Psychometry Divining Miracle Power For Inanimate Objects

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Psychometry is a psychic ability in which a person can sense or "read" the history of an object by touching it. Such a person can receive impressions from an object by holding it in his/her hands or, alternatively, touching it to the forehead. Such impressions can be perceived as images, sounds, smells, tastes and even emotions.

A person who has psychometric abilities--a psychometrist--can hold an antique glove and tell something about the history of that glove, the person who owned it, or about the experiences that person had while in the possession of that glove. The psychic may be able to sense what the person was like, what they did, or how they died. Perhaps most important, the psychic can sense how the person felt at a particular time. Emotions in particular, are most strongly "recorded" in the object.

The psychic may not be able to do this with all objects at all times and, as with all psychic abilities, accuracy can vary.

All objects, no matter how solid they appear, are porous, containing small or even minute holes. These minute crevices in the object's surface collect minute fragments of the mental aura of the person possessing the object. Since the brain generates the aura then something worn near the head would transmit better vibrations."

"Psychometry - Psychic Gifts Explained" likens the ability to a tape recorder, since our bodies give off magnetic energy fields. "If an object has been passed on down the family, it will contain information about its previous owners. The psychic can then be thought of as a tape player, playing back the information stored on the object."

Here's how you can try it yourself:

Choose a location that is quiet and as free of noises and distractions as possible.

Sit in a relaxed position with your eyes closed. Rest your hands in your lap with your palms facing up.

With your eyes remaining closed, ask someone to place an object in your hands. The person should not say anything; in fact, it's best if there are several people in the room and you don't know who the person is giving you the object. The object should be something the person has had in his/her possession for a long time. Many researchers believe that objects made of metal are best, theorizing that they have a better "memory."

Be still... as images and feelings come into your mind, speak them aloud. Don't try to process the impressions you get. Say whatever you see, hear, feel or otherwise sense as you hold the object.

Don't judge your impressions. These impressions may be strange and meaningless to you, but they might be of significance to the owner of the object. Also, some impressions will be vague and others might be quite detailed. Don't edit--speak them all.

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Psychometry is a super fascinating subject. People are experiencing psychometry and they have no clue that that's what they're experiencing.

Alternate Universe Reality Activation get full access to new meditations, new lectures, recordings from the reality con and the 90 day AURA meditation schedule


When I was a kid, I could pick up someone’s pen & write exactly like them for a few minutes before it faded. Thanks Brian for reminding me of that fun experience!


Love your voice and your content. Could listen all day


I was JUST thinking about to read a book instead of listening to this audio... ans then u talk about read a book... woooow
Good thing I’m listening to this audio. And yes... I will read that book.... I have sooo many I bought and dint even open... But I will start again.. with this one of today’s thought... Tak Brian
Endless 🙏🏼


Yes Brian, psychometry works, even for those who think they are not psychic at all, or don't beleive it. I've been in several group settings/classes for this training purpose, and many were surprised just how accurate their impressions turned out to be.


This is another skill taught by Silva life intuition method.

It is amazing to see that when you tap into this psychometry, you can easily see visions and feel clues as to where this object has been even generationally down through someone’s life.

I practiced this.


Hii Brian, really wonderful discussion... I have this very weird experience very often, I usually dismissed it, but now it makes sense after listening to you... Whenever I used someone else's pen or pencil and wrote something, I feel like it has memory and to my surprise, some of the letters I wrote would match to that of the owner... I usually wouldn't write the letters that way, but one or two letters I would end up writing like the previous user of the pen... It always kept me thinking why.... I knew there was something to it, I completely get it now.... Beautiful ❤️


Some times I think that object chooses us !!; ; seems sometimes objects call to you to get you to notice them !; Brian I’m serious 🧐


This explains my obsession with antique stores. I can feel the stories. And it seems like I’m always drawn to certain objects, like there was a story that was dying to be heard.


This always happens to me. And everywhere I live is different. It also happens a lot when I stay in hotels, they usually make me super uneasy and I'll find it hard to sleep. Which became less of a surprise when a hotel manager I once worked for told me that suicides and other violent things are rather common in hotel rooms, pretty much everywhere from average to very very posh (hotels). And I've found that moving from Australia to Spain, the level of uneasiness in some places has increased, and I assume it's because of the lengthier scale of significant historical events of a possibly more malicious nature. I don't know. I've also started having images flash into my mind a lot lately. I say lately, but it might be that I've just never paid much attention before. It's all very interesting. Great episode. Thank you.


