How I Organize My Fabric Stash, Scraps, & Projects

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In this video, I share how I declutter, organize new fabric, process scraps, and store projects. Take a closer look at my stash and hear my thought process when it comes to organizing fabric and making room in my sewing space.

#aquiltingtale #fabricorganization #stashorganization #scraporganization #fabric #projectorganization #decluttersewingspace #decluttering #mountscrapmore

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Table of Contents
00:00 Intro
02:05 Decluttering
03:53 Stash Organization
22:43 Scrap Organization
38:54 Project Organization
43:33 Final Thoughts

Music (from the YouTube Audio Library):

"Bottle of Something" by Track Tribe

"Everything You Wanted" by Dan Lebowitz

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Image by BiZkettE1 on Freepik
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Thank you for all these scrap and fabric organizing ideas. I did my entire collection in February. Redid my storage closet and everything. It was an ordeal! After 22+ years of quilting, and collecting fabrics, you can imagine what I had to do. I invested in a couple dozen different sized bins 22 quart and smaller. I sorted all my larger than scrap sized fabrics in my cubed shelving by coler and value. I reall love being able to see all the colors!The smaller fabrics were cut to sizes of jelly strips, and charms. I dont use the 10" layer size often, so I didnt bother cutting anything that size. Because I use 6 1/2" squares for one of my favorite patterns, there is a pile of those in the charm size bin. I was surprised to see that I have an entire 20 qt bin of orphan blocks. Im still considering what to make with those. Hotpads? It too me two weeks to get my Happy Place squared away. I cant emphasize enough just how good it feels to work in a tidy space.


Super helpful. I started getting into quilting about 6 months ago, after being exclusive involved in journal making for several years. I have only half of a 10x14 room and 1 closet available, so space is tight. And a lot of my fabric was from dressmaking projects from my dear mom, much of which is not suitable for quilts and needs to be separated from the cottons. So this tutorial was a godsend. Thank you SO MUCH!!!


This was very helpful. I do sort by color, but had trouble with colorful prints. I love the idea of filing by background fabric. Scraps have been difficult for me to handle. Love your ideas for cutting them down and the storage for them. Thank you.


Great organization of all of your fabrics!


Thank you so much for leaving the message for Oma in the video. It brought back so many happy Oma visit memories. We lost Oma last year after many visits to her grandchildren! ❤


Great organizing Fallen! Very similar to the way I organize my fabrics


I’m impressed how organized you are, with that gorgeous stuff and mainly considering you haven’t a big sewing room as it would be expected. Thank you for sharing.


I use the same plastic tubs. I find that they are much easier to open and close. Great idea💡 on the decorative boxes.


Thanks so much for all the great ideas...I especially liked the idea of putting your future quilt fabric and pattern in a storage box so it's all ready to go when you want to start your project.


Thanks for sharing your organization!! I like how you have patterns sorted by precut sizes!! 🧵🪡✂️💕👍🏻


Love your fabric stash! Good ideas, too!


I just ran across this as I was organizing a basket of scraps. Your advice made sense to me and helped me figure out where to put various colors in my scraps baskets😊


So glad I found your channel...I love watching and learning...thanks so much


I have multiple of these totes. They work very well. I am in process if putting labels and deciding how I want them stacked in my new closet. Great tutorial. Careful when pressing with your wool mat on your mat. The heat can warp your mat. I like crumbs so my little pieces go into a little basket I keep one inch but not smaller. Sometimes i want my strips so I use the stripology ruler. Going to check how I folded my larger pieces of fabric and see if I am close to how you folded yours. I like my fold on top for neatness and find I have less shedding of the threads if those edges are hidden


Thank you very much for sharing your organization. As to your back hurting cause you’re cutting on the dining room table, I recommend that you look for leg risers and put it closer to counter height. Or cut on your counter if you can get a little spot. Maybe out in your storage area you could get a folding 2 x 4 table that can be Height adjustable and you can raise it to counter high and cut it there. be easy on your body. It was very interesting. Your organization and how well organized you are. Right now I’m going to 2025 as a no buy because I am being overwhelmed with my fabric. I can only buy fabric if it has a purpose for a specific project and not just buy it cause it’s beautiful. I have plenty of backgrounds already in my stash and plenty of fat quarters. I do love, crumb, quilting, and scrap quilting.


I found your organization tips very helpful, especially how you sort multicolor fabric. Thanks!


So funny. I use similar tubs, store my overflow in the garage in a craft cabinet my couch! 😅


Good morning! Brenda from conquering mount scrapmore sent me.🎉


BTW great organization. Was just wondering about the above question. New subscriber here.


I need to put my yardage in tubs, I have the shoebox size plastic boxes and they are too small- thank you for sharing❤
