Facebook Ads Targeting: Which COUNTRIES Should You Target?

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Are you just targeting your own country with Facebook ads?

Or perhaps the standard Facebook targeting - US, UK, Canada, Australia?

It might surprise you to hear that I would strongly recommend you also target a number of other countries with your Facebook ad campaigns.

In this video I show you which countries you should add to your Facebook targeting.

We've done a lot of testing with this and the results might surprise you...

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If you have a Facebook ads budget of $3k per month or more, I'd love to speak with you and discuss how we can help you achieve fantastic results.


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Thanks for watching guys! Let me know what you think in the comments :)


There are also tons of people in every country who speak English. Just set up Language: English. Regions like Eastern Europe for example - people are moderately wealthy, many speak good English and advertising is not that competitive. Even if your products are expensive - you have to understand that people in these countries actually love expensive stuff as it shows higher social status.


Great tip Ben. We normally do the big 5 countries for our targeting but now we are starting to test with some other countries. We've been seeing a decent decrease in our CPMs.


As a Nigerian. I agree. Your return on ads spend can be way lower. But as he said purchasing power is low and so is sceptiscm


Hi Ben! Just discovered your channel and I will be binge-watching your content! Thanks so much for putting out great content and giving it away so freely!


I think your doing great service for people teaching them tips for Facebook advertising for free
Thanks have learned alot from your videos
Especially you answer my questions in comments section


oh wow, your accent ! the best english accent I heard in my life <3


Thank you so much. For someone who does Yoga and is her own subject matter expert, digital marketing is a beast and fb advertising is its own challenge. Thank you for being so clear, detailed and super helpful. I really benefitted from your videos in terms of the learning. Let me see how I can best implement what I have learned.


Hi Ben, a lot of these expanded countries including India, Malaysia & Phillipines have access to lower cost product as they typically have large manufacturing hubs & lower cost to manufacture. Therefore the price point you are trying to sell into more established markets like USA, Canada, UK & Australia which is acceptable might not be viewed the same way in these expanded countries - especially if you are selling an e-commerce product. What’s your thoughts and opinion on this?


I was wondering, If I’m a worldwide webshop selling clothes, my webshop is in English so selling to the English speaking countries is a no brainer. However how do you target Europe? Do you go for English speaking europeans? Or do you go for certain countries? How do you do that?


This has been highly surprising and insightful, thanks so much for sharing it Ben!


hi ben m a digital marketer from India.. and i was looking for some country recommendations outside india. so thanx for the video.


Hi Ben! I've just launched a new online store selling handcrafted leather goods and I've got the following questions - for the cold traffic what type of Campaign Goal I should choose: website traffic > landing page views, or conversions > Add to Cart? The shop has just been launched and we don't have much traffic and only a two sales so far. Also, in terms of countries, if I want to sell my products in the European Union, should I simply choose all countries which have Euros (Facebook has this option inside) or add countries manually? At the moment I chose all European Union countries, and I see a lot of traffic from such countries as Albania, Romania, Serbia etc, and a lot less traffic from more wealthy countries such as Germany, France etc. Is it normal or would you recommend to manually select more wealthy European Union countries to advertise there instead of selecting all European Countries? Thanks in advance for your reply.


Hi Ben, thanks for the info. There is one question I have about using a post-engagement campaign if you could please make a video about it.

Would you recommend doing this?

1- Running a conversion campaign targeting the major English speaking countries (US, UK, AU, etc)
2- At the same time, running a post-engagement campaign with the same ad ID, but this one targeting only cheaper countries (like the ones you mentioned in this video), just for the engagement.

Would that be a good strategy, without messing the pixel up, or any other consequence?

Thank you.


Friend, how do you select the countries in the ad set? do you put several countries in the set or separate each country for each set?


If you were to run this ad campaign. The ad would optimize in India for the majority of the time because Facebook optimizes by country targets as well.


Hi Ben! My friend attended to social-media marketing webinar here in Finland and she told that they taught in webinar that if a company is registered in certain country for example here in Finland on Facebook and you want to make advertising in UK you must hire a UK based marketing company to make that campaign that those adverts show up in UK. Is that really true? It sounds totally bizarre and never heard such.


Hi Ben, thanks for your amazing insightful video once again! I just wondered how would you expand using lookalike audience to other countries once you reach over 100+ sales or is that not a good way to use LAL when expanding beyond let's say the U.K? Thanks


Hi Ben. How expensive are the products you sell in India? My service is 10.00 monthly USD. I wonder how that feels to the average Indians wallet. Thanks for the video.


would you run all countries (include the US) in the same adset? We do Ecom and offer worldwide shipping
