Core Destruction #24

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Which will win, Orange or Azure?


Track: Facading - Take it Down [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Track: JNATHYN - Dioma [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Track: Spitfya x Desembra - Cut The Check [NCS Release]
Music provided by NCS.

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looks like the ball destroying cannon on orange jammed up


Types of Marbles:
- Green: Use for charge the cannons or mechanicals
- Yellow: A bit larger than green. Activate the weapons or mechanicals when drop into them.
Plum ball: Not quite help much for battle, but it can use for get marbles to elevator more than usual.

1st phase appears 3 pipes for marbles when drop off the gear with a hole:
- Elevator Charger: The bigger number charged for released, the longer the elevator will activate the boost.
- Plum Creator: Every marble drops out this pipe will became Plum balls.
- Saw Cannon: If it activated, it'll send saws that penetrated through the defending bricks. Opponents' marbles may worry about their invasion.

2nd Phase with 3 different type of cannons. Charge or activate the cannon when any marbles drop into cannon pipe:
- Gunshot: Activate with rapid bullet. Activates as a normal bullet only.
- Spread Shot: Spread into multiple shots, destroy as normal.
- Bomb: Activate the bombs that attract to opponent's core. Explode when it's time!
(*Number of charges in every cannon indicates amount of activates)

3rd Phase most likely a defending zone. Charge or activate them when any of them drop out the previous phase:
- Shield: Make a protective shields surround the core, make a death door whatever bullets on contact. It last as chargers assemble before it do so.
- Repair: Create the defending bricks whenever the lost space arrive! Even they can make as healers for the core as well.
(*Repair cannot heal the core over the full. If any else touch it, it'll activate as repair)

4th Phase as a death bullet will be activated. Only when any of marbles drop to other pipe from 2nd gear:
- Nuclear: Seriously as Big Bang explode! Explode wherever it has been touched and destroy the bricks wherever they on contact!
- Missile: Take a bounce when it destroys. But became smaller after do so.
(*Every cannon in this phase can only activate one bullet, but larger size as more chargers charge them.)

5th Phase for Plum Balls, with the cannon between two sides. The cannon releases when one of both drop into hole of 1st gear and hit the red section and drop into cannon. This activate will release balls inside at other side.

*Battle will continue until there is one of both cores completely destroyed.

- The 2nd gear will spin the opposite way when about 10 marbles drop into a hole connected with replay sign. This will make easier chance to go to other phases if there are 2 marbles in a hole.
- The cannon in 1st phase for activating cannot be guessed exactly 100% by the user since both sides cannot activate it at the bricks as well as target.
- Orange didn't activate it once in whole battle; and Azure activated it, but didn't aim at target as well as bricks correctly.


Blue looked death in the eye and said..."No"


I was just waiting for the orange spiral attack thing


Babe wake up, new MIKAN video dropped!


orange threw so hard at the end THEY HAD THAT


Why is NOBODY talking about the GENIUS addition of the purple The way they clog up the sides so more balls can enter the conveyor belt is SUCH a good idea!!!! Mikan has once again surprised me and made my day 10000x better. Thank you for all you do, Mikan, and may the world as a whole once see your greatness and award you the highest price our mere human society has to offer, and all that the heavens have to give.


We never got to see the 23 second-long lift-speedup from Blue at the end.


The incoming bass drop at around 9:02 got me sweating. Nice fakeout. You got me on the edge of my seat because of marbles. Bravo!


Blue got so lucky!! I thought we were done for!!!


That was so close but blue remembered all the lost battles against red and went all out on orange


I'd just like to thank you, during covid online school was so boring so I watched all of your videos and it has saved me so many times. Keep up the awesome content!


this has been arguably our most complex and elaborate experiment on marble nature in the history of valk labrotories. The triumph of the blue marbles has set a precedent that the blue variety of marbles are held as superior among their brethren.


God damn it Orange why didn't you just shoot the Spirals?!


It's been a long time since i watched mikans videos, im glad this popped up on my fyp.


Oh my lord that absolute CLUTCH from Blue


Oh hell yea, what a great way to start the day :D


Ngl I can’t figure out what the purple marbles do, like do they just exist to clog up the other sides conveyor? I just can’t wrap my head around it.

Edit: It seems like they do clog up the conveyor, but in a beneficial way! Each conveyor spike is a bit too short, creating a hole which normally allows excess marbles to drop out, but the purple marbles plug the hole and allow large quantities of marbles to go up.


best video ever this made me so happy. blue forever nothing ever beats it. best day of my life. thank you so much MIKAN for this masterpiece



Marbles jobs

Green:used for ammo for cannons. needs a yellow ball to be shot.can be used more than once per cannon

Yellow:used to activate canons with ammo and uses all at once. Only cannon that can’t be activated with the yellow balls is the lavender cannon.

Lavender:used to activate lavender ball cannon. Not much use but is good for putting more than 3 marbles on the conveyer.

Basic cannon
Bomb cannon
Multishot cannon

Basic cannon:shoots a laser that makes a small hole in the opponent’s area every shot

Bomb: shoots triangles that circle the opponent and tick every time. Once it explodes it does damage and is useful for getting rid of core health once exploding

Multishot: shoots 5 bullets at the opponent. Not that strong but is good at destroying the opponents area before the core

Lavender cannon
Reverse spinner
Faster conveyer

Lavender cannon: not useful at all. Only shoots lavender marbles at the opponents side doing no damage.

Penetration:penetrates the opponents area. It’s useful for certain times

Shield: activates a shield for how many seconds. For example if 28 marbles were in the shield before a yellow marble hit than the shield would last 28 seconds.

Reverse spinner:once a team gets enough marbles their spinners reverse giving them a higher chance to get new weapons.

Faster conveyer: a boost that makes the conveyer go turbo speed.

Op weapons
Lasting shot

Nuke:when it explodes it takes a huge chunk out of the opponent. Like a giant mine
