How Christian Purity Culture Breeds HORRIBLE Behavior

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I'm gonna need every adult who wants a 16 year old wife to have a restraining order from every woman alive put upon them


I had a college textbook that refers to this phenomenon as the “paternity-patriarchy principle.” According to this reasoning, many purity codes were put in place with the intention that a man would be able to trust that he was the sole source of sperm for his kids (before paternity tests existed). Since most patriarchal societies pass wealth, inheritance, and family names through men instead of anyone else, men cared a whole lot about paternity and specifically about fathering sons. This shit can be tied to so much of purity culture as well as religious condemnation of any sexual behavior that doesn’t have a chance of producing a “legitimate” son

Source: Comparing Religions by Jeffrey Kripal


I felt so much catharsis hearing this segment live. Purity culture fucked me up as a kid. Teaching young girls that they need to remain pure and borderline clueless about sex, and then saying they should be ashamed for thinking or feeling sexual thoughts, and if they engage in sex before marriage they are like a used piece of gum that no one will want. Literal slut shaming and body shaming is taught to ACTUAL children in Abstinence only "sex ed" in PUBLIC SCHOOLS and it's fucking disgusting and dehumanizing. It's evil. Not only does it make children feel HORRIBLE about their natural urges and desires, and when they engage in sex it leads to a higher rate of teen pregnancy, there's also the other end of this problem with toxic masculinity telling young boys that they need to be the initiators in all their relationships, they are the leaders and are entitled to women's bodies and affection. Put that together and what do you get? Young men who are convinced they need to marry women as young as possible, and sometimes wait to get older themselves and then get a literal child bride, it creates rapits and pedophiles. Then those rapists and pedophiles get away with their crimes because their victims (often female) are too ashamed and terrified to speak up about their abuse because by purity culture standards, it was their fault that they got raped. It's fucking bullshit. This shit is so fucking traumatizing it leads a lot of kids and young adults to suicide and I was almost one of them. I felt SO MUCH guilt and shame about my sexuality and my body as a teen. Every time I looked at porn I would feel a giant wave of guilt wash over me and it was miserable. And on top of that I always felt like I was never pretty enough for anyone because my family would throw in a healthy dose of fat shaming in with the purity culture BS.

TLDR: Purity Culture is killing children and young people and is creating rapists and pedos. I'm traumatized from Purity Culture 😔


Nick Fuentes talking about women is bizarre, it just feels like he just memorized a couple of right wing talking points without even knowing what they mean cause thats not his field of interest. But maybe he just replaces women with cat boys in his mind...


I love that Fuentes is comfy saying all that with his entire chest. What a freak


A example of that weird ownership over women is how traditionally during weddings, the father walks his daughter down the walkway as if giving her to whom she is marrying


My sister is 18 and she is still a little baby girl in my eyes. I can't imagine wanting a 16 year old. They are like new borns.
Just creepy these men are just creepy.

The only time I found 16 year olds attractive is when I was myself 15-17 years old.


I think a great way to discourage sex-pestering is to simply increase the overall sex positivity in the world. It would especially help if we didn't shame self-pleasure, erotic art and stories, and the overall general idea of people needing and seeking out basic sexual validation. Nobody owes you sex, but everyone deserves to receive love in whatever ways their particular brains are built to need.


1:25 there we have it: if Christian men would learn how to bottom, the problems of this world would be solved!


“Girls mature faster then boys”; I have a whole new outlook on this quote.


Yikes this “women age like milk” line from Fuentes reminds me form some incel like lines I have seen floating on the internet. The “women age like milk but men age like wine”. Like wow there was so much misogyny and insecurity (need to put someone down) that it would take ages to unpack.


Necessary segments from DemonMama, as usual


Great segment, Demon Mama. I agree completely. And I'm so thankful that I wasn't raised in this culture myself. Growing up around creepy older men is bad enough without religion being mixed into it.


I have had many bad sexual experiences due to growing up in the AUB, a Mormon polygamist cult, and from living in Montana for the past 20+ years. Being a girl and a woman in these spaces is the worst, and makes you extremely vulnerable to predation, something I have encountered and endured a lot of in my life. As a trans man, I had to really change my entire brain to even begin to live a normal and healthy life, due to all the abnormal programming. It took a long time to understand what really happened to me, and recognize that it wasn't my fault. Consent is extremely important, and sexual education is extremely important. I think you explained the importance of these things very well.

I would like to add that bad sex is common for these reasons, and sex is bad for everyone, because of the extreme patriarchy of it. Women's (or people who have a vagina) anatomy in the context of sex and sexuality has not been taken seriously or studied until about 2 decades ago, such is the hatred for all that is feminine. It makes sex worse than bad. To uphold this extreme patriarchy, and refuse to allow this knowledge to be disseminated within our society, is downright fascist and should always be spoken against.

Anyway, I hope I am being at least somewhat coherent. Another excellent video of yours Mama. ❤️


this might be a hot take, but i think nick fuentes is kind of gross.


It's telling we are taught the 10 commandments (very outdated BTW) and not the beatitudes in Christianity. You'd think because of Jesus, we'd learn about more of that. Buddisim is looking more and more appealing, as agnosticism hasn't enriched my life, and atheism is too heavy for me, as I believe in an afterlife, just not heaven or hell.


Nick "I want to drink the milk straight from the tap" Fuentes


Matt Walsh has shared these views and Republicans rejected a bill that would outlaw child marriage and even defended child marriage 😒


I can never take Nick seriously when he looks like he's forcing himself to like women when he'd rather date his cat boys.


How convenient that God is one of the lads