This one is an other interesting and amazing topics ... thank you BRIAN infinitely... you are one of my great teachers ever .... much love and light sending your way. 🥰❤👏👏💜💐


I didn't know you had a book shop, but it's obvious from your content you have had access to some very interesting books. Jeesh I'd like to have a look around your shop.


When my late mom and I were living at this rented house, I had flashes of an Indian lady crying. After we moved out of the house, I found out that there used to be an Indian couple living there before us. The husband died of a heart attack, and for days the wife cried before finally moving out.


Hey boss i can do this when I try but also I have things along with this weird stuff happening you know and I’m young so I’ve been told it’s good that I’m leaning quickly but there’s other gifts I would like to learn about is there anything else I could contact you on something more private if possible if not it’s all good I can figure it out it would just help just like this so I can see you saw it and maybe if you are open to wanting to talk to me about it let me know how I can talk to you about it


Brian, my man.. awesome work as usual. Thank you! Is there any way for you to publish the transcripts of your recordings? It will be very helpful to go through them after watching your videos to highlight the specific parts and file them for later use.


Old instruments, antique jewelry and oddly enough doorknobs give me powerful impressions!!! Jewelry is neat because of the nostalgic sense of deja-vu, like the loving memories of the soul that once cherished the object is still attached to it! Doorknobs are tricky, because of the myriad of energies that people leave behind...
But Musical Instruments are my favorite! So many guitars have amazingly good energy. I think that it's a combination of things, but mostly, it's the feeling of playing something that ignites the mind, body & soul!!! The feeling of playing a song that you love for the first time! Playing something improvised that is from your soul and falling in love with how much fun it is to play something that sounds cool that you made! And the biggest of them all is performing and the good vibrations flowing from you, through your fingers, into and out of the guitar (or instrument) to be heard, felt, interpreted, loved, danced along with and then reciprocated in positive energy directed back at you and the vibrations, harmonies, melodies, rhythms, mood, groove permeating everyone and everything as one living entity, like the entire thing is a collectively shared consciousness!!!
Not one single antique (or not) guitar is the same as another!
It's incredible how they all inspire me to play something different every time I pick them up, especially when I pick them up for the first time and I clear my mind and let it guide my fingers, movements, mood, feelings, rhythmic motions... it's truly magical and like nothing I've ever experienced with anything else! I have written a ton of songs on old guitars that I had played for the first time. Some have a lot more to give than others, but I can always find something that I would normally have never thought to play! The flip-side is also real... I have hesitated to pick up certain guitars and quickly realized why. Nausea, depression, unwanted thoughts, deep sadness, anxiety and strange negative feelings... yuck. That's all I have to say about that. I prefer to think about, remember and recall the good experiences and feelings that I had from POSITIVELY MELODICALLY, HARMONICALLY & RHYTHMICALLY SYNERGIZED, LOVE & LIGHT IMBUED INSTRUMENTS THAT REACHED DEEP WITHIN MY SOUL TO BRING TO LIFE BEAUTIFULLY BLOSSOMING PREVIOUSLY UNDISCOVERED MUSIC THAT IS AUTHENTICALLY ORIGINAL AND UNIQUELY MAGNIFICENT SOUNDS THAT CAPTURE AND EXPRESS THE ESSENCE OF MY HEART AND SOUL AND INSPIRE EXCITEMENT, JOY, LOVE, PEACE, WELLBEING, COMPASSION, GRATITUDE, GENEROSITY, GOODWILL AND PROSPERITY IN MYSELF AND ALL THAT HEAR


I want to learn more especially about creating Good Luck/Prosperity objects.


Is this a book you are reading from? I would love to read more of it. Could you please let me know?
Thank you so Much Brian.... You have really expanded and helped me search more into the universe and everything metaphysical.


I was watching an NDE video recently by a German lady who was unable to use certain pillows after her NDE because when she laid her head on the pillows, she could "feel the pain of the geese that had their feathers stolen." She was unable to wear some of her clothes because she could feel the suffering of the children who made them, and even her wooden floors gave her vivid pictures in her mind. She ended up giving away most of her things and divorcing her husband because he could not understand it :(
I have always loved old houses and antiques because I just get a certain feeling that I can't explain. i live in an 80 year old house and it is the only time in my life I have ever really felt 'at home." I guess I now know why :)


I feel more the consciousness of the time the object first belonged to. Egyptian rooms in museums are overflowing with magic and enchantment of a specific kind for example. I think books are particularly potent because they contain entire worlds and interface very intimately with each person who dives into them, so each interaction with a person creates a new reality construct.
