Soil vs Coco vs Hydro Yield result

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The results are in from the organic soil vs coco vs hydro chilli grow test and are very clear. The results are as follows:
Organic soil: 1.2Kg of plant, 599g of chillis
Coco: 3.2Kg of plant, 862g of chillis
Hydro: 5.4Kg of plant,949g of chillis

The soil used is certified organic soil with worm casings and rotted horse manure supplemented with feed from the BioBizz range
The Hydro was deep water culture system from Alien Hydroponics and with the Shogun fertiliser range for Hydro
The coco was in aeropots and fed with the Shogun fertiliser range for Coco.

The LED light used was the MIGRO ARAY 4 in 4ft x 2ft or 120cm x 60cm grow tents.

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Good to see you taking one for the team with the taste test!


I wanna shake your hand one day sir. You have not only educated me but inspired me to keep thinking outside of that damn box. You are the OG of the light community. Please keep doing what YOU love and what we love!!!


Hydro will always provide the greatest return. Most people think it is more work, but i strongly disagree. Solid content. Thanks Shane!


Coco & organic dry amendments for me.. done both the yield is less organically but the taste is superior just my opinion.. thank for the test 👍


This was one of the best tests I’ve seen with plants, thanks Shane. This video was also super funny when you ate the pepper.


What is not being considered here is space management. From looking at this with the fruit production, hydro seems to make less fruit in ratio to veg matter. If we were dealing with cannabis, this would require intense defoliation, pest control, lst, water and nutes, and extra heat to manage plants this size. If it were to come to scaling, you can put in about 4 times the soil plants in the same space constraints of one huge hydro plant and produce more fruit in total. Less nutes, less watering frequency and less vegetable matter to deal with. Trust me I am an aeroponics guy, but when it comes to efficiency and fruit per sq/m, i think you can scrog a bunch of smaller soil pots and get more than 1 or 2 huge hydros. If you do a hybrid beneficial bacteria soil mix with perlite and coco, you can get more frequent feeds and get a good balance between coco and soil. Basically I do this now using hydro nutes but with blended compost teas. Amazing product.


Great content and very thorough! Keep it up Shane, you are treasured among this community!


You overwatered the soil one all the way through, purple stems couldn't uptake mag end of flower everyone does, you over vegged the hydro one too but you did well on the other variables.
Good stuff 👏


Hi Shane IV been enjoying watching the results of this test.Amazed how different the results are. Thanks for OPENING OUR 👀👁️.


I was watching an interview with the head of the "L.A. Cannabis Co", established in 2007, on FCP02(Future Cannabis Project - Channel 02). From a few weeks ago titled "The state of The Cannabis Industry in California", I believe.
Around the 44:50 mark, he mentions changing the facility from Hydro, using Rockwool, to using Living Soil in 5 gallon fabric pots.
They've completed about 30% of the conversion, and a primary reason for it was an increase of 30-40% at harvest for individual plants.
It's near the end, at that time mark, above, when they finally get into changing the facility, and the differences are spoken about.
A very interesting little 10-15 min talk on the differences they've found (starting around the 44:50 mark), right before the end.
That's the most recent "research" I've heard on larger yields with Living Soil, and very interesting. Thanks again, Shane!👍💯🙏✌️


Imo it's a win for the coco. A manageable plant & canopy with well developed fruits and the highest sugar content.


hello Shane,
I just want to say thank you for your work, your sharing, your honesty and for the human being that you are! I imagine you already know that, so thank you, I've been following you for quite a while now, I also bought one of your Aray 8 lamps (which I find incredibly effective, I had excellent results, welldone sir) and I will surely take the last 5x5. Thanks again and ALL MY RESPECT!! sorry for my English I am Portuguese and live in Switzerland, but a "human being" above all.


Great Test Shane, I loved hydro but it can be finicky. I run pure COCO but feed like hydro Oxygenating your solution really helps.


Hey Shane, really appreciate the effort dedicated to doing this. Cheers man!

Also, I am enjoying viewing all the different ways people are giving their input.


Your video is proof that coco is probably the best Hydroponic method that produces quantity produce at the best possible quality, brix or flavor. I come back several times here for your systematic approach - keep it up


I had plants in soil root as much as your hydro, the root system was that well developed that you could have removed it from the pot and used it to smash a double glazing window and no soil would have been left on the floor, type of soil and bacteria/ fungi is key with soil more than coco and hydro.


Great ending. I just received my Uni-T meter and used it with the app for the first time yesterday. Let's just say I needed to make some changes to systems I've had in place for years. That tool is fantastic. Now I just need to complete my conversion to a hydro setup...


I've been watching your content for a little bit, and first of all, I'd like to thank you for sharing your experiences and knowledge. You definitely earned my subscription after you ate that pepper 🌶 🤣 I'm new to gardening so my opinion on which is best doesn't hold any validity but I I'm really after quality as opposed to quantity. I guess I'll learn more as I go. Thank you!


I primarily grow with coco on a flood and drain table. For the beginning of my grows fertigating once a day is enough. When they start reaching the walls, I double the fertigation amount. So instead of 2-3 times a day I do 4-6 times a day. This improved my yields. I don't have any proof other than my notes though. Not sure if you have done this but it was a significant improvement in my yields on coco.


Good stuff, CO² will be interesting.
I'm keen on living soil for:
*The low environmental impact
*Cheap as I can make most inputs & dont replace media
*Time effective, water and a couple of top dresses

Running those tests 4 times in the exact same media with fert you have made on site I think would have very different results.
