Cultic King James Onlyism of Cody Zorn & Tommy McMurtry

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As one who was delivered from cultic King James Onlyism of Steven Anderson of the New IFB, and others associated therewith, by this kind of responses by Dr. James White to their irrational behavior unbecoming of a Christian, I care especially for dear people who are stuck in the New IFB or IFB in general and who are under the authority of "pastors" like men addressed by Dr. White here.

King James Onlyism stands utterly refuted, and there are many materials where that's demonstrated (some videos and playlists are listed below), but the main thing I would like to point out what was said starting at 10:33 mark.
For any viewer of this video, especially if you are in one of those churches, and you have questions but you have always been afraid to ask lest you be scorned, ridiculed, mocked, or even attacked for questioning either the King James Bible or the "man of God". Pay close attention to what Dr. White speaks here. I can confirm, as someone who was a King James Onlyist, that he describes the experience correctly. Men like Cody Zorn are borderline cultic or fully cultic in this area, and the way they act reveals this fact.

I know for a fact that more people will leave King James Only IFB movement because of the time Dr. White took to address this problem.
Whoever you are, know that those King James Onlyists have no truth on their side, and however loud or insulting they become toward you, they have no authority and you do not have to be afraid of them or afraid that you would disobey God by daring to contradict them - quite the opposite. Yes, you may have to endure shunning, insults and anathemas that could come your way, but keep in mind this: that's what cults, who don't possess truth, do, and every attack you may experience from your former brothers and sisters - even family members - should confirm that to you, and remove any doubts that you did the right thing of leaving.
You will discover that outside of that narrow IFB movement is a whole lot more, a lot deeper and more beautiful theology, more intelligent and edifying conversations, but there is much more genuine Spirit filled love, grace and friendship among believers - something that cultic sects of the IFB only mimic by militaristic discipline according to man's traditions and a lot of pretense.

Just a note: I know Tommy McMurtry is not directly addressed here, but he publicly approves and shares Cody Zorn's errors in assertions and childish behavior, so I put him in the title also.

Excerpt from the Dividing Line program aired on December 28, 2021

Refutation of Sam Gipp's "What's the Big Deal with King James Onlyism?"

Refutation of Kent Hovind's overly simplistic teaching on the history of the Bible from his Creation Seminar

Refutation of Gail Riplinger and documentation of her insanity

Demonstration of what cultic King James Onlyism does, featuring the late Texe Marrs (no disrespect intended, hopefully Texe was a brother who sadly got massively deceived, as many of dear King James only brothers and sisters sadly are)

Refutation of Steven Anderson's attempted rebuttal of "The King James Only Controversy"

Alpha & Omega Ministries

Dr. James White

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#KJVonly #IFB
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If you in any way use Psalm 12:6-7 to defend the King James Bible as THE preserved Word of God [ignoring for the sake of the argument the lack of proper differentiation between Scripture and a translation of Scripture, which is a common problem in King James Onlyism that leads to so much confusion], especially if you assert that “seven times” refers to seven English translations – Tyndale Bible, Coverdale Bible, Matthew Bible, Great Bible, Geneva Bible, Bishop’s Bible, King James Bible – you are in fact saying that prior to 1611 there was no perfect Bible in any other language (even the original languages), nor could have been before English existed; you are in fact saying that God did not preserve His Word from the time of the completion of the final book of the New Testament until 1611; you are in fact saying that English KJV is THE only standard for the entire world, for every language. And you are saying that God INTENDED it to be this way from when David originally wrote it down, given that you’ve made Psalm 12:6-7 all about the KJV.

The same applies to whenever someone uses either the text of Scripture or chapter and verse divisions – which many of you claim are as God-breathed as the text itself is, but are in fact man-made and arbitrary, with many flaws – to point to the year 1611. You are in fact saying that if there could ever exist THE perfect Bible, the only possible year it could have ever been published was 1611 A.D.; you are in fact saying that no Bible hand-written or printed in any year before, and every year after 1611 A.D. can possibly be the preserved Word of God.

