Galaxy S22 Ultra vs iPhone 13 Pro Max Camera Video Test Comparison

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This is the next video in my Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra Camera review videos. I wanted to do a separate Galaxy S22 Ultra vs iPhone 13 Pro Max Camera Video focusing on the video capabilities since Samsung stated how much the video has improved in day and night time. Did it improve?

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The Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra review and the full Galaxy S22 Ultra vs iPhone 13 Pro Max Camera Test comparison is coming next! For the Galaxy S22 Ultra Unboxing and S22 Ultra vs S21 Ultra check the channel!

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*2 Things. Sorry I labeled it as 8K 30fps it’s 8K 24fps like I said in the narrative. Also the screen recording portion the wind was blowing like mad so the iPhone screen was shaking more from the wind so that isn’t the stabilization that is messing up.


Samsung s22 ultra camera this year are truly impressive, amazing. They get exactly the point I knew they inevitably would, given the evolution of their photography software each year. It's the first time that I'm choosing s22 ultra camera over Iphone's in most of the cases.



“As an owner of iPhone 13 Pro Max 512GB, I can say that the S22 ULTRA 512GB (wife have it), and tested them side by side, then we showed it in our 85 inches 4K TV and everyone chose the videos we made from the S22 Ultra, period.”

Have a great day to y’all!


I'm very glad that I found you recently. Your review is more comprehensive and less biased than 99% of other reviewers. Thank you so much for this video and what an amazing place to shoot and challenge the cameras. Also that being said, the red reproduction is 😱


Love the versatility of the S22U, that 10x optical and their portrait shots are incredible!!


is that what you use 10x camera for? 2:29 😂


As always, Samsung manages to impress with their camera technology again. Pair it with a 3 microphone setup? The S22 Ultra takes the cake! 👌🏻


4:58 that portrait video looks amazing on the S22U 😍😍


in 3X at night the S22 Ultra seems to be doing a better job IMO, the tree is MUCH sharper on the S22 Ultra


Must say, I think using Pro Video on S22 Ultra will fix some of the night video weirdness. Suspect the AI won't be able to know as easily as a person what in shot looks wrong


Great improvements from Samsung. Can you please revisit this comparison after the day one update?


Thank you for covering the lens flare, something so many other reviewers seem to ignore.
Awesome comparison video.


Samsung improved completely! Im so pumped for my green one! Please do a follow after any updates since Samsung provides after release day!


They're both awesome phones and I honestly think they're so close in everything that it just comes down to personal preference. They both have different categories for the camera that they each win on. The only reason I would go with the ultra over the iPhone is because I like customization and Android allows for the most options for making your phone unique in its own way. I also like that Samsung has more camera options for both video and photo. Also I agree with the comments stating to do a comparison after Samsung releases the updates. Android's updates to its software can be pretty dramatic. For instance I have a Samsung note 20 Ultra and the night vision mode when I first got the phone compared to now is completely insane. A night photo on my phone literally looks daytime cuz you can see everything now... but when I first got the phone it didn't have nearly the clarity it does now. Can't wait to get my Sky Blue Samsung S22 Ultra!


Ngl, s22 ultra video test from supersaftv and mrwhosetheboss look trash but yours look great, thats why i trust you more in this kind of testing, ps- don't get me wrong the video is trash not the person😅


3:13 The iPhone zoom in 4K60 is still digital after you hit record. It's just doing a crop on the lense you've previously selected.


Judging by various video test comparisons I've seen, I have a feeling there's a big difference in video between the Snapdragon and Exynos chips. A video test I saw on the Exynos looked horrible! The stabilization was great, but the quality of the video looked bad. Video during the night was extremely poor too, certainly not worthy of Samsung's claims of a big improvement. However, your comparison here, definitely shows great performance in those areas. That's why it leads me to believe that we could be looking at yet another situation where customers will not be happy getting the Exynos version. I hope to see someone do a vigorous test of the S22U, between both chips.


7:26 the ultra and pro are focusing on different parts of the image. The tree is a lot sharper in Samsung’s vs the rocks for the iphone


wow the S22 Ultra is looking so impressive already. Great to see Andriod phones are finally catching up in videos.


Do you happen to be using a non retail version of the S22. Hoping you'd do a retest once the forst software update releases on the reatil version 👍👍👍
