⚠️TW⚠️ #pov Medusa tells Athena what happened in her temple. #shorts #greekmythology #acting

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Let’s admit it, we feel bad for Medusa for what she went though


I thought about it and what I think is Medusa having sneak head was a feeling inside her or any other SA victim of feeling impure and ugly and trapped in the cage inside their own body.

2. Her eye contact making people become stone means she shut everyone out thinking all are same no one was there for her when she asked for help hence shutting everyone out.

3. Perseus killed her with sword and put her head on shield that time a pure white horse with wings came out of her cut throat.

4.the warrior was herself defeating her inner self which make her feel impure, stained.

5.the white horse with wings was her again feeling pure like the colour white and the wings was her symbol for freedom from the all time guilt she felt that it was her fault which isn't.

6. As the shield has her head symbolises that she may have been wronged once because she was innocent but she is now strong and won't let it happen again.

7. As she asked the goddess for help it symbolises the society which only gossips but do nothing when you ask for help instead curse at you for something which isn't ur fault.

So when I think of this in perspective of feelings this story makes more sense 🤔.


I can't read it cause the subscribe button is in the way, but I read the title and know what it is. I'm a mythology nerd.


I have an idea for a vid! so basically (the song goes like “am i going crazy, would i even know?”) Wonka’s factory opens again and veruca salt’s daughter, celia gets a golden ticket and veruca’s mind is telling her not to go after what happened to her.


Athena was the one who turned her into the Gorgon tho, she didn't feel sympathy towards Medusa, she felt betrayed by her.


I always read it as a sort of protection for Medusa. Like yes, Athena can be cruel, but her actions never end up being completely callous and cold. Think Arachne--was Athena angry? Yes. Jealous? Definitely. But in the end she was merciful (in her own way) and brought Arachne back to weave webs forever. Poseidon is definitely not the worst on Olympus, and once you catch the eye of a god like that, there's nothing that can stop them from ruining your life over and over and over again. So I always saw it as Athena protecting Medusa from the gods and allowing her to enact vengeance on others who might wish to harm her.


Accurate depiction of Athena and Medusa and love the video never stop❤️❤️❤️


Honestly it kind of depends on which version you read of it. There's a lot of versions that make it sound like Athena tried to help Medusa by making her be able to defend herself by becoming a monster... So again it depends on what version you read and obviously the message is going to be a very different thing it's going to be essentially punishing someone for a crime that wasn't theirs or trying to further protect someone from that crime happening again


She doesn't find out she just catches them in her temple.


Omg I'm so early! I'm usually never early BC I live in Australia, but yay!

I just wanted to say you're amazing at acting, absolutely beautiful, and have a gorgeous voice too ♥️


If you have heard this theory before, there is this one where it says that Athena turned Medusa to what she was today to protect her from predators ever again.


" i might kill Poseidon"
Poseidon : " I'm a god so no, you can't 👁️👄👁️


You are so creative and amazing with your videos keep up the amazing work and you are so awesome at your content in your videos


Athena catches Poseidon and Medusa in the temple, she gave her the curse as both protection and a punishment. She hated Poseidon and he hates her, but she can’t do anything to hurt her uncle. She probably gave Medusa the curse to take a shot at Poseidon because she took his lover away, but she could’ve also gave it to her to stop anyone from ever taking advantage of her again.


Not me singing along 🎶🎼🎤🎤🎤🎤 and btw love the acting !


I read a version I LOVED that said Athena turned her into Medusa to protect her from being raped again. She would turn to stone any that would do her harm with a single gaze and that she chose to become a monster essentially because she internalized her trauma instead of moving forward and ended up a monster, alone and hateful.


i’m the original story medusa was born a gorgon
in the version that came after athena was helping her
and then the one where athena cursed her came


I heard a different story, I still feel horrible for Medusa as she never deserved what happened to her, but Athena ACTUALLY did help her, now the story was that when the thing happened to Medusa Athena “punished her” and the reason Poseidon did this was because he was mad or sm, and when Athena turned her into a lady who would only turn men into stone it, it was to make sure that she never had to experience that pain ever again. So whenever she makes eye contact with a man he can’t and never will be able to lay hands on her again as they will never be able to move again


the way I heard it Athena “cursed” her to make sure any man that ever does that to her would be turned to stone by looking at the snakes on her head. And now she has thought to be evil because she turned maybe people into stone not on purpose. She an an absolute queen for being able to go through all that and will never be a monster to me.


There is multiple versions of the medusa tale. One is that she is rap3d by Poseidon and others that she laid down by herself, others that she was transformed into a monster in the intention of be protected and others as a punishment (the version the tiktok uses), and the one who is most plausible for me that she was always a monster cause she was the Gorgon queen and had two gorgon sisters, Euryale and Stheno