If Psalm 12:6-7 does in fact speak about the King James Bible, that means that every person in every language (including David who wrote Psalm 12) who preaches or expounds this text must be able to come to the same conclusion – which no one in history did until fairly recently (which is a concerning issue in itself, and should lead to immediate rejection of King James Only position).
If Psalm 12:6-7 does in fact speak about God preserving the Bible, and that Bible being the King James Bible, that means that Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek Scriptures (which were given directly from God through the prophets and the apostles who wrote them down) were never promised to be preserved, which logically entails that texts KJV translators were translating from were not perfectly preserved, which logically entails (given the promise of Psalm 12:6-7 in regards to the KJV) that English KJV is directly God-breathed in the same manner the autographs in the original languages were. This means re-inspiration; this means a second giving of Scripture to the KJV translators on par with the prophets and the apostles.

If you in any way use Psalm 12:6-7 to defend the King James Bible as THE preserved Word of God, you have gone beyond the Scripture, you are abusing the Scripture, you have elevated your tradition above the Scripture, and you are doing so to your own damage, to the damage of the people you are teaching this, and most importantly, to the damage of Christian faith and truthfulness thereof.


I'll never forget the last sermon before I left my home church. The preacher's main text was 2 Samuel 6, which is about the time Uzzah reached out to steady the Ark of the Covenant when the ox stumbled, and God struck Uzzah down because of his irreverance. The preacher equated the Ark directly to the KJV and the pastors who preach from it. He even called out the page number of his Bible before saying the book, chapter, and verses, assuming that most people had the exact edition that he had. My heart broke as I sat there thinking about the possibility of having a lost person in the congregation. The preacher at no time mentioned the need for Christ.


The modern Bible versions say the opposite of the KJV in certain verses. For example, the KJV calls those who worshipped idols “superstitious, ” whereas the NKJV calls idol worshippers “religious.”

“Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars' hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious.” (Acts 17:22 KJV)

“Then Paul stood in the midst of the Areopagus and said, "Men of Athens, I perceive that in all things you are very religious.” (Acts 17:22 NKJV)

The Zionist disciples of Satan were able to change their Bibles to make Israel a "spreading vine" in the NIV and even a "luxuriant vine" in the NASB and ESV in Hosea 10:1. God, however, states that "Israel is an empty vine" in his KJV Holy Bible at Hosea 10:1.

“Israel is an empty vine, he bringeth forth fruit unto himself: according to the multitude of his fruit he hath increased the altars; according to the goodness of his land they have made goodly images.” (Hosea 10:1 KJV)

“Israel is a luxuriant vine that yields its fruit. The more his fruit increased, the more altars he built; as his country improved, he improved his pillars.” (Hosea 10:1 ESV)

So we know from that issue that the KJV is God’s word or the modern Bible versions are God’s word. They cannot say the opposite of one another and both be God’s word. This is a foundational issue. This is a major issue. There is no middle ground here. "Choose ye this day whom ye will serve." Joshua 24:15.

Edward Hendrie
Author of "HOAX of Biblical Proportions"


James Snapp Jr. taking on 2 KJVO’s at once Saturday night live, April 20th, 8pm debating I John 5:7. Donny at Standing for Truth hosting.


I’m far from a Calvinist! But appreciate James white on his scholarly knowledge about translations !!!


KJV Numbers 22:30 And the ass said unto Balaam, Am not I thine ass, upon which thou hast ridden ever since I was thine unto this day? was I ever wont to do so unto thee? and he said, Nay.


If I may ask which version do you read from?


