding it, then there's probably a reason you think he wouldn't make it obvious.

Maybe you're looking for signs your male friend has feelings for you and you think he's hiding them because of the friendship.

Maybe you want to know how to know if a guy likes you at work.

Maybe you're wondering how to tell if someone likes you but they're shy.

We'll go into all of that and make this crystal clear.

Hope you liked the video and I hope it helps you! If you liked it, it would be really cool if you could leave a Like & Comment (it really helps me out).

Also, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask them here in the comments! I read all of them and I try to reply to as many as I'm able to as well.

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Hope you liked the video! If you have any questions, comments or anything you want to share, let me know here! 😘


Why am I binge watching videos on how to tell if a guy likes you? I'm a straight male.
The places life takes us, am I right?


I’m 35 years old and it’s so hard to know if someone likes me or not anymore I’m just going with the flow in my life


I never had to avoid the subject of any girlfriend or relationship status...She always went ahead and asked me up forward if I had a girlfriend or if I was dating another woman....
When it comes to "obvious " well....our energy and entire magnetism towards each other has been more & more throughout the years and decades.


What about seniors who are looking for love again? We don't always relies on social media to communicate.


God bless you, Girlfriend. Thank you! 🙏


@Sabrina Bendory. Nice video but I think you missed one important thing. When a guy likes a girl, he gives her things. That's a very important one you did not touch on.


He likes me but just not enough to ask me out or date me 😢


Thank you so much for your videos! They are awesome, to the point, one of the best videos I came across!❤


We do work together and he has initiated he used to seem like he is excited to see me he was teasing and you know doing things that most people consider flirting even co-workers thought there was something but once I said that I liked him and wanted to get to know him better he started getting a little distant he did just break up with someone after a long-term relationships so if you needs healing time I'm cool with that


This isn't relevant to the content in your video, but I just wanted to say that your blush and makeup look amazing! Your skin looks so radiant and dewy - I love this look on you!


Theres this guy. He used to stare at me alot. I noticed and I also started staring hoping that one day he'll talk to me. But its been 6 months he didnt try to initiate any conversation. So finally I made a move and gave him chocolates on my birthday. He wished me and thats about it. He has stopped staring and noticing me since then.😢


I remember my current boyfriend told me that he secretly stalked my instagram for years before we became a couple. I asked him how he could because my instagram is private and he said he downloaded a Web app that allows you to see private profiles lol 😆. I thought this was cute but saw a little bit of Joe Goldberg in him. He's harmless though.


I have a very good memory and remember a lot of things I don't care about at all 🤭


When should we expect a video on your love story with your


Why because he’s just not that into me. Men who like us, let us know. Umm ?


Sabrina, I've been watching your videos for a while ... It's the " a woman should not make the first move " concept . This applies to straight people . What do gay people do ?


I have a question. How do males and females bond with each other? I don't see how men and women can bond (especially romantically) with each other. Men and women think very differently from each other.

There's actually some evidence to suggest that gay couples are more likely to be healthy because they are less likely to have preconceived notions and roles imposed onto each other, e.g. discarding legitimate grievances from your wife because "women are hormonal" or doing all the housework while your husband lays around because "men are helpless, " etc. I read a study concerning this years ago so it'll take some digging before I can find it. Though of course, I'd still exercise caution when considering statistics like these.

Something I have noticed is that straight couples often blame “otherness” for their difficulties. Women are difficult to live with, men are like children, that kind of thing.

Straights can just accumulate their “otherness” blaming until they are convinced that all men are morons or all women are shrews, and this problem they are having is not because of individual circumstances but because of their whole gender. Gay couples don’t have an “otherness” to blame, just “sameness”, so they have to focus on whatever the actual relationship issue happens to be and resolve it.

Also, abuse in homosexual relationships is significantly less prevalent than it is in heterosexual ones.


Star Wars: " It's a trap"....



I Ignore her cause she ignore me. I was confused when she was looking for me then smile at me I didn't know if we was still cool so different emotional was showing so I looked mad then a worker asked me if I'm ok I lied cause it wasn't their business. I know she was mad cause I seen it on her face When she was leaving I know she saw me looking at her from corner of her eye. I regret ignoring her not knowing it was our last schedule day seeing each other. 😢