True story:
I asked a non-KJV-only Calvinist ( Marty) if he believed that bible was the word of God, and he said "Yes". I asked him if I only had one version of the English Bible, regardless of which one, if I could rely on it for all truth. He said, " Yes.". So I showed him, from my KJV Romans 3:10 - 11...10 As it is written, There is NONE righteous, no, not one:
11 There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.; and Romans 3:23...23 For ALL have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
Then I asked him if he believed those things, that there are none RIGHTEOUS, and that ALL have sinned, and he said, "Yes."
Then I showed him Matthew 9:13, where the Lord Jesus is saying..."But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am NOT come to call the RIGHTEOUS, but SINNERS to repentance."
Then I said that this proves biblically that Jesus came to call ALL! And that it's only those who make the decision to answer that call who receives the gift of salvation.
He then accused me of cherry-picking verses and called me childish because I was only using the KJV! So, there ya go.

It's kind of astonishing that people are so adamant about an English translation. The original manuscripts are Hebrew, Aramaic, and
Idk what else to say. We have modern biblical scholars and we can research the translation and transliterations of each word. KJV English isnt an ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT!!!


Quick question: What is the point of this belief? What necessitates this position? I thought that I kind of understood where the KJV-Only crowd were coming from and then I saw Dr. White's debate with Dr. Van Kleeck a couple of days ago and it just reframed all of it for me. Even though the latter hit many of the familiar talking points, I couldn't even tell you what he thought he was defending.


You have to dress in codex vaticanus and sinaticus


The spirit speaketh expressly in the latter times some shall depart from the faith given head to suduceing spirits and doctrine of devils speaking lies In hypocrisy haveing thier conscience seared with a hot iron


Cody Zorn removed his tweet from his thread…. Big surprise


Tell us about codex vaticanus and codex sinaticus manuscripts Catholics manuscripts. The authorized bible is on the received text


KJVO always makes me laugh. Luther and Calvin didn't have the KJ. Neither did the other early reformers. Yet they seemed to get the core of Christianity correct. And what about other Christians who don't know English?

Furthermore, it's aggravating to deal with KJVO people, as they themselves are not even consistent with their own translation hermeneutic. For example, when you read Matthew 5:48 in the KJ, it reads as "Be ye perfect." Whenever a KJVO pastor reads that from the pulpit, the qualifier (a correct one, btw) is said that the word "perfect" there means "mature." So then I ask, "Well, why not simply render it as mature in future translations in order to avoid falling into the false doctrine of perfectionism?" And the KJVO people will scream bloody murder about it.

KJVO is really a self-righteous ethno-centric belief, one that has absolutely no support from Scripture itself. The KJT (translation) is outdated, uses words and phrasing that do not carry over into modern English, and needed to be updated in order to be communicated to more modern English-speaking people. God does not need merely one translation for His Word to be understood.


Agree ., , , but not all ifb are the same


The people that James White is talking about.. are the members of the church who aren't saved and have no relationship with God.. so they just put on a show. I know many independent Baptists who have a sweet spirit, love God, and love others. Real men and women of God who have the power of God on their life.
Sure you always have a few people that live by the flesh and not the spirit in any church.. and in any group. I've never seen a calvinist on fire for God.. (just throwing that out there). Again James White does a good job deceiving and lumping a whole group of people who (who just happened to have the correct doctrine) in with people that live Carnal Christian lives and serve God from the flesh. The ones he's describing makes up a very small percentage of the ifb/ib. (The ones who have the correct doctrine) (because Calvinism is heresy)


My husband is a pastor and a godly man.. He is king James only.. I’m not… and at first we had heated discussions! I read my new king James when I do my personal daily reading.. with him when reading together we use king James and of course at church.. I have tried to get him to listen to James white and other scholars.. But just like James white has said, His mind is completely closed.. He has listened to his seminary professors 😞.. completely brain washed..


My cousin's a homey king James person she thinks the king James only is better


I am a KJV Onlyists, I see myself facing the problem with the book being outdated, It was last updated in 1769. Is the Greens literal translation bible written on the same text as the KJV an acceptable alternative made in 1993, I know in my Bible there are 824, 805 words, A reasonable estimate would be 1000 or outdated, another 1000 would be on their way moving out of the dictionary & daily usage, Why is it that no one is talks about this, Why do we hear everything but this, Solve the number one problem at a time, First things first, & Then solve the rest.
